I hadn't paid much attention to my bags of accorns for the past month or so. I got them out of the refrigerator yesterday to find that one the bags had just started to develope a light layer of mold on many of the accorns!I got them out, rinced and wiped off the mold. I then re-packed in new soil in new bags. So, my quetion is, has the mold already done the damage or might they make it?
Another question. Out of about 100 accorns in two bags, only about 5 or 6 had split. I also have a bag with 4 American Chestnut and one of them has sprouted with a 3 inch root. Is this a bad sign that only a few have cracked or sprouted?
Is see that Bryan95 has alread started planting them, when are the rest of you going to start?
I've got a south facing hillside on my new property in Iowa that is around 6 acres. It is hay ground right now, but it is hard to get to, and maybe a good candidate for CRP.
I was thinking of a riparian buffer on the bottom half, and then WHIP/trees and maybe switchgrass on the remainder.
What oak trees do the best on a south facing hillside (around 39 CSR) soils are average, should have full sun.
Are you using peat for the mix in the acorns? It will do the best against mold cause of the low pH.
What kind of acorns do you have? Red oaks can take a while to break dormancy and go at their own pace where some break dormancy faster than others.
White oak acorns should have already cracked open if they are good...unless you got them fresh from the tree and stored them right at freezing.
I am using Miracle Grow potting soil. They are swamp whites and I collected them from a tree that I checked every day and popped some from the cups when they got loose. I float tested them and got them in the potting soil right away in the fridge.I'm not sure what I did wrong except for maybe not checking them for the last month. Should I error on the side of too damp or too dry with the soil?
Should these be trimmed down to just one sprout per acorn?