Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Mock Scrape Buck


Life Member
Well, after hearing you guys talking about the self scrape freshening technique, I just had to try it. So I tossed down 3 to 4 frosties and headed to the timber with my trail cam. Made a scrape along a fence line and freshened it up a bit and this is what I got.


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He is hitting the scrape right here.


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AWSOME!!! Great buck. I made a couple of my own "special" scrapes also. Need to go check them out to see if they have been hit.
Looks like a shooter in my book Ghost. Awesome pics and excellent quality. I wish my cams took pics that were that clear. I hope he does not fall victim to the potential big cat in your woods.
If that doesn't prove it I don't know what will. Looks like the Vcam is working well.
Good pics, What are you using for your mock scrapes? I need to try that on these Virginia Deer.
This scrape was freshened with pass through Busch Light, about 4 cans works nicely.
Hey Ghost,
will that work with good beer too?
Just kiddin' any A. Busch product is good enough! The pics are awesome!
Just imagine if you had slammed down 4 sam adams...you would have got an even bigger buck with some mature tastes!!! lol
Come on now. I have some good bucks romaning the property are you for real?
i wonder how a dew scrape would work since im underage and dont do that
might have to make about 10 scrapes about 20 yards from my tree!!!! now that would be a story and half!!
and people say peeing out of your tree is bad, its only bad if you pee on your steps
goodluck guys!!
Ghostie, you left out some vital information. Can or bottle and what was the born on date? Actually Auggie and I tried the same thing and a bucks been working them pretty hard. Go get him Ghost!
Next we'll hear how well the pregnant girlfriends wiz works!
I use to wiz in almost every scrape I passed. Some got ripped up soon after. Some not. Perhaps maggs and I should do a scientific study by consuming a variety of beer and deposit it around the County!
Never before would I have done it. But, had to go when I got to my stand tonight. Had a perfect spot in front of the stand so I ripped it up with a stick. Busted up a licking branch, and put a little Central Iowa spice to it. 140 inch 8 with 2 stickers reworked it and circled my decoy. Got mad he wouldn't move and walked away frustrated. I am sold.
Well I'm going to assume you all are telling the truth, so I will try it this weekend and we will see what happens, hopefully old big boy will show up
we have been passing the small ones for 5 yrs we should have the old big boys this year
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