Taken from B&C's website:
"Fern Spaulding was hunting with her dad, Larry Rivers, in May of 2006 when she downed this outstanding Alaska brown bear with a 32-yard shot from a .375 H&H. At only 10 years old, she likely weighed less than half of the hide alone, which weighed 197 lbs.
Email rumors had this bear scoring 33-1/16. The World's Record, taken by Roy Lindsley on Kodiak Island in 1952, scores 30-12/16.
The true score is finally known. This bear has been officially measured at 29-1/16, which is still an incredible trophy, and exceeds the 28-inch All-Time minimum by a healthy margin. The bear's hide "squared" 11' 8" according to Larry. Congratulations to Fern for taking an exceptional trophy!"