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Ditch hunters...hmmm


New Member
FYI to appanoose county and surrounding area... There are certain (so-called) hunters out there laying in ditches, some even throwing decoys out, and hunting wherever they want. Sadly its legal. Is this something that is common elsewhere and I just havent seen it?
I don't see why it wouldn't be legal because you can shoot a pheasant out of the ditch so why wouldn't you be able to shoot a deer out of it as well.
Yep. Checked with CO. Takes some serious skills and energetic woodsmanship huh... And the great bragging rights that come with the whole hunt. What a joke
Yep. Checked with CO. Takes some serious skills and energetic woodsmanship huh... And the great bragging rights that come with the whole hunt. What a joke

So what are you sayin ?? your not a real hunter if you dont walk a mile into the woods ??
I highly doubt they are going to be very successful like that. It is definitely not worth getting worked up over. Heck, if they are actually skilled enough to get a buck to come into a road ditch for a shot, I'd say they earned it.
Sometimes I think I should just get back into pheasant hunting, nobody got this protective over pheasants.
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The problem is some ditch hunters would probably take a shot onto private land, or over the road.

Both are illegal.
Seems like a long time ago I read the law and it was illegal to fire any solid projectile from the road. I can't remember if that only accounted for "firearms" or if that included the ditch or not. Does anyone know how to look it up?
you can shoot deer out your truck window w/bow if they're dumb enough to stand there

hotshott2289 said:
not only that..but whats the point?? is it really that exciting to shoot something off the road.. or out of the truck... i guess i dont see any challenge or accomplishment there.

It's fun to shoot pheasant out of the ditch.
You think road hunting for peasants is illegal?

Why would you want to road hunt for peasants? Are you a Noble? The peasants add great value to our society by working the land. Besides, if you kill a peasant in this day and age, I'm pretty sure that would be considered murder. :rolleyes:

Reminds me of Bill Murray in Caddyshack. "but sir, if I kill all the peasants they're going to lock me up and throw away the key" :grin:


Yes it is legal to hunt the ditches for PHEASANTS in Iowa, but why would you want to roadhunt for them? Does it kill you to get out of the truck and walk? One word.....LAZY just sayin
Yes it is legal to hunt the ditches for PHEASANTS in Iowa, but why would you want to roadhunt for them? Does it kill you to get out of the truck and walk? One word.....LAZY just sayin
We used to road hunt for pheasants for years, and definitely not out of laziness. Usually we would hunt close to an hour from home and depending on how early we left home we would road hunt once we left the highway and hit the gravel roads en route to our destination.
We would typically hunt all day long or until we had our limit, if we didnt reach our limit on the ground we WALKED all day we would road hunt on our way back home.
Not one person in my family has ever been a lazy hunter and for you to make a blanket statement that this is LAZY irks me. I cant stand all the people on this site that throw disrespectful comments out because its not THEIR way.
Piss off
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