I don’t think that’s the case with only choosing those 2 choices- IMO. It can be rolled over to mat it down - very much like a thick stand of winter rye. U could disc & cultipack it too..... enough to break it up & get it flat. Good no till cutters or cutters with row cleaners. Or even strip til. Several options. IMO - those are not the only 2 options.So question to above point re fire.... say you have a native stand thats 6' tall and thick. I think zero chance you can plant into it because that's just SOOO much residue. Better to bail or fire?
NUKE IT!!!!!! Mow now if u can. Later- Put the hammer to it….. heavy Gly, ams, oil…. Could add 2,4-d.If I’m going to plant natives and or switch next spring, i need to be spraying fescue here say about 3 weeks? Still super hot i know but want to make sure I have good plan when time comes.
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NUKE IT!!!!!! Mow now if u can. Later- Put the hammer to it….. heavy Gly, ams, oil…. Could add 2,4-d.
Since u have a good bit of cool season growing season left…. If u gonna do switch….. add a bit of atrazine or simazine. If it’s other natives…. At least 2-6 oz of imazapic (plateau, journey, panoramic) per acre.
Few updates. This year I planted this field late & with how dry- it germinated late. It’ll be fine. Showing difference between plateau herbicide vs non-plateau.
also- starting the 2nd grow season on stuff planted last year.
U can drill right into it. Because it’s foxtail u can do 2 things…. U can mow it as needed after drilling. Or u can run Imazapic/plateau on it (id go full rate) & drill in Indian, big blue, little blue, IL bundleflower, patridge pea & any other form u like thats tolerant to that herbicide.March '23 I planted a 25ac of CP2 Native grasses (indian, big blue, switch, etc.). I broadcasted the seed with carrier into previous fall bean stubble and coverage was great. The field is a rectangle, with a flat top, hillside, and flat bottom. The field is mostly hard clay, so I banked on rain and the last few freezes to work it in.
Spring and summer '23 were DRY. I eventually got beautiful stands on the flat top & flat bottom, but the slope came in very sparse. From previous experience I let it ride, but after this second growing season, the slope definitely needs some help.
This year I will have a no till G series drill for the first time and am thinking of drilling switch through the foxtail thatch this spring to add a little life to this slope area. I swear I saw where @IowaBowHunter1983 did this somewhere but with forbs, but cant find it.
I know nuking the strips and prepping the ground is best, but this is a CRP field and I think they'd see the dead strips from the road. Not sure.
Would drilling through the foxtail thatch with no prep work?
You're the man Skip, thanks!U can drill right into it. Because it’s foxtail u can do 2 things…. U can mow it as needed after drilling. Or u can run Imazapic/plateau on it (id go full rate) & drill in Indian, big blue, little blue, IL bundleflower, patridge pea & any other form u like thats tolerant to that herbicide.
U dont need to kill it with say round up. I would if there’s cool season grasses there & id do it before warm seasons come up. If u plant in march…. U can spray imazapic anytime…. Basically when your sprayer ain’t froze. Wide open window. I’d run like 12 oz to the acre of imazapic. If it wasn’t illegal I’d pry spray 16+ oz. If it were mine…. I’d spray in April.
Also- if it were mine & I had the time…. I probably would spray it in April…. If any weeds, I’d add heavy gly & ammonium sulfate to imazapic. I’d plant it anytime before or after that. Maybe mow one time late in year if herbicide is wearing off.
When u plant & spray is not a big deal though. Tons of flexibility other than making sure u don’t plant or spray way late in season ideally.