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Missouri Survey on Non-Resident Hunting

If you have a care about MO regs please complete this survey. MO needs to limit non-resident hunting pressure badly (among many other regulation modifications). Survey period ends March 24th. Any help is appreciated.
"MDC is considering a range of potential regulatory changes regarding nonresident hunting. They could include limiting nonresident hunting during portions of the deer, turkey, and/or waterfowl hunting seasons; changing the price of nonresident permits; restricting nonresident hunting in portions of the state; and/or restricting nonresident hunting on MDC conservation areas."

How does this work, would a Missouri resident then be allowed to hunt on public land in any other states ? Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota?

Can we exclude non residents from state owned boat landings?

Would we “tariff” them and have reciprocal rules and regulations?
I would be for moving season back two weeks and (1) bucks limit and Missouri will be a great state. The rest will have very little impact on improving hunting.

It’s about the age of the bucks from I’ve seen in Missouri.
How does this work, would a Missouri resident then be allowed to hunt on public land in any other states ? Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota?

Can we exclude non residents from state owned boat landings?

Would we “tariff” them and have reciprocal rules and regulations?
Its been awhile since I have been up to South Dakota, but I believe they allowed residents like 2 weeks of public lands first before non residents could hunt. Residents were mad because "non residents come up and shoot our deer before we get to hunt". I mean, of course if a non resident comes to hunt, its not like we are coming just for the weekends- we typically come up for a "week" or whatever.
I think if someone is paying for a STATE deer license, they should be allowed to hunt STATE ground- thats simply an opinion is all.
Mn is a free for all.

Heck, I kinda wish more non residents would come.
Locals ain't doing squat where I'm at.
Once again, Big Buck Mania is gonna be the downfall for future deer hunting.
I will fill the survey out for sure glad to see other states trying to improve things at home.there is no reason to allow nonresidents the same benefits as residents . Missouri is also way to inexpensive on their NR deer tags. The NR turkey tags were almost as much as the deer tags. I have owned a few farms there and always thought how good it could be.
Resident vs Non Residents crock. It’s stupid. We’re all US citizens. What’s next, showing your “papers” to cross a state line.

IMO low deer numbers, ehd, cwd, I pay more taxes as a citizen etc are a bunch of buzz words for specific groups to get their way. I guarantee when I was a nrlo I spent more in Iowa and paid more taxes than many residents. No doubt.

If states do this every state should reciprocate with the same restrictions whether it be deer, turkey, fishing, camping, use of state owned land, atv riding, enjoying a beach…the list goes on. What if we had to enter a draw to visit a Florida beach. After all the NRs are overcrowding Disney and the beaches. It’s selfishness. Period.
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Resident vs Non Residents crock. It’s stupid. We’re all US citizens. What’s next, showing your “papers” to cross a state line.

IMO low deer numbers, ehd, cwd, I pay more taxes as a citizen etc are a bunch of buzz words for specific groups to get their way. I guarantee when I was a nrlo I spent more in Iowa and paid more taxes than many residents. No doubt.

If states do this every state should reciprocate with the same restrictions whether it be deer, turkey, fishing, camping, use of state owned land, atv riding, enjoying a beach…the list goes on. What if we had to enter a draw to visit a Florida beach. After all the NRs are overcrowding Disney and the beaches. It’s selfishness. Period.

We have a winner ! Great point.

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Mn is a free for all.

Heck, I kinda wish more non residents would come.
Locals ain't doing squat where I'm at.
Once again, Big Buck Mania is gonna be the downfall for future deer hunting.
Appreciate those words. I do know N MN or N WI is kinda like UP of MI…. No one goes…. Deer hunting died. No deer in a lot of those regions. Major bummer. Used to be great!!

IMHO- lack of big bucks is the downfall! Look at MN, MI, etc - everyone is quitting & no one wants to go there!!! MI SUCKS!!!!!! They could care less about big buck mania & 1/3rd of hunters have quit in 20 years. Iowa does care & we have a 6 year wait to come here.
The vast areas I’ve hunted in MI- no one travels there to hunt (ok, almost no one). U could charge $1 for a NR tag & few would go. You could charge $2,000 for an iowa tag & they still probably sell out.

No balanced age class…. Hunters quit. (Or low game & fish #’s) No balanced age class is not good for biological reasons or the future of our sport to wipe out every young buck. Or giving hunters 50 million weapons & seasons & unlimited tags. Doesn’t work. That’s the downfall of the sport. & when folks transition to “$ ruins hunting” (or social media or big buck craze)…. They miss the mark IMO…. $ can also save Hunting. But- to the extent $ ruins hunting…. It’s a reaction of guys with any $ to lock up land & insulate from bad regs so they can have a decent experience & hunt some quality animals. It sucks that it happens. $ does cause problems but it’s what drives these guys to use $ to solve the problems. The REAL SOLUTION…. Regulate things so EVERYONE is lifted up. The average guy & the average farm. Help the resource (deer) with better regs. The rich guys will always be “set” or “find a way”. The average guy is who is getting wiped out from bad regulations & poor management of the resource. By far & away #1 on the list of “problems in hunting”… #1… BAD REGULATIONS RUIN HUNTING - PERIOD!!!!!! The rest are a far cry from #1.
Western states are the pioneers of not exploiting the resource & almost every single one of them put a lot of stipulations or limitations on NR’s. I don’t blame them one bit.
It’s a NECESSITY for RESIDENTS of ____ state to hunt. It’s a LUXARY of the NR’s By definition!!! The voters, residents & those paying income tax (and own their states resource) should decide how many NR’s come in. Especially if their residents have little to no access to the resource or a quality experience.
If MT wants to charge me $5,000 for an elk tag & I have to wait 20 years - totally their right & they know their system better than me & their voters make the rules. If KS said “u can’t come here” … ok…. You make the rules. If states want to be reciprocal- all good!!!!!! As long as YOU have the priorities in the state you live in for the resources the state & citizens own…. Good with me & IMHO - how it should be. Everyday residents of any state with any special resource have generally been sold out in last 20-30 years. MOST. The pendulum is swinging the other way.
Skip. I agree with you most of the time but not on this. The so called luxury has been manufactured by video stars, social media and the internet show casing a state. People see and want to go.

The cost of the “luxury” has zero to do with conservation of the resource. It has everything to do with how much are these dummies willing to pay to kill an oversized goat, Especially when we, the state, artificially limit access to hunting through limited tags.

The justification for the limited access is residents are first, the resource is fragile etc. That’s a complete farse imo.

In the past decade alone Dallas Co where we both live is allegedly one of the fastest growing counties in the nation. Has Iowa considered limited resident tags in Dallas?? After all the area has grown by ten fold and we don’t want to strain the resource. No. Why?? Limiting the nr is a favorite whipping post for so called conservation problems. It’s bigger than that.
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This is just not right at all . Anyone that supports this is asking for real problems . Limiting the portion of the hunting season during which NR can hunt statewide?

Is this the rut ? Who would have ever even thought of this ?IMG_7762.png
Dude. You get to hunt your property the second week of October and the third week of December. Whatever someone decides. Please spend money on land, tax, but stay away. It’s stupid.
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I hope Missouri makes some changes and takes care of their residents first and foremost.

Move gun season back

Make NR tags a draw & raising prices is fine.

I don't think limiting portions of the season or where people can hunt is a good idea imo
this makes the most logical sense but they refuse to move the gun season because of pushback from hunters.
I say, try it for 3 years and see what happens, can always go back. I bet the age class gets better for all seasons and they never look back.
this makes the most logical sense but they refuse to move the gun season because of pushback from hunters.
I say, try it for 3 years and see what happens, can always go back. I bet the age class gets better for all seasons and they never look back.
100% agreed. Every state that has implemented reg changes has booming support a few years later once people see the results.

example: I don't think antler point restrictions are the best way by any means, but I remember Michigan barley passing that in limited areas and then a few years later it had overwhelming support. Indiana going to one buck is often sighted. Many more.
I hope Missouri makes some changes and takes care of their residents first and foremost.

Move gun season back

Make NR tags a draw & raising prices is fine.

I don't think limiting portions of the season or where people can hunt is a good idea imo
This right here wins the debate, OTC for nonresidents is just not sustainable and their tag prices need to increase to make up for any lost revenue. Limiting access to public lands for a specific activity is a dangerous precedence IMO. I live in MN where nobody comes to hunt deer on public, but our lakes/fishing are wildly popular, and I would never vote in favor of keeping nonresidents off the water!
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