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Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute...

Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

Guys/Gals, this really hits home with me. I have had several run-ins with people trespassing on my land this year and to be real honest, I am a freakin hot head and will get in your face real fast.... I really need to re-think before I react.....

Very scary!!!!!


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I hear ya. I'm the same way but no more...I'm taking muddy's approach from now on.

Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

how did Ron Artest get from Detroit to northern Wisconsin so fast??? Will make me think twice about confronting a trespasser in a few weekends.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

I am still in shock. Heard about it this morning from a fellow co-worker. I'm sure there are several lessons we can all learn from this unfortunate tragedy.

Be slow to anger, and quick on your feet - come to mind. Also, always be packing? Damn, but I can't believe those hunters never returned fire. Hmong? What are they again, refugee fighters from Laos? He obviously knew what he was doing when he brutally attacked them. Hell they probably didn't know what was happening until it was too late
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.



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Actually it's a pretty common weapon for hunting in that neck of the woods according to reports coming in. I personally think it's ridiculous that anyone would hunt with an SKS or an AR-15, AK-47, etc. No offense meant here but I don't really consider the people that go in to the woods with assault rifles "hunters". A good deer hunter only needs 1 shot. What's the point of hunting with a high power semi-auto rifle? Just plain dangerous and negligent to spray the woods with bullets. I'm not for an assault weapons ban because I believe in the right to bear arms and also enjoy shooting for sport but I DO think there should be some tightening of the laws concerning the types of rifles that can be used for hunting in states where high power rifles are allowed. I'm not saying it's any less likely that some nut would shoot a human being with an bolt action rifle but I think it would do a lot in terms of making the public woodlands safer during hunting season.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

That is ridiculous, how on earth could someone do that? by the way... the sks was an evolutionary precursor to the ak-47 it's russian design. It's semi-automatic 10-round mag. Not something i'd typically think of using when deer hunting. How many families are destroyed by this? That is amazing. I pray for thier families.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

how is this turning into a gun issue? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN "ASSULT RIFLE"! this is a term made up to strike fear into the un-informed masses. it makes no difference on the gun used. if you want to ban any semi-auto rifles, do you really think your semi auto shotguns are far behind? many people hunt with sks/ak-47 type rifles. they are a practical gun for hunting heavy timber, where the chance for long shots are not probable. the issue here isn't the weapon used, its the moron using it. he could have done the same amount of damage with .30-.30 lever action.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

Hopefully your response wasn't directed at my commentary Teeroy. As I said before, a good hunter only needs 1 shot and spraying the woods with semi-auto, high power rifle rounds is irresponsible regardless of the amount of tree cover. I also didn't say these types of weapons should be banned. Just said they aren't necessary for hunting if you have any skill with a firearm. This incident happened on private land I believe and I'm more concerned about the safety of hunters in "public" areas. There's always going to be those hunters that venture in to public areas without having done a lot of training with their weapon of choice. My point wasn't that someone couldn't kill a human being with something other than the SKS used in the incident in question. My point was that putting a bunch of people together in a public hunting area with semi-auto high power rifles is a dangerous situation. Which becomes compounded by the weekend warrior factor. I'll leave this one alone from here on out.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

so every gun you own is a single-shot, and you only carry one arrow to the stand?
the sks was the only gun i could afford, and was my first large caliber rifle. it is an affordable, capable, rifle. this is not a gun issue.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

My wife shoots a Remington 7400 in .270. I guess there is no reason she should be shooting this gun? Diminished recoil and less hassle for someone who hasn't shot many bolt or pump action guns?
As far as rapid fire is concerned, one of my hunting party watched me shoot with my pump 870 last year (from about 300 yards). He was impressed at the rapid fire rate and the results. The weapon is NEVER the issue, it is the person behind it.
This incident reminds me of a huge tragedy that occured locally. A "youth" shot a deer that went onto private property. He trailed it there and was told to leave (he was hunting without an adult during youth season). He left the property, only to return and shot (multiple times) the landowners who had asked him to leave. So I'm thinking premediated murder, since he had the time to (and did walk away) and cool off but returned to the scene with tragic consequencences. The victims suffered multiple gun shot wounds, IMO another sign of premeditation. He's already out of jail, part being a minor and IMPO a week job by the prosecuting attorney.

Hopefully the Wisconsin offender will not see such a favorable result.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

I have to agree with teeroy, this is not a gun issue.. I used to shoot a Browning Abolt .270 before I got totally hookrd on bow hunting. I can tell you that with just a little practice you can shoot ALMOST as fast as a semi auto.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

There are now six dead according to msn.com. What a f'd up deal.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

One of my pastors at church asked me if I had heard the news of this and I had only caught it briefly on the radio. Only until I had read and seen the videos on MSN and MSNBC had I gotten the full story. I cannot belive how some people could be so cold blooded and shoot another person. It wasn't like this mans life was in danger. In fact, MSNBC reported that only one person had a shotugn on them at the time of the shooting and that person was still at the cabin. This is just pethetic. Talk about giving all of us ethical, law abiding hunters a bad rap!

I also have never heard of an SKS Rifle being legal for hunting. Who the heck needs a weapon such as this to hunt deer with?! Total crap!
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

Ok guys....you've let everyone know where you stand on the issues of gun control and ethical hunting weapons. Let's get back to the initial point of this post.......six people dead.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

CRITRGITR I couldn't agree more, the fact still remains that 6 people are dead due to the lack of respect for human life. What would ever lead someone to shoot 1 person in cold blood much less 8! I think that we should put the gun control issue to the side and think about a great thing called CAPITAL PUNISHMENT/DEATH PENALTY.
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

I hate to get back to the weapon thing but the reason for the weapon of choice is that it is a popular weapon within his circle of hunters- Hes Hmong.

I live in WI and know people who hunt the areas of the murders. Huge areas of public hunting ground are being "taken over" by "gangs" of hmongs in the north woods. This guy was from the Twin cities and these groups of hmongs gravitate together for a deer slaughter suround an area and go in and kill every thing that moves Ho chi min tral style.
You can buy this ammo super cheap in bulk and if everyone shoots the same gun you never run out and its readily available.
We need to correct people that ask about this incident and remind them that this guy was not a hunter. We will see negative press for a long time on this one.

WI Shedhead
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

good point lxshooter, he doesn't even need a trial, just a hearing. the judge just sends him out back, and the bailiff pops him in the head, and they can bury him in the city dump. better than he deserves, i know, but that seems about fair to me
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

Hey guys... this whole situation is just sick. Really irritates me to no end... you can't even begin to imagine what the liberal mindset up here in the Twin Cities is saying about this... there are actually people bringing up the race card and saying this puke was probably subjected to racial slurs and that is why he fired upon them... ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? Now, the Twin Cities powers that be are worried about the backlash the Hmong community will feel because of this? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? What about the backlash that the Rice Lake, WI area will feel? Fathers, brothers, sons, daughters, were all lost in this stupid situation... and all they care about is the how the Hmong community feels?

I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I am really getting sick and tired of this Political Correctness crap that is shoved down our throats day after day... everyone is worried about offending some other group of people... well I say, call a spade a spade... this puke is a murderer... plain and simple... the fact that he is a Hmong shouldn't matter... he's been living here for 20 years...

This Chai Vang jerkweed was busted by the DNR a couple years ago for being 93 crappies over his limit. Ask me, his fishing and hunting rights should have been revoked for life... and I believe under current legislation it would have been... he never would have been able to purchase a hunting or fishing license in the midwest. Therefore he never would have been in the woods...

But who's to say he wouldn't have done something like this to some other group of unknowing victims.

Sorry for the long winded post... but this REALLY does make me sick, too close to home... I just hope this SOB is getting his hourly "visits" in his jail cell....
Re: Guy kills five hunters over a hunting dispute.

I am speechless. Unbelievable. He deserves the death sentence...to bad we dont have stoning to death in this country.
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