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Digital Home Brew

I've located an olympus at office depot for 87.00, now if I decide to buy it, where can I find the wiring diagrams? I haven't seen the plans for the 380 on Jesse's page. Is it similiar to his plans? Any help is appreciated,


Well damn, thats a good price. They have anymore? If so, go buy them, i want one.
Yes, the plan are one jesses. go into the forums, you have to be a registured user. Then go to the game cam forum. Also visit, www.hagshouse.com
I should have mentioned that the Office Depot is in Lafayette, Louisiana. Yes, they do have them in stock.
Bullwinkle,you probably can't concentrate with that squirrel flying around your head!

Is your buddy ROCKY any relation to the squirrel that flies in the video at this website????

If you go to www.PixController.com it will show you how to hard wire the Olympus D-370 and D-380 Digitals.

That part is a piece of cake.

Jesse's will show you how to make an X10 motion sensor go with an X10 opto board which is produced by Hag's House of Home Brew Savings and a X10 PIC chip programmed by Brian Gennings.

If you go to PIX they will have boards for digital cameras that have diagrams also.
Big Timber,

When I was trying to buy my Olympus, they were all going for around $125 plus shipping.You could possibly sell some on ebay to make enough profit for a free system.Just a thought.
Thanks a lot for the help. I'll let you know how it goes. Now, I need a few beers and a lot of time.
Wish me luck,

I have added two pics of my last one in my gallery. Check them out, may help you in planning your.
Good luck
He was a close cousin that Rocky misses very much. Now, watch me pull a rabbit out of my a**.(hat).

Have everything wired but the camera till it gets here.If I hook up anine volt battery to this unit, should the ultra bright led light up?Or does the camera have to be wired also to complete circuit?It's the x10 board with brians chip.

I put a battery on it but nothing happens.Checked led, it's okay,battery not too strong,can hold tongue on it.Do you think this is the problem??It's probably at 40% on the tongue shock scale.
Which ciruit did you use for your setup. I had a problem with the first x-10 circuit I built. It wasn't working but then I realized that I needed one of the resistor dip switches on for the sensor to work. If you built the x-10 with hags board check that out.
Another question, why replace the red led with the ultra bright?I would think the ultra would consume more power.
You must have Hags, newer opto board. It has a pot instead of a dip switch. trust me the ultra bright led is the way to go. You can see that baby through the ffrensel that way. One less whole to cut into the enclosure.
Did you guys remove your green led, and if it was did you put something back into the space?It seems like that would be an open circuit.

I'm still not getting any light on.Have power to the motion board but loose it some where in the mix.
Yes, using a new battery. Using a continuity tester to try and locate problem.There is a resistor above the R15 I removed that isn't showing much continuity, wondering if it's bad.All the other resistors show some type of continuity.Wondering if board is bad.Who knows the cheapest place for a replacement.

My olympus should arrive any day, and was also the lucky bidder to win a sony video the other night.Ordered the components for that project also.Would like to get one up and running,getting anxious!!!

I might just by another motion sensor if anyone knows where I could pick one up local.Cedar Rapids-Iowa City
R20 gives me 462kohms, dont know what kind of multimeter you have, but it might not read that high. Also, make sure you have brians chip in their correct. You cant just swap the senser with a differnt senser, unless its the same kind. Go back and make sure you dont have any solder bridges also.
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