Cost share is what it is. I still look at it is as "thank you! BONUS $" as it's improving my land. With a batwing, I can mow an acre in maybe 4-5 minutes (guessing) so a few mowings a year, reasonable.
With your mix.... Fine, I can split some hairs in there if you'd like

..... I actually can really get complicated if needed like I do on my own ground BUT here's a few BASIC generic thoughts.....
-I'd probably prefer Kanlow or CIR on some other switch to blackwell but that's me.
-Indian can take over BUT depends on soil type and also, if it's good quality soil, it likely won't.
-I plant stuff in sections.... (this is where this can get deep in the weeds in discussion or opinion, I'll avoid MOST).... I do some areas treated with Atrazine and do all switch or do switch & big blue. I do other areas with plateau tolerant mixes, if I want very tall mix- I go Indian and big blue & maybe add Bundleflower & partridge pea.... 12-16 oz of plateau + burn down with round-up liberty and I also burn down in fall.
- You could look at Plateau tolerant mixes if you're not as much a fan of mowing.
-I'm a lunatic on having fun with this stuff & experimenting.... for example, this year I added Maximillian sunflower (get very tall), several Asters (very tall). Then, I had my wildflower areas I did some more stuff like brown/black eyed susan, blazing star, lupine, Coneflowers, purple prairie clover, etc, etc.
SO..... BACK TO BASICS.... What you want, thick nasty deer cover? You will likely have it there. If that's all you care about, I'd probably swap the Blackwell for Kanlow & CIR switchgrass. Switch will stay upright the longest of any of your grasses but all this is good. I love diversity & doing different fields differently BUT you're talking ONE field so I think if goal is THICK - you're pretty close, IMO.