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Do you want the rack?

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Greg, I for one think what your are proposing is a good idea. Hopefully you find someone to help you waste as little of the deer as possbile. I guess I just get tired of reading about the haters that want to only talk about how they hate NR tags and special seasons. Good Luck

Yes, just sit back and be quiet.:( Hate is the wrong word I am thinking. Most here only want to preserve the Iowa Hunting Heritage. Anybody who is truely a NR hater I see as being silenced here.
Thank you to everyone who is supportive and has PM'd me, I really appreciate it.

Archery95, I don't know your real name, but mine is clearly Greg Bickal. If you were to meet me in person, Im hoping you would have a different opinion of me. I am an honest and ethical hunter.

Yes, I like to hunt and kill deer, but no more than I can eat. Last year I shot 6 deer.
which yelded around 200lbs of meat. I do give some hamburger to my dad who is retired and cannot bow hunt anymore because of bad shoulders. He gives me catfish in exchange that he has caught in the river.

Also last year I found a injured doe along the side of the road near my home that was hit by a car. I called the Sherriff and he put her down. I took it home and butchered it and ate it. That ment there was one less deer that I shot last year.

I also give 30 pounds of meat to the landowner who allows me to hunt on their land. Thats almost an entire deer. On average it takes me 4 hours to butcher a deer, cut steaks vaccum package, etc. Sometimes it takes me hunting every day all week to get one deer, so donating that deer is huge effort on my part.

I am on this board to learn from experienced hunters, and proper herd management is one of the factors I am trying to learn more about. I am listening to the "population is low" comments and I agree it is low in my area. I still want to fill my freezer, so rather than push my area too the brink of exaustion I am trying to find areas that have excessive numbers of deer and see if I can work some deals.

I am one of the orange clowns that doesnt want to shoot young bucks, I want to let them grow, but for those guys that do care about horn, I need to get my meet from somewhere, Id rather it be mature management bucks or excessive does.

This has been a good thread and I am learning alot.

Thank you for posting this! I have to be honest, at first I thought you were just being a smartass and trying to egg people on. I have absolutely no problem with what you are doing, and I hope you get some takers. I just hope you realize that there are alot of places in Iowa that cannot handle those kind of harvest numbers for much longer. And there are alot of guys who are very passionate about this sport that will do all they can to eliminate the excessive harvest that has led us to where we are. I agree that there are still quite a few places in Iowa that have high numbers and need some management. But this is for the good of the whole state not just one individuals piece of the pie, so to come on here and say that you are going to kill 20 - 25 deer this year, that individual has to know that they are going to rub some guys the wrong way, and they need to expect the backlash that comes with it. Bottom line is we are all hunters and all would like to see this sport be around for many years to come and get better every year. We have some amazing potential here in Iowa, but unless all of us work together on a common goal, we will never see that potential. Good luck the rest of the way, I hope you fill your freezer. Just have some humility when you are talking to guys that may not have the opportunities that you do. :way:
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The dude's from TODDVILLE, makes him a good guy in my book:way:

Plenty of Eastern Iowa farms with excess deer. Greg, I'd help ya out if I was hunting 2nd season, but I'm late muzzy-ing it this year. I don't think your request is rash.

There are other people in the same area who gather a bunch of "buddys tags" and proceed to call themselves "outfitters". They pimp those "buddy's tags" to NR hunters who haven't drawn a buck tag, so that the NR hunter can "party hunt" and shoot a buck while only ever purchasing a doe tag from the DNR. These "outfitters" get a whore's price for those "buddy's tags", btw. Money these "outfitters" use to lease land from farmers, that inevitably helps the honest hand-shake hunters lose more land. It's also worth mentioning that the "buddy's tags" consist of grandma's, grandpa's, siblings, sibling's girlfriends, etc...all whom don't or can't hunt. I really hope the DNR finds these "outfitters" with a pocket full of these "buddy's tags".

SO why rake someone like Greg across the coals for doing the honest thing?, when there are plenty of shady "outfitters" in the area that are essentially doing the same thing, except only for profit.

SHOOT2KILL, well put man, :way: I've noticed that pattern too.
I don't think any of it matters to you Greg.I think you just want to shoot a lot of deer.Please stay away from my area.We don't need hunters like you here.

Wow, someone have a bad season this year and now taking it out on someone else???? Archery95, I have read many good posts by you about people shooting way too many does. Now here is a guy that is asking if someone has a management buck they want taken out he can have a chance to shoot solely for the meat and not because of wanting the rack. He could easily just drop a doe with that anysex tag, but said himself that he thinks that would be a bad choice in his area. What is your deal? Your starting to remind me of those guys on the Grumpy Old Men movies, nothing positive to say......... I too have registered for the depreditation program for multiple years for multiple seasons in multiple counties and have never gotten a call.
Good luck Greg, hope you find some one that helps you out.
Greg, just keep at it. Sounds to me like you are a real hunter at heart. There are definitely areas left that can handle numbers of deer being shot. Maybe someone will point you in a good direction. If not, it will just require some fuel for the vehicle and leg work.
I'm actually trying to figure out where a spot like this is for late bow. My spots are getting thin to!
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It's definitely an odd request. I really don't think you are going to find someone to let you hunt their land and shoot a buck just to give them the antlers. Also- your avatar is you with a buck.

I'd say, if you don't want the antlers, shoot a doe. Let the bucks be for those that hunt specifically for them. If not, go ahead and give the antlers away if you don't want them.

It's your tag, you can fill it how you want. I guess it's better to give the antlers to someone who may use them (either to mount or just have around) than to throw in the trash. I'd just shoot a doe however if I had no intentions to do anything with the antlers.
Greg, I understand exactly what you are saying. Kansas is a different ball game though since we're only allowed one buck a year. We've invited several people to hunt on our property, but only with the intention of shooting a buck, and a mature buck at that. We need our does! Kansas has gotten a little happy with their doe tags as of late. Good luck on your request!
I have been shooting does, and each one you shoot, removes her plus her babies. I always check the number of fetus inside each doe and in my area, mature does are always carying triplets.

I dont need to shoot a buck with my tag, a doe is fine too if someone has excess does they want taken out. I just want them to trust me that whatever deer they want taken out, im throwing out the offer. A management buck is a win win for everyone.

As for my avatar, Its eye candy for the buck hunters on here ;)
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I knew I was making a big mistake getting involved in this thread in the first place.
I guess a couple things just bother me when a/any person says in one breath that the deer number are low in his area and still he feels a NEED to shoot 6 or more deer a years.REALLY? Maybe the reason the numbers are low in your area is that you and other game hogs like you have been and continue to shoot to many deer.
I also wonder about a person's honesty that states that he isn't interested in antlers and just wants meat.REALLY? Why even buy an any-sex tag.Just buy antlerless tags if thats the case.
I guess I souldn't care about the future of Iowa deer hunting.I shouldn't care what it's like in 20 years.I am old and won't be around anyway but I do care about what it will be like for the next 5-10 years.All you guys that shoot 10-20 deer a years can worry about what your kids and grandkids have.But I assure you,its heading in the wrong direction.
I knew I was making a big mistake getting involved in this thread in the first place.
I guess a couple things just bother me when a/any person says in one breath that the deer number are low in his area and still he feels a NEED to shoot 6 or more deer a years.REALLY? Maybe the reason the numbers are low in your area is that you and other game hogs like you have been and continue to shoot to many deer.
I also wonder about a person's honesty that states that he isn't interested in antlers and just wants meat.REALLY? Why even buy an any-sex tag.Just buy antlerless tags if thats the case.
I guess I souldn't care about the future of Iowa deer hunting.I shouldn't care what it's like in 20 years.I am old and won't be around anyway but I do care about what it will be like for the next 5-10 years.All you guys that shoot 10-20 deer a years can worry about what your kids and grandkids have.But I assure you,its heading in the wrong direction.

Did you even look at his posts!? He would like to hunt a different area with too many deer because the numbers are low in his and shooting a buck is less detrimental to a population than shooting a doe. Plain and simple. I don't think that makes him a "game hoarder". It's pretty smart, actually.

Your lunatic character judgements and accusations of others are getting old to many members here, in case you haven't noticed.
“If you can manage it, I think a head shot is the way to go!”—Posted By GregBickal

Wow, that pretty much says it all. Embarrassing for the outdoorsmen on this thread that have supported you I would think. I had that same thought of head shots after I had hunted for around 2 years. That would have made me around 12. That’s about as unethical of a shot as there is I believe.
Maybe your request should change to read: “If anyone would let me I would be happy to grab my gun, and run around your property shooting at anything in the face that I can see.”
“If you can manage it, I think a head shot is the way to go!”—Posted By GregBickal

Wow, that pretty much says it all. Embarrassing for the outdoorsmen on this thread that have supported you I would think. I had that same thought of head shots after I had hunted for around 2 years. That would have made me around 12. That’s about as unethical of a shot as there is I believe.
Maybe your request should change to read: “If anyone would let me I would be happy to grab my gun, and run around your property shooting at anything in the face that I can see.”

You speak well for being all of 14yrs old, according to your math skillz:drink1:

As for SHOT PLACEMENT...you're reading deeper into it than necessary. I know you're attempting to make a point, but it isn't working. Greg just said, that if you have an easy shot (specifically if you can manage it) then a head shot WILL drop them. You may wish to go back to the thread that the comment came from and try to understand what they were actually talking about. It had to do with dropping a deer in its tracks. Trust me, a head shot will do that. I'm not condoning head shots and I don't think Greg is either. To each their own and every situation is different.

I've dropped a doe with head shot before.... because 1) I knew where my shotgun actually shot, 2) the doe was at 30yds, 3) it was snowing really hard and I knew tracking a double-lunged deer was out of the question.
You speak well for being all of 14yrs old, according to your math skillz:drink1: - Shell

Wow! lets try it this way: 10 years old plus 2 years should give you around 12???? HAHAHAHA Too funny! "Skillz" Love it
Arent you required to buy your statewide anysex tax before you can get a doe tag?

Archery95 another point for you to consider, the land to the south of me is being gobbled up by Hiawatha City limits. Pretty soon there wont be any non-urban land to hunt here. So the deer population here is a moot point.

As for my kid and future grandkids, I only had one child thus ensuring that my carbon footprint and that of my decendants is as small as possible.

Also, consider this, how much resources does a cow take versus that of a deer?
I will stand up for Greg, I have no problem with it. Alot of you guys are looking way to far into this. Headshots, great. I do it all the time, whats wrong with it? Anyone want to track one that I shoot in the head? I bet you wont be looking far..There is nothing wrong with Greg shooting deer and eating them. At least he is eating them, thats the thing. Alot of you guys are trying to say he shouldnt shoot so many. You dont even want to know the number of deer I shoot a year. Its in the double digits. But my whole family eats them.
Hunt4life00 Obviously you are young, I would wait to start spouting around until you have grown up a bit. This is a public forum, with a lot of trusted and well known guys on here. Im not trying to start anything, just dont want you to get started off on the wrong foot with the rest of us.
I had a feeling your intention was to find more ground. I understand your being creative by trying this way but also you had to realize this thread would start a little controversy. I've read some of your posts and think your probably a good guy and ethical, but....if you truly don't care at all about antlers then why have your avatar pic with you and probably your best buck kill. Wouldn't a big old fat doe be more appropriate? Not getting on ya just curious? I also eat a lot of deer and have the same number of people that I support, do you really eat 7 deer a year? Not saying it isn't possible but that (if butchered correctly) can amount to quite a bit of meat for a family of three plus some for your old man. I don't have a problem with what your doing. Just wasn't sure of your angle at first, good luck the rest of the year.
My avatar buck is the only buck I have ever shot (besides buttons) :) I'll change it to the first doe I shoot this year if it makes you guys feel better. Like I said, it makes the old man proud.

I dont eat any beef at all unless its McDonalds. I eat deer meat about every 3 days, and usually whatever we had for dinner I have for lunch the next day.

So heres the breakdown of last years 200lbs of deer
32lbs - To the locker to make sticks and salami
30lbs - burger to owner who lets me hunt 400 acres
2lbs - loin to owner who let me hunt his 80 acres
1lb - loin and a heart to the owner of 40 acres
20lbs - To my parents

That leaves 115 pounds of meat for me, my wife and daughter. My wife hand makes flour tortillias and use the ground burger for soft tacos. We also eat alot of cheesburgers. Use the burger in lasagna, tator tot casserole etc. When I butcher a deer I usually get 50% steak and 50% burger.
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