<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sligh1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">dbltree, I'd recommend calling Matt Rush with the DNR- his # is on page 1. He's very involved with this and could give you more insight on how best to get involved. A select few phone calls from folks like you would be fine. If you do, please post your thoughts/findings. (I spoke with him a few days ago). thanks </div></div>
I'm just thinking we need to a whole lot higher up the ladder (no offense to Matt but this is a a busy time of year for CO's)
I'd sure like to hear Willies thoughts on this...
willie.suchy@dnr.iowa.gov (Wildlife Research Leader) 515 281-4815
richard.leopold@dnr.iowa.gov (IDNR Director) 515/281-5385
Farmers regard them as nothing more then vermin and it's going to be a tough sell to get this changed IMO... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
I do think we should clarify this a little (unless I'm missing something) these are NOT depredationpermits but rather are shooting permits, which are only issued in very severe situations.
They are issued at the disgression of the biologists working that area.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style='font-size: 17pt'>What is the difference between depredation licenses and shooting permits?</span>
Depredation licenses.
Depredation licenses are issued to individual hunters who have permission to hunt on the landowner’s property.
These licenses are issued for a specific season and will be valid for
antlerless deer only. They cost the same as other antlerless deer licenses, $12 each.
If the producer signs a depredation agreement they will receive a set of authorization numbers for their property. Each authorization number allows a hunter to purchase an antlerless license which will be valid on the producer’s land.
The depredation licenses may also be used on adjacent land if the adjacent landowner gives the hunter permission. Hunters may obtain up to three depredation licenses initially.
If they harvest a deer they can obtain one additional license for each deer taken. They will need to get an authorization number from the producer for each additional license.
2. Shooting permits.
Shooting permits are issued to landowners or their designees in situations where substantial
damage is occurring before a hunting season opens and action needs to be taken immediately.
These permits are issued for a specific length of time and can only be used outside of the hunting season. These permits may be issued for either sex of deer depending upon the type of damage being done.
<span style="color: #FF0000">
Antlered deer may need to be killed to prevent damage even though this will not control the population. </span>
Producers will however be encouraged to use the shooting permits for antlerless deer.
All deer killed must be recovered and the meat processed for consumption. The landowner or his designee may keep the meat or
they can donate the deer to a HUSH locker.
The producer should check with the locker to make arrangements to take deer outside of the hunting season.
All antlers from deer taken using these permits will be turned over to a DNR officer and disposed of according to DNR rules.
There is a $2 fee ($1 for
HUSH and $1 writing fee) for these permits </div></div>
You can read the whole thing by clicking on this link:
Wildlife Damage and then open the Wildlife Damage Management - Options for Producers PDF file.
I think it will clarify some questions........