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We use to have a percentage of hunters that didn’t care about antlers or growing “booners” and that was ok. We still had plenty of deer to hunt. Now today, you’re the OutKast if you don’t kill a 5.5 year old 170 “ deer. The hunting world has made it a giant competition, hence why we’re not all on the same page. If you don’t own and manage 300+ acres of land, you don’t have a seat at the table for what is right for Iowa’s deer herd. Iowa, you use to be able to knock on a door and get permission. When I was going to Iowa state and hunting around Boone, I had a 50-60% success rate on gaining access, that was 15 years ago. Today, not a chance in hell a college student is having that kind of success gaining access to just hunt. I moved to southern iowa back in 2016, since moving down here; I’ve lost access to more farms to hunt that i can even count purely based off someone with more money wanted to hunt the farm more than me.Can you expand on that ? I thought the first half of your comment made sense, then you added in trophy hunting & antlers to the reason things have gone downhill?
How have hunters being more selective or passing up bucks hurt hunting, as opposed to shooting the first deer you see, or brown it’s down ? Just curious …
You tell me, how any of this is good for our sport? It all circles back to the craze for “big deer”. Guys on this exact forum, are leasing land just to keep people from hunting their fence rows on farms they own for deer hunting. Those exact farms they are paying money to lease, they aren’t even stepping foot on in some cases, they just don’t want other people to have a chance to kill one of their deer.
I lease farms, because it’s my last ditch opportunity to take my 8 year old daughter hunting. After that, it’s fishing full time I guess and that really sucks.