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Nonresident Landowner Changes?


New Member
Does anyone know if there will be any changes with nonresidents who own land in Iowa.

I am one and didn't draw a buck tag last year and this year it cost me $425 and I HOPE to get a buck tag.

If anyone knows of how we could get a bill passed through Iowa for non resident land owners (like IL or KS did)I would greatly appreciate any info or ideas.

I just don't think it is fair that a nonresident landowner shouldn't be gaurenteed at least one buck tag every year.

Thanks for any info!

You can send me a private message if you want!
Why should you get resident privledges if you're not a resident?

And what has Kansas done for NR landowners? Nothing good that I am aware of. In fact they were recently sued by a NR landowner from New Mexico for not being able to get turkey permits that are only available to residents in unit 4 and any deer transferable permits. The courts sided in favor of the KS dept of wildlife and reaffirmed the resident/non-resident distinction.
Why should you get resident privledges if you're not a resident?

Because of the OWNERSHIP of property, He certainly is not exempt from taxes on the land. Let's be Fair !
Turkey season isn't even over and someone goes over and taps the paper wasp nest.
Turkey season isn't even over and someone goes over and taps the paper wasp nest.

[/ QUOTE ]

Buzz buzz

Owning land here doesn't give you voting rights or a host of other "rights"...including deer tags...
Same message posted on QDMA.

When you bought land in Iowa which part of the regulations didn't you understand? Seriously- didn't you know that when you bought it?

I own land here already but am moving so I am selling a couple parcels and am going to keep one that I will hunt as a non-resident, either that or I'll hunt in my new adopted home state.
Bestofiowa,I see in your post that you said you would like to shoot at least one buck a year.What about the doe's on your property?Do you take any of them or allow any Ia. residents to hunt doe's on your property?Like has been discussed here before,the non-res.buys land and may only take a buck every couple of years,and the property becomes a sancuary (sp)and the insurance companies and non-hunting public say we have a deer problem with all the car deer accidents because these properties have no pressure or management,while the residents struggle to keep or find places to hunt.
Because of the OWNERSHIP of property, He certainly is not exempt from taxes on the land. Let's be Fair !

[/ QUOTE ]

So a couple hundred dollars a year in taxes should make you equal to resident status?

Do you know how many people would go out and buy 5 acres or 10 or however many it takes in IA to get landowner tags? I know I would. I have 2000+ acres of prime time private land in IA I can hunt(family owned). I will just buy 10 acres and hunt 2000 every year. I guarantee I would take advantage of it if it ever happened, but that doesn't mean it is fair to residents.
BestofIowa - Welcome to the site, your first post and you have stirred up a pot that is always just a degree from boiling. If you haven't figured it out yet, the arguement of NR vs. R is better entrenched then the siege of Vicksburg. For your next post you might try a different topic, something like wether dogs should be allowed during party hunts. Good luck.
I was forwarded this email. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing (bestofiowa) must be Cory.

From: Cory J. Wiedel
To: Mickey W. Hellickson
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:10 PM
Subject: RE: coyote and fawn

Any thoughts on this, I posted this on hunting.net


I am a Nebraska resident and own land in Kansas and Iowa.

In Kansas I can get a "Hunt-Own-Land" permit for around $80 and I get to shoot one buck per year and can hunt any season till I kill a buck. In Kansas you've got to own a minimum of 80 acres.

In Iowa I have no rights being a landowner. Because of the drawing system, I have to choose bow, shotgun or muzzleloader and in the last 5 years I've got a liscece to shoot a buck about every other year. I just paid for a bow permit last week and it was over $425.

Does anyone know what would be the steps a landowner could try to get something passed in Iowa like what they have in Kansas . I think Kansas 's laws are fair and reasonable and I think landowners should have at least a few rights.

Does anyone know when Kansas got the non-resident landowner laws they have today and what they were previously?

Thanks Everyone and Any Ideas Would be Welcomed!


I couldn't agree with you more! With your permission, I would like to forward your comments to everyone I know in a similar situation to see if we might be able to stir up enough interest to create an organization & possibly hire a lobbyist at some point in the future to take our issues up with the Iowa legislature???


Mickey W. Hellickson, Ph.D.
King Ranch Chief Wildlife Biologist
King Ranch Production Office
P.O. Box 1090
Kingsville, TX 78364-1090
Ph: (361) 221-0317 (Ofc)
(361) 219-0416 (Mob)
Fax: (361) 595-4162
E-mail: mhellickson@king-ranch.com
That's just what Iowa needs, rich Texans lobbying IA legislature for better hunting privledges

We need a graemlin that is waving it's middle finger.
Once the NR's get more tags/access and have every decent piece of ground leased or bought. You may want to get a second or third job because The King Ranch's prices are a little STEEP! Check'em out.

Prices for hunts offered by King Ranch are as follows:

White-tailed deer
Hunt #1
(3 days)
up to a 150 Boone & Crockett Gross Score $5,500.00 flat fee

151 - 170 B&C, $5,500 plus $200.00 per point above the 150 B&C gross score

171 - 180 B&C, $5,500 plus $250.00 per point above the 150 B&C gross score

181 - 199 B&C, $15,000

200+ B&C, $20,000

Hunt #2
(2 days)
$3,250.00 Management Buck - 8 points or less

Hunt #3
(1 day)
$1,250.00 Cull Buck

I saw that on their website. The sad thing is that there are people that actually pay those prices. I guess 825,000 acres isn't enough for some people
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