I am a landowner and a serious deer hunter. I take a tremendous amount of pride in my property and spend countless amount of time and energy in habitat improvement and providing good hunting for my family. I do not own the deer that pass through my property or spend time on my land. I believe all hunters have the right to enjoy hunting as I do. My question to other hunters is, I am confused by what rights I have as a landowner. I do not want coyote dogs on my land. I have dogs running my property sometimes 4-5 days on some weeks and never go a week without dogs running my land. During bow season I have dogs constantly running and barking all over my property, and have deer running all over my timber. The enjoyment of sitting on stand while dogs are barking and running my timber has ruined countless days of my bowhunting. I have been told by coyote dog hunters their dogs can't read signs. I have been told they can't help that their dogs end up on my land because they released them 1 mile away and they just end up on my land. I have also had dogs hung up on my property and the coyote hunters went on my land to retrieve their dogs. I was told the law reads that they have a right to retrieve their property (which their dogs are) if they are on my land. I am confused as to what rights an actual property owner has. It really seems this is a serious situation that is totally unfair. Would really like to hear opinions of other hunters that have been faced with similar situations.