OneCam started this post and stated:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The suite has a strong possibility of winning as no other State in the US will not let a non resident hunt land they own. </div></div>
This statement was not even close to being true. I couldn't find one case that would indicate that they had any chance of winning. Everything I could find was to the contrary, meaning that they would lose. I am not a lawyer but everything I found seemed pretty clear as to the decision of the court. Therefore, I have to ask that when an Administrator starts a thread like this and asks members to be against a bill that many have wanted to see for years that they have their facts straight. I understand that OneCam has to remain neutral to some extent so he doesn't alienate nonresident landowners that are members. At the same time I have a hard time believing that OneCam wasn't aware of the USO case, the Kansas case, and others like them that have set case precedent. I would like to hear from OneCam because at this time I can't help but question his motives and who he is really looking out for. Is he putting Iowa first or a few rich "friends" who like to utilize this "loop hole"?
All I want is honest, accurate, and informative threads, posts, and replys from the Administrator and Moderators. I feel every member is entitled to this. Many of us (myself included) use this site to keep up on current legislation and any information that is inaccurate needs to be corrected irregardless of who posts it. When other members post I know that I have to take what they wrote with a grain of salt so to speak and check the accuracy of their comments.
I expect more from the Administrator and Moderators on these types of issues.
Below are a few quotes from the Kansas Case that kansasdeerslayer linked.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> The order stemmed from a lawsuit filed by George Taulman, a New Mexico resident who owns two ranches in western Kansas.
As a nonresident landowner, Taulman is not allowed to obtain a special transferable Hunt-Own-Land deer permit. In addition, because his land is in turkey management Unit 4 and he is a nonresident, he is ineligible for the limited number of turkey permits reserved for the resident-only drawing in that unit.
Taulman argued that as a nonresident landowner, he should have equal access to wildlife on his land as resident landowners do on their land. This would allow him -- and all other nonresident landowners -- to apply for turkey permits in Unit 4, as well as obtain a special transferable Hunt-Own-Land deer permit </div></div>
The court ruled against George Taulman. For those that don't know George is the world's largest outfitter and owns United States Outfitters.
The court ruled:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Nonresident landowners not entitled to same hunting rights as resident landowners </div></div>
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"This case is important for Kansas hunters because it reaffirms the longstanding notion
that it is the prerogative of the Kansas Legislature and the Department of Wildlife and Parks [KDWP] to enact laws and regulations that benefit or give preference to resident hunters over nonresident hunters," said KDWP chief legal counsel Chris Tymeson.</div></div>
OneCam also posted:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">These same individuals are very well off, they have already made a tremendous investment in Iowa and I know that if they can no longer be considered an Iowa resident they will file a Federal lawsuit. </div></div>
"I know" - How do you know? Are they friends? Business accociates?, Both?, Neither?
What would be their reason for sueing?
For Iowa changing their residency requirements? - Iowa has the right to determine its own residency requirements.
For Iowa not allowing a NR landowner to hunt their land without drawing a tag? - Please see case quotes above.
In Kansas, a NR landowner can't even draw a tag to hunt Turkey in unit 4 according to the case.
So, if they choose to sue, I say fine. When they loose, I say we should counter by lobbing our legislators to designate Allamakee, Clayton, Monona, Harrison and the Southern three tiers of counties as "resident only" due to the growing deer herd being caused by access issues related to nonresidents (leasing, buying and outfitters). I'm sure we could get FB on board as they just want less deer. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Again I support our current regulations and I'm uneasy with "loop hole" residents yet I think we need to consider the risk vs reward. </div></div>
Uneasy? - ?????
Risk? - I don't think they can win according to case precedent. IMO
Reward? - Closes "loop hole".
elkhunter posted:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Now that really is funny.
If the IBA had 1% of what FB hands out to the political process they would be in great shape.Never realized what a powerful, evil force the IBA was.That's scary!!
As for the "giving" of any sex tags and party hunting.I can't think of any loophole I'd rather see closed. IMO
and I think we will close that loophole about the same time Texas outlaws hunting at a feeder. </div></div>
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> This bill was sponsored by Rich Arnold (R,District 72)it started out as a stand alone bill, and was incorporated into 764. Many items dealing with DNR but not just wildlife.
DNR & County Conservation Boards are for, nothing from FB and all others are undecided.
There are several good points for DNR & CCB, just know they support the overall legislation.I hate when lots of things are lumped together,unfortunately you don't get to pick and choose, it's all or nothing.
Over the years Rich Arnold has always been a good friend to outdoor groups.I have no idea what his thoughts were.
What info I do have is 2nd or 3rd hand. A CO from his district made a case against a non res claiming residency and it was thrown out by a local magistrate.</div></div>
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> A large number of FB members, are strictly insurance policy holders and have nothing to do with farming.
Quote:Again, they out number the IBA and can't seem to get their ideas supported, just wondering why.
I have my theory, but not in an open forum.
These posts are great examples of how a
Moderator or
Administrator should post. They are
accurate and i
nformative all at the same time. No beat'n around the bush, no question where he stands, here are the facts, here is what I think, you decide for yourself.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Sorry I ever posted anything.
Back40, you couldn't be further from the truth if you tried.
Most of your posts have contained words like hook, grease, back pocket. I'm just an uneducated country boy(old man) that likes to use the words truth, honesty and passionate about the outdoors and giving back.
And the truth is I'm done with this post. </div></div>
elkhunter. Don't be sorry that you posted. Most of us really appreciate all that you do for us. Even though we have never met, I can tell that you are a man of true integrity. I want to say <u>
THANK YOU</u> for all that you do to protect Iowa's hunting heritage.
Please call your legislators and encourage them to pass HSB 764.
The phone number to reach your Senator is 515/281-3371 & for your Representative is 515/281-3221. To access bills, E-Mail address for legislators, & other info on the Internet go to