Thank you to everyone who is supportive and has PM'd me, I really appreciate it.
Archery95, I don't know your real name, but mine is clearly Greg Bickal. If you were to meet me in person, Im hoping you would have a different opinion of me. I am an honest and ethical hunter.
Yes, I like to hunt and kill deer, but no more than I can eat. Last year I shot 6 deer.
which yelded around 200lbs of meat. I do give some hamburger to my dad who is retired and cannot bow hunt anymore because of bad shoulders. He gives me catfish in exchange that he has caught in the river.
Also last year I found a injured doe along the side of the road near my home that was hit by a car. I called the Sherriff and he put her down. I took it home and butchered it and ate it. That ment there was one less deer that I shot last year.
I also give 30 pounds of meat to the landowner who allows me to hunt on their land. Thats almost an entire deer. On average it takes me 4 hours to butcher a deer, cut steaks vaccum package, etc. Sometimes it takes me hunting every day all week to get one deer, so donating that deer is huge effort on my part.
I am on this board to learn from experienced hunters, and proper herd management is one of the factors I am trying to learn more about. I am listening to the "population is low" comments and I agree it is low in my area. I still want to fill my freezer, so rather than push my area too the brink of exaustion I am trying to find areas that have excessive numbers of deer and see if I can work some deals.
I am one of the orange clowns that doesnt want to shoot young bucks, I want to let them grow, but for those guys that do care about horn, I need to get my meet from somewhere, Id rather it be mature management bucks or excessive does.
This has been a good thread and I am learning alot.