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Movement update...

Here in my neck of the woods things are starting to roll some. On the morning on the 9th had 5 bucks come though- 2 spikes, a small 10 point like 110 inches, and then 2 larger deer that I would guess at 3 year old comparing them to the small 10 point body wise. One was a 9 and the other a 10. The 10 looked just like a buck I shot 4 years ago that taped 122 the 9 was really close to that I would say. Skunked that night.

This morning seen 7 bucks-One 3 year old 9 point with some mass, never came close enough for a good look. Three forkies running around going nuts. and 2 other decent bucks. Then One shooter that was a definate 4 year old or older. He was pushing a doe, doe got wind of me and kept going. When he hit my wind he slid to a stop threw his head up and did an about face. Can't really say what he was or how big, just know when he came in view he drawfed all the deer Ive seen this season bodywise, and his rack was plenty big enough.

If the doe would have came by 20 yards closer he would have been in my wheel house before he hit my wind. Thats the breaks though....

Tonight just a bunch of 1 year olds chasing does around. Even though it was 70 degrees they were pushing does at 2 o'clock.
Me and my parents hunted my farm, i seen 2 does with their fawns and 2 other does no bucks behind them, and seen a nice ten right before dark. My parents didnt see anything.
I sat from 3 til dark and only saw one buck and he was doggin a doe. That buck just happened to be the one I'm after and it was on my walk in, no where near my stands, and moving away from any stand whatsoever. Things are picking up and hopefully this front of weather moving in will push it to the max!
Monday pretty much sucked. Almost 8 hrs on stand and saw 2 small bucks and 2 does...today was a lot better. Saw some good movement this morning from all critters...coons moving until 930(that's good:way:). The afternoon was slow until about 5. The last hour was cool because a 130ish 3.5yr old 10pt decided to pester a mama and her twin doe fawns. Saw two other scrub bucks with him.

Tomorrow is an all day sit...it should keep picking up (I hope). Still haven't seen any 4.5yr olds (or older).
Has the front hit you guys yet? Things were rockin here today. Don't let my South Dakota location fool you, I'm only a few miles from Sioux City.

Anyway, it was cloudy and about 45 degrees when I got in the stand after work around 1:00. A few minutes later a doe popped out in the field looking pretty ragged. Right behind her was a dark racked, heavy eight just as big as the 160" eight pointer I shot a few years ago.

They quickly moved on then a shooter ten dogged a doe out into the field. The remainder of the day I saw various bucks cruising around. At 4:30 a 150" ten entered the field and started pushing does. When I grunted he started coming right toward me but eventually caught my wind and galloped off.

One of the best days I have ever had on stand. Talking with friends they are seeing mature bucks moving between 12 and 2.
Has the front hit you guys yet? Things were rockin here today. Don't let my South Dakota location fool you, I'm only a few miles from Sioux City.

Anyway, it was cloudy and about 45 degrees when I got in the stand after work around 1:00. A few minutes later a doe popped out in the field looking pretty ragged. Right behind her was a dark racked, heavy eight just as big as the 160" eight pointer I shot a few years ago.

They quickly moved on then a shooter ten dogged a doe out into the field. The remainder of the day I saw various bucks cruising around. At 4:30 a 150" ten entered the field and started pushing does. When I grunted he started coming right toward me but eventually caught my wind and galloped off.

One of the best days I have ever had on stand. Talking with friends they are seeing mature bucks moving between 12 and 2.

It ain't here yet!! 65 at 9:40 pm!!!!!!!!! :confused:
I had a good hunt this morning. Saw a BIG, OLD busted up buck with a doe. No amount of aggressive calling or rattling could get him to come my way, even tho he was within 150 yards and in plain sight of my decoy, wind in my advantage. He would just get all puffed up and look my way. My buddy saw a couple decent younger deer on the other side of the farm as well, tho movement didn't seem to last long into the morning.

saw 2 does by themselves in one field this morning on way to work, and 1 doe with a big half rack. in another. He was following her every step. I'd like to see what he was fighting with.
I haven't been out since last weekend but I did talk to 3 guys that have been out all week. They said it was like a switch flipped yesterday afternoon and bucks were everywhere. This was on 3 different farms. Each guy saw a shooter or two. This was the first real action they had seen this week and the first shooters they had seen. One of them had a "monster" chasing a doe all around him. It went thru his shooting lane twice but he couldn't get it to stop. All he ended up with was some great video. He headed back out to the same stand this morning so maybe I'll get an update later today.
Sat for 4 hrs this morning and only saw a tiny buck about 10 am and a 120 inch 8 pt out cruising. Pretty much sucks right now.
Went out yesterday morning and spent 3 beautiful hours in the tree before I had to head into work. I saw 2 decent 6's and a large mature 9. At 45 yards through the woods, I didn't feel comfortable letting an arrow fly. No amount of grunting or rattling was going to get this guy of his trail...he must have been on the trail of something better than my Muzzy.

They are moving...and I like it (my wife however is not real thrilled).
I saw a large 12 at 10:30 this morning feeding and a decent 8 at 2:30 today feeding in a corn field. Both were way out in the open.
Slept through my alarm this morning :mad:, figured with it being cooler, calm, and clear it was going to be a good morning. My buddy saw 24 deer this morning, including 1 good shooter but it was too far for a shot.

I hunted this afternoon. As I was climbing my ladder, I heard a deer coming. It ended up being a 120-130 class 8 (not very tall, but descent tine length and massive). He stopped at 10 yards in a shooting lane as I sit helplessly on my platform. Considering I don't get out a whole lot, I would have possibly shot this buck. He had a big body, I'm assuming a 3 1/2 year old deer. He'd be a good buck next year I think. Anyway, he moved along quickly nose to the ground some of the time. This was at about 3:15.

About an hour later, a small 6 pointer walked around my stand for a while. He didn't seem to rutted up at all, was just browsing/feeding most of the time. The wind was swirling down where i was it seemed like. Weather channel was saying NE at 4 mph, but down where I was it seemed like the exact opposite sometimes. It'd be in my face for a while, then it'd hit me in the back of the neck. :confused: But anyway, that 6 got spooky a few times and stomped a little bit, but never did blow out of there. I'm assuming he smelled 'something', but just didn't know exactly what it was. I tried to spray down pretty well before I walked in.

Gotta work in the morning, but I'll be out Saturday morning and maybe Sunday and Monday morning. I'm off Tuesday so I will for sure be out then. From the reports I got from buddies, today and yesterday things have been heating up.

Can we 'sticky' this thread moderators?
Sat all day yesterday. Didn't see a deer until 9am, but they were moving. Ended up seeing 12bucks, 12does, 3unknown, 2coons, 19turkey, and 1 feral cat(KILT DED)

The cat royally screwed me over at 3pm. Not only did it kill my chipmunk buddy, but it scared a hen turkey and 4 does. Due to the turkey puts, deer snorts, and squirrel chatter I got down at 445 to retrieve my flung arrows because there weren't any deer left in the immediate timber.

Still no 4.5 yr old or older bucks, but enough entertainment to endure an all day sit.

Left my clothes outside last night and it rained so this morning's hunt was flushed (quite literally). Going to get aggressive on my sit tonight to see if I can't stumble upon a 4.5yr old.

Rut is on in Eastern Iowa. Buddy's have been seeing big bucks in fence-lines tending does.
I saw 8 bucks last night in Madison County and all were chasing! I had 3 bucks and 1 doe 20 yds out at the same time. They kept pushing her out of my shooting lanes so I couldn't get a shot on her. Otherwise it was the most action I've seen all season.
What do you think about the action that will happen over Thanksgiving week? Will the rut be in full swing?
What do you think about the action that will happen over Thanksgiving week? Will the rut be in full swing?
I doubt the rut will still be going strong that late, but there is always a chance of a doe in heat. I usually see a shooter still looking for a hot doe during Thanksgiving week, but you need to sit your best spots. The rut is going strong here in eastern Iowa now! Saw several nice 4 1/2 yr. olds this morning in the rain. Neither in range, but passed on several younger bucks that were in easy bow range. The only reason i'm home now is to change into warmer, and drier clothes.
Thanks for the update cedar creek...the front is finally coming through eastern iowa, so I'm thinking the next few days should be flat smoking!!! I'll be in a tree here shortly, so hopefully we can have more to report!!! I started this post about a week ago, and it's been really great hearing how similar our hunts have been, and the movement and lack thereof...Good luck everyone who is still holding a tag!!!
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