Life Member
Iowa Bowhunters Association
Legislative Update
Week 14
Legislative Update
Week 14
Only change this week is an amendment by Sen. Driscoll.
Senator Driscoll (Sen. From Iowa County) has offered an amendment to SF553, A bill to allow nonresident family members to obtain a deer license without going through the lottery process.
The amendment reserves 500 of the current 6000 nonresident tags for nonresident family members.
We all need to email our Senator and remind them that they supported a three year study for deer population management. This study was agreed to by both agriculture and outdoor parties. This study is supposed to come up with solutions to the deer population problems and they need to wait until the study is completed before making changes to existing deer hunting rules and regulations. The study is part of SF581 from last year's session. Every Republican voted in favor of SF581.