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2025-26 deer season change wish list

In direct response to all those who want to do away with party hunting...

My 2025-26 Wishlist:

Zero deer hunting allowed during the month of November, to not interfere with the rut, while deer are at their most vulnerable.
In direct response to all those who want to do away with party hunting...

My 2025-26 Wishlist:

Zero deer hunting allowed during the month of November, to not interfere with the rut, while deer are at their most vulnerable.

Hahahhahahaahhahahha!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep!!! Everyone is a full blown revolutionary fighting for change until it in their apple pie.. i don’t know if thats even a term any more but it should be!!! We all should count our blessings and be happy every now and then!! And for my commi friends “viva la revolutíon”. Good luck!! sorry kamala and bernie and chè castro mao and stalin and the rest aren’t here to “help” the cause any longer. Maybe salina gomez will put out a heartfelt commi crying tic tock video for you

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Are you guys against “group hunting” or the sharing of tags? Party hunting is defined as the sharing of tags, not groups and pushes. At least according to the local CO. As long as you have a valid license, you can participate in the hunt. Late muzzy group pushes/hunts are fine, you just can’t shoot if you’ve used your tag.
Are you guys against “group hunting” or the sharing of tags? Party hunting is defined as the sharing of tags, not groups and pushes. At least according to the local CO. As long as you have a valid license, you can participate in the hunt. Late muzzy group pushes/hunts are fine, you just can’t shoot if you’ve used your tag.
Very good point!! It’s not clear to every CO. We asked a few this year. The issue came up when we asked about non residents group hunting with residents. Their answer was well if you have no tag what exactly are you doing out here with a gun if you can’t party hunt and you no longer have a tag? Even though technically the burden of proof would fall on the state to prove you were deer hunting without a license you would get a ticket and have to go to court and have to prove them wrong. If you look at the turkey regs although you are allowed to help or participate if you have a license you are not allowed to have a gun after your tag is filled. Hard to say what the rules would be if party hunting is eliminated. There were a few other examples brought up to. If you are spotlighting at night and they happen to find a bullet in your vehicle you probably will get a ticket no matter what your intentions are. I’d say it’s a pretty 50/50 split in general on whether people are against group hunting or party hunting and some obviously both. On here I actually think most are just against party hunting. Throughout the state it’s not as clear.

I’ve been pulled over during gun season before since I was wearing blaze orange just to have my license checked. I’d hate to know what would have happened if I didn’t have one. My point is we could all say we weren’t hunting or intending to shoot or whatever but that doesn’t necessarily get you out of a ticket and a court date.
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Are you guys against “group hunting” or the sharing of tags? Party hunting is defined as the sharing of tags, not groups and pushes. At least according to the local CO. As long as you have a valid license, you can participate in the hunt. Late muzzy group pushes/hunts are fine, you just can’t shoot if you’ve used your tag.
Most are opposed to party hunting which is a group sharing tags. If a group of 5 hunters each have a tag and each person kills a deer, it's ok. If that same group of hunters each have a tag and they kill 5 deer, but maybe a couple of the hunters just weren't in the right place and another in the group was, this group is not liked by many hunters for the way they hunt.
Even though technically the burden of proof would fall on the state to prove you were deer hunting without a license you would get a ticket and have to go to court and have to prove them wrong. If you look at the turkey regs although you are allowed to help or participate if you have a license you are not allowed to have a gun after your tag is filled.

Nowhere does it say that your license expires when the tag is filled. The license itself is good until the end of the season so there is no “hunting without a license”. They could charge you with taking game without a tag if they thought that was the case. Agreed, not carrying a weapon would help with any questions tho.

There is no season for anything in the regs that requires you to hunt by yourself. Thats where the issues are going to come from.
Totally correct!! (Technically) What we were told is we do not want to put the CO in a position to determine what the tagless non resident was doing. Way too many scenarios for them to have to go through to determine it may have been legal. Non resident may have been “assisting” a group but if the CO only saw the non resident and didn’t see another group member what happens then? Lots of other scenarios were given too. Did you raise your gun to avoid an obstacle or did I see you aim at a deer? If I were to go out during late muzzleloader season wearing blaze orange and carrying a muzzleloader with a valid license but no tag there would most definitely be some questions asked. Again, could be totally legal but you are without a doubt going to be put in a situation where it could be very hard to defend what you were doing.

We all have to remember that the regs listed in the reg book are not necessarily a complete list or a perfect interpretation of the law. In reality if a CO says you are in violation you pretty much are until you get the chance to prove otherwise. Doesn’t really matter if you point at a reg book and say but but but…. Eventually you get the chance to prove your case to a judge and even they rely on more than just a simple reading of the reg book to determine what to do. Definitely not something anybody wants to waste their time with
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Are you guys against “group hunting” or the sharing of tags? Party hunting is defined as the sharing of tags, not groups and pushes. At least according to the local CO. As long as you have a valid license, you can participate in the hunt. Late muzzy group pushes/hunts are fine, you just can’t shoot if you’ve used your tag.
As stated, I believe 'they' are opposed to the sharing of tags within the hunting party, and all party members being able to hunt until the last tag is filled.

I also believe 'they' are opposed to the post and push, ambush style group tactics typically used by party (shotgun) hunters, as opposed to standard stealth style solo tactics typically used by individual (archery) hunters. (For a multitude of reasons.)

It's pretty much the exact same conversation rehashed every single year. Just different participants from time to time.
Everybody is pretty quick to comment on a social media post about the slob gun hunter/party hunter ect that whacked two bucks last year. Very few ever think of the previous 10+ years he spent the majority of his season trying to help others get a buck and freely offered up his tag. Not everybody is an overnight success even tho it appears that way to some. Many people against party hunting have never freely and gladly offered up their tag and effort to help others.
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