I would be willing to tackle one thread. Divide and concur.
Yes, they'd all show up. Then a guy could right click, save as, then reload them into each thread as well as upload somewhere else AND give the password info in case it happened again. This is something we'd need to get several volunteers in order before we paid. That way it all gets done asap. Probably wait till after season is over?
Just my opinion, but I think the threads could be cleaned up, using all the good info when pics recovered and saved. The same questions get asked multiple times in same thread, lots of redundant data, etc. I think they could be cleaned up, consolidated, and made much more useful. Of course all of the good info would be copy and pasted over.
Skip and Muddy putting their heads together...now that's scaryI totally agree, but again not something I want to be responsible for. Needs to be someone who really knows their Management and someone that can be bumped to moderator and moderate the crap out of all those threads. Currently we are not looking to add anyone until we get all the proper ducks in a row. Skip and I have been talking behind the scenes, hopefully something is going to happen.
Skip and Muddy putting their heads together...now that's scary
so far....
1) Weather reporting part of site.
2) Change direction where we harder on guys just out to be d-bags. POSITIVE.
3) Actions to highlight and advance Dbltree threads
4) Easier way to post pictures
5) More active on spam elimination
6) Arguing and debate is NO PROBLEM, I think we all agree!!Belittling and personal attacks on others - more action, calling out, encouragement, rules - WHATEVER to lower that. We need to do this in a way that doesn't discourage from free and passionate debate. Personally, I don't care if 2 guys get into it, there just needs to be a point where we know "MEN", ok, it's time to drop this and move on. More positive than negative OVERALL on the website, by far. Moderator support possible on this. Guys taking into own hands be better - being called out by Men when Men are not acting like Men (or Women).
7) More NICHE (one of my favorite words in English language) reasons for folks to visit site: hard core knowledge, habitat advice that's top tier, passion for Iowa found no where else, etc, etc. More ideas need to be implemented. Niche: Dbltree, unique things like Ishi's food, etc, etc.
8) things to make safe environment to post pics. Let's say deer for example. 2 examples of "safe".... 1) location, who posts them, whatever. 2) not getting negative comments on the pictures.
9) Get rid of adbot stuff, etc.
10) Banning SLIGH1 (again, just a total loser, D-bag, tool, you name it, he's gotta go!!!!)
11) Outreach. My EXAMPLE is getting booth back at Classic. One of million ideas.
OK GUYS, that's less than 24 hours.... Keep it coming.
Agree , I know of quite a few people who left on the sole fact that their is no app anymore (even though the mobile site works great for me )I'm not going to sugar coat things so please don't take offense.
This forum had been dying for a long time. This thread is evidence that people see that. The issue is traffic, there just aren't enough new and interesting postings to make the site worthwhile anymore. I've been around here a long time and seen the "good old days" but haven't really been on here much for several months. When you come on and there have only been a handful of threads started in a weeks time you move on to other options.
I know AT gets a bad rap and there are people with issues on there but it does get a lot of traffic and there is almost always something interesting going on.
So enough of pointing out the obvious, how do you fix it?
First Tapatalk. Come on, almost every forum I visit anymore is on tapatalk. It's simple, everything is in one place, it has notifications for interesting topics, pics are super easy to post. This site has always been a pain. Pictures are difficult to post, can't upload need to find a host like photobucket or someplace then link. App stinks. Just tried logging in on pc and would not log me in on two attempts. Tapatalk opens a lot of doors.
PMA membership /content. I see people posting above that they are disappointed in the content. So you shoot yourself in the foot by not offering content that might be interesting to the masses but aren't getting much support from paid memberships. I say dump the paid membership area, bolster your website content and work on getting your funding from sponsors.
I appreciate the effort you guys are willing to go to to recreate and preserve the doubletree threads but I think your focusing on the wrong thing if you want to revitalize the forum. Don't get me wrong those threads have great information but are you hoping to become an informational website or an active forum because revitalizing years old threads isn't going to increase forum activity and participation.
How about a deer contest? I think I've always seen that limited to PMA members in the past. Excuse me if that has changed and I missed it. That could add a big spark to participation.
Facebook. It's already been said but there are other social media outlets out there. I just joined an Iowa Bowhunter group, wow there are tons of posts to that group. But it's Facebook, pictures are super easy to post, the app is simple and works well so it's great for mobile. Replies are easy. I don't know if you can run a dual format and refer people to the forum or what but there are a lot of opportunities there and it's growing fast.
Merchandise. I have an old IW hat, had a decal on my old truck that is now gone but don't see much of a presence as far as hats, shirts, decals on trucks at shoots, etc. I know you can't give that stuff away but get some stuff made up and sell it at cost. Maybe give some away/donate to the IBA, prizes at 3D shoots, Etc.
Lots that can be done but that's just a few thoughts from me. I'd like to see this website become good again.
Monster Buck you took my post way out of context. I wasn’t digging your post just expressing my opinion. No worries here my attitude is great as the 26th of October I’ll start my four weeks quest for a Monster BuckI'm sure Kodak was not a fan of digital photography, where did that get them?
Times change, you either change with them or get left behind.
I appreciate your opinion but attitudes like that are not going to save this forum.