Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


I thought these types were extinct?!

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Cats or millet?

Cats-I wish.

Millet-that would explain the ten cents a freakin seed.

The 'Bonker

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Just think what a wonderful world it would be...

without cats....

don't forget to use a cultipacker on that millet seed Bonker
I was referring to the mullet pic.

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Guess you've never been to a hockey game, eh?

The 'Bonker
don't forget to use a cultipacker on that millet seed Bonker

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.....Insert picture of cats being pulled behind tractor to help cover/pack the seed.......

I'm not a cat hater, I just don't like to have so many around that you can't walk out in the yard without steppin in their crap. Or walk outside and have three of them rubbin up againt your uniform pants or have six or seven kittens that you can't tame down and run when you open the door. Damn things run so fast they are hard to hit. I have enough holes in my garage and deck now.

The 'Bonker
I've got season tickets to the bucs and stars and see plenty of mullets. That one was just extra Bosworthy.
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