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Got my brassicas plant July 23, 09 and the mix included the following from Welter Seed
I planted the mix at 5#'s per acre and closer to 8#s of the oilseed radish but I would mention there is no real need to plant ALL of those. Any combination of rape and turnips will give one feed well into the new year between the forage rape and the turnip roots.
I had an old clover plot that was becoming over run with brome, so I seized the oppurtunity to make use of the nitogen from the clover and kill off the grasses at the same time.
Clover is tough to kill with roundup but easily killed with tillage so I nuked the field with 2 quarts of roundup and a quart per acre of crop oil concentrate and still the clover didn't exactly keel over...
***CAUTION*** remember NOT to use 2-4D just before planting brassicas because residual effects will kill the emerging brassicas.
The grasses however were toast and that was my main concern
I got out the big guns to break up the heavy sod
Then tilled all of the plots with my rear time tiller
and then spread 200#'s pf 6-28-28 and 150-200#'s of 46-0-0 urea and re-tilled that in
Then broadcasted the tiny seed with a small hand seeder closed down to the very smallest opening to keep from over seeding.
The oilseed radish seed is a hair bigger then the rape and turnip seed but I mixed it all together and it went thru just fine.
After seeding I ran the cultipacker over everything to cover the seed and firm the seedbed, leaving it looking like this
It was a long day and the sun was setting when I finished, tired and sore and happy as a lark! :way:
Dwarf Essex Rape Seed
Purple Top Turnips
Appin forage turnip
Barkant Forage Turnip
Barnapoli Rape Seed
Pasja Hybrid Brassica
Oilseed Radish
I planted the mix at 5#'s per acre and closer to 8#s of the oilseed radish but I would mention there is no real need to plant ALL of those. Any combination of rape and turnips will give one feed well into the new year between the forage rape and the turnip roots.
I had an old clover plot that was becoming over run with brome, so I seized the oppurtunity to make use of the nitogen from the clover and kill off the grasses at the same time.
Clover is tough to kill with roundup but easily killed with tillage so I nuked the field with 2 quarts of roundup and a quart per acre of crop oil concentrate and still the clover didn't exactly keel over...
***CAUTION*** remember NOT to use 2-4D just before planting brassicas because residual effects will kill the emerging brassicas.
The grasses however were toast and that was my main concern
I got out the big guns to break up the heavy sod
Then tilled all of the plots with my rear time tiller
and then spread 200#'s pf 6-28-28 and 150-200#'s of 46-0-0 urea and re-tilled that in
Then broadcasted the tiny seed with a small hand seeder closed down to the very smallest opening to keep from over seeding.
The oilseed radish seed is a hair bigger then the rape and turnip seed but I mixed it all together and it went thru just fine.
After seeding I ran the cultipacker over everything to cover the seed and firm the seedbed, leaving it looking like this
It was a long day and the sun was setting when I finished, tired and sore and happy as a lark! :way: