If i spray how long should i wait after burning to spray. Is it possible to just lightly disc and overseed after the burn?
WOW! oust is really exspensive. I have 11 acres in switch. I googled oust and it is sold by the pound? Do you think it would be worth the money to use it or just burn and see what happens? I also remember turkey hunting 4th season (late april / early May) and there was a lot of taller green grass at that time. Will this burn ok? not sure what the green grass is but it was pretty thick.
Thanks for the help as i am very new to this.
ESCORT® XP is registered for weed control and
suppression in the establishment and maintenance of native
grasses. It may be used where blue grama, bluestems (big,
little, plains, sand, ww spar) bromegrasses (meadow),6
buffalograss, green sprangletop, indiangrass, kleingrass,
lovegrasses (atherstone, sand, weeping, wilman),
orchardgrass, sideoats grama, switchgrass (blackwell),
wheatgrass (bluebunch, intermediate, pubescent Siberian,
slender, streamband, tall, thickspike, western), and Russian
wildrye are established. It may also be applied over these
species in the seedling stage, except for orchardgrass and
Russian wildrye.
I am going to try and burn last week in april (wheather permitting)and then fallow up with oust. Some of the field is starting to sprout green already. Can i or should i go ahead and spray with gly this weekend or next to help stop some of this grass from greening up so i can get a good burn? (i am assuming this green up is not nwsg).
Awesome! how big will they be when you transplant them? Phil, u have any PCG seeds laying around? :drink2:![]()
Keep us posted on growth this season Phil...:way:
Awesome! how big will they be when you transplant them? Phil, u have any PCG seeds laying around? :drink2:![]()
I finally have some Eastern Gama grass started thanks to my friend Letemgrow! Phil took time to collect the seeds and send them out to me and I sure appreciate it! I elected to start these in Rootmaker cells and some of them are really taking off!
Eastern Gama can endure weeks of flooding and is a more "corn like" NWSG that can also endure severe droughts. It's great cover and one of the few natives that deer will even feed on as well. I plan on getting these going well and then transplanting them to some low areas where I will use atrazine on them for weed control... :way:
I have heard similar reports... Paul's Eastern Gama grass project has got me thinking I could do PCG in RM's and we might have a better chance of making it work. :way: If you could do me a favor Phil and post some pictures this fall of how you collect seeds, I may be able to find a PCG plant in my area and try it.I will next fall, they must be very finickey to start tho...have collected several pounds, scatter seeded them in the fall and have yet to find one growing out of 3 broadcasts.![]()
I have heard similar reports... Paul's Eastern Gama grass project has got me thinking I could do PCG in RM's and we might have a better chance of making it work. :way: If you could do me a favor Phil and post some pictures this fall of how you collect seeds, I may be able to find a PCG plant in my area and try it.