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Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute...

I can't believe that actually happened. I just really can't believe it.

wtf.... thats crazy y do people have to be like that..... its stupid how some one decideds to do that just because of land.......
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

Evidently he wanted to hunt that stand bad.....I feel for the families of the deceased and wounded.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

My brother lives in Madison and does skiing in the northern part of the state. He has always told me that there are some "interesting" folks in that part of the state but that story is just plain NUTS. Sad deal to say the very least.

Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

What a pathetic piece of ****!!!!Makes you wonder how anyone like this even exist in society.....
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

You know I was mad when I found a 16 year old kid in my stand a few weeks ago but never thought about shooting him. This is absolutely the craziest thing I have ever heard. Thoughts and prayers for the families.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

If I saw a buddy of mine get shot intentionally, I think I would react by shooting back. Sounds like a war but you have to try and defend your life. I am still in shock about it actually occuring. Bet it was one of those animal rights activitst.....sounds like he was from the Minneapolis/St Paul area....lots of them near the big cities
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

from what i heard on the radio, the shooter was trespassing on private land, and wouldn't leave. keep this in the back of your mind when dealing with other jackass trespassers
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

Guys/Gals, this really hits home with me. I have had several run-ins with people trespassing on my land this year and to be real honest, I am a freakin hot head and will get in your face real fast.... I really need to re-think before I react.....

Very scary!!!!!

Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

I hate to see things like this happen and I am not being selfish, but incidents like this will just add fuel to the fire for the government to intervine! I dont think we will see it in our lifetimes but I think that hunting as we know it will be a thing of the past. I hate to see our children suffer! I hope that I am wrong, but only time will tell.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

Are you kidding me how many of you hunt with a SKS [ QUOTE ]
Zeigle said the suspect was "chasing after them and killing them," with a SKS 7.62 mm semiautomatic rifle, a common hunting weapon.

[/ QUOTE ]
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

This is unbelievable. I don't understand what some people are thinking! My prayers go out to the families.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

because of these stories are reasons why i am the nicest guy on the earth when confronting people in the woods when they are tresspassing. two years ago i came across 3 guys while i was bowhunting turkeys. i didn't recognize them until i got too close and they saw me. i knew they were not supposed to be there but i also recognized them as a few meth heads from around the area. three of them with shotguns and me with my bow carrying all my turkey stuff. i just smiled and asked them how they were doing. the days in the woods are getting crazier and crazier.
A walking time bomb that just exploded. I'm shocked, but look at the anger that boils over when it comes to territorial and property rights. It has being going on for thousands of years. A terrible and cowardly act. Let's pray for the surviving families.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.


The information on the gun came from the sheriff's deputy ... don't go blasting the reporter for doing his job ... this isn't a liberal conspiracy at work here.

Besides, does someone who kills five other people sound like your typical hunter?

Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

Unbelievable, No. Unfortunate Yes. Coming from this nice, respectful, ethical Irish/German hothead there is a point where people cross the line. Right or wrong, when confronting someone who has just violated your world there can be consequences. I would not tolerate such intrusions and most honest hunters would not either. How you handle the anger is what makes the difference. My prayers go out to all involved.

Does this make me crazy, you bet.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

I'm disgusted to hear of this, it is a real sad day for law abiding hunters and a far worse day for the families off all the unfortunate people who fell vicim to this lunatic.
Still I'm curious how one person was able to shoot this many people, were they unarmed, how close were they, did he actually hunt them down or was he firing from the tree?
I cannot honestly say I know what the rifle in ? looks like but the description makes me wonder why is a gun like that legal, an "assault rifle?" Do we as hunters really need a semi automatic rifle to hunt deer or any big game animals, I think not. We have crazy and somewhat rediculous gun laws here in Canada and I'm certain a gun like the one described in an illegal weapon. I realize that does not mean that they do not exist but means that the gov't sees them as "something used for unnecessary evils". Are there laws against "assault rifles" in the U.S?
Like I stated earlier, I'm not real sure of the weapon in ?, I'd really like it if someone could enlighten me on the subject.
I feel terrible for the families and wish them well in the hard times that are sure to follow this. At the same time I'm thankful that I live in the safest country in the world!
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