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Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute...

Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

[/qgood point lxshooter, he doesn't even need a trial, just a hearing. the judge just sends him out back, and the bailiff pops him in the head, and they can bury him in the city dump. better than he deserves, i know, but that seems about fair to me


Interesting comments from an IBA area rep...
uote] What does being an IBA Rep have to do with any comments???I bet most the people on this site feel about the same way,I know I do.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

...the public areas i've hunted these groups of people from MN trample through the woods like an army. One time i went to a public area to deer hunt when i got to the parking lot there were several women cutting medium sized trees down to make a fire while the men were hunting for squirrels and who knows what else.

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If I was caught chopping down trees, making fires and shooting anything that moved, all the while on public ground, the Iowa DNR would throw me in jail, revoke my hunting/fishing license for life, and I'd end up paying a sizable fine... why do these people get away with this unethical, unlawful behavior???%^@#&^???

Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

He would probably end up just shooting our own troops.My opinion is they do it old school....Drawn and Quartered.I'm not an IBA rep so I can say that....
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

hopefully ya'll will take the time to read this!

well, i have stared at this post for the last few days trying to come up with something to say. it's just hard to find the words on an incident that is as digusting as this one.

first off! gun issue, no. person behind the trigger issues, yes, major issues! there is no such thing as gun control, but there is such a thing as trigger control, this involves the person controlling the trigger. how this turned into a gun control issue is beyond me, it makes no sense, whatever gun you choose to use is fine with me, just don't aim it in my direction. but this is absolutely NOT a gun issue.

second! it's extremely unfortunate that something like this occurs, but it does. what can we do to stop it, nothing! all we can do is be the most respectful safe and ethical hunters that we can be(as everyone on this site is), and do our absolute best to instill the same safety respect and ethics into our kids, other family members and friends! that way we can say we've done our part in helping this wonderful country that we live in an even better place. hard for me to believe that it will get much safer, due to the fact that there are too many out there who are just the opposite of respectful and ethical, but we all can still do our part and be proud of that!

third! i absolutely get sick and tired of everything being turned into a racial thing. almost everything bad that happens in our country comes back to being caused by something racial! and now it's being thrown into hunting, that doesn't even make sense, what's racial about chasing a bunch of deer around? that's the biggest BS i've ever heard. put yourself in the unfortunate hunters that were killed, your walking through the woods, you see a tresspasser, and he happens to be of asian origin. is the first thing that pops in your head, "hey i'm gonna yell racial slurrs at this man"? no, that, in my mind, is the absolute last thing on my mind. the first thing on my mind is, this guy has no right to be here and he needs to leave, so you ask the man politely if he knows whose property he's on, if he has permission to hunt the property and then if he says no you ask him to leave, if he does not obey, then you just tell him fine, walk away not making a scene or a big deal and call the proper authorities! so this man's allegations of having racial slurrs being yelled at him seems absolutely absurd to me, and if someone can please tell me another time that hunting and racial went hand-in-hand, i'll gladly give you my paychecks for a year. in other words this man is full of s**t.

to sum it all up! it's absolutely obvious that this man had one intention on his mind when he put his hunting clothes on that unfortunate morning, and it was completely and totally opposite of what you and i have intentions of doing when we put our hunting clothes on in the morning. will our justice system feel this way, hopefully yes, only time will tell, but hopefully justice will be on the side of those suffering.now, i'm not being racial by making this statement, but there are people out there is this crazy world who have been brainwashed and it is also in there blood to rebel against or dispose of other people who do not have the same beliefs as their beliefs. take what's happening in the middle east for instance, there are a lot of people over there who still believe that americans are the devil, most were brainwashed, some were just born with the desire to do away with all american life. we are in the process of trying to stop this, i do believe it's going to be a never ending battle, but our military is over there doing just what i mentioned before, their trying to instill safety, respect and ethics back into these people, we are doing our part in supporting them in there efforts, so there for we can say we've done our part. some of those people will pry never have a change of mind but we can always hope!

my heart goes out to the families and friends of the unfortunate hunters, may god be with those hunters. we will go into the woods the rest of the season with these hunters in our hearts, they will hunt on but just in a different way, gods way!

Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

He would probably end up just shooting our own troops.My opinion is they do it old school....Drawn and Quartered.I'm not an IBA rep so I can say that....

[/ QUOTE ]

PM me if you have a problem with that comment. You appear to be itching for a response. I'm not going to debate it in this post.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

I read in espn/hunting that authorities believe this suspect shot and killed a hunter 3yrs ago. A truck like the one he was driving was seen leaving the area with 3 suspects in the vehicle. the murder was never solved, but authorities belive the murderer of the six hunters is the same man, if it is, all the authorities need is a " Tall tree and a short length of rope" I hate to talk like this but he deserves nothing less.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

We want to enjoy hunting!! SSSSAAADDDD!!
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