Little late but havent had time to get on here much because it is hunting season and all, but how have the Drury's and Kisky's affected my hunting........................... None! As of yet anyway Now have they out bid the next guy....sure they have. I have never met the Drury's but have seen them around a few times and do know a couple of their pro staffers. (Who are awesome people by the way)
Kisky's ( met them a couple times, was even invited to their house and talked deer hunting with Kandi/Don and Caleb, Don even gave me a tour of his killed deer and the deer he was chasing (Sheds) which really suprised me because of the issues he has with trespassers and poachers) Also talk to a team members of theirs on occasion.
Give you a little history about myself. I didnt move down to southern Iowa until 5 yrs ago. I bought ground out from under people that used to hunt it. Were they not happy with me.... nope. But that is what happens sometimes. If I had more money I would do it again in a heartbeat.... they arent making anymore dirt my friend /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
When I first moved down here, I just started knocking on doors and asking people I worked with if they knew of anyone that would let me hunt. Now I have over ???? acres of private ground to hunt and over 3000 acres of public ground I can hunt.
Also everyone I talked to told me to watch out for the Drury's and the Kisky's and said all this negative stuff about them because of the ground they lease/buy. They would stab me in the back if I told them about anything I was seeing. I let that negative talk get to me and I had a prejudged opinion, which came from everyone else's opinion, and didnt care for what they were doing by taking someone else's hunting areas.
Im glad I got to meet them and get my own opinion and actually hear and see what they go through on a daily basis.
I just lost some ground that was purchased by a pro-staffer from H.S. Specialties. So be it. He had the 1.5 million and I didnt. Congrats to the land owner. Was I upset, sure I was, but I pressed on and kept knocking.
So the only way they have affected me, is in the way of telling myself not to keep all my eggs in 1 basket. Always have a back up plan. Sad thing is, I havent even been on a patch of ground I have to bowhunt but it is a good back up plan in case my honey hole of a few hundred acre's gets leased or sold. Cant fault a landowner for cashing in if the opportunity presents itself.
Also the Drury's and Kisky's put in their home work. They cross the T and dot the I so to speak. Do a lot of work during the season and the off season.
Also about the comment about putting stands across the fence, if I owned the ground.... I would be telling you thanks for the stand.
No law out there stating you cant put a stand on a fence line just says you cant shoot over that fence line.
But what I have learned after meeting 1 of the above groups is that 99.9% of the time, hear say is just that..... hear say.
I hope those that have issues with any of the mentions groups in this thread could meet some of them off the record so to speak, because they are whitetail hunting nuts like most of us on here, they just have the resources to do it everyday and buy the ground we would love to have.
Good day and happy hunting.