House File 9999 - Introduced By Sligh1
A Bill for Early and Late gun seasons, crossbow seasons, etc.
Section 9. Section 13203B.2, CODE 2015 is amended by adding the new subsection
1: No license required for any individual who wishes to shoot any deer from the timeframe of June 1st of each year to end March 30 of the following year. There will be no limit.
2:Use of crossbows Jan 1st to Dec 31 of the same year. No license and limit requirements.
3: State funding bulldozing cost share for citizens who wish to doze out more trees and cover. This will allow the deer less places to hide, thus giving more success to hunters.
4: Allowance of trip wire explosive devices on public and private lands for any individual who has trouble finding time to hunt. Trip wire traps & explosives used to kill deer must be checked once a week and a 48 deer bag limit will be in place here.
5: A new "TRUCK & HEADLIGHTS" season for any hunter wishing to use a truck, any light source and high powered rifle to hunt. Hunters have no bag limit & are not required to actually take the harvest with them if they choose not to. Power windows are required for safety reasons with no hand crank windows permitted. $2.50 DOT Road surcharge for this permit will apply.
This Bill is introduced so more people can enjoy the outdoors, those who have limits because of weather, schedules & allow more people to get involved in hunting.
In full transparency, my political donation fund has been grown & now has new top donors due to 6 Crossbow Manufacturer companies, gun manufacturers, GM & Ford Motor company and Farm Bureau Insurance but I assure you, none of this came into account with the Bill I am proposing.
This other JERK Politician will have a competing bill that's garbage... Please don't support it....
House File 9991 - Introduced By Representative Comin Cense
A Bill relating to deer season in Iowa.
1: No regulation changes will be made. No adding of seasons. No more Liberal regulation changes. No more monkey wrenches in the system. Any politicians and citizens (including the Governor) not in support of this bill shall be required to hunt only a specified 300-500 acre parcel of public hunting land in Northern Iowa.
Are you guys not sick of this? Guys, come on. Get your butts in gear, write in, JOIN THE IBA, they will defend a lot of insanity in general for you, etc. The Political Pimps are out of control.