Method of take is not a factor, nor is safety. Someone can recklessly kill with a shotgun slug or .45-70 just as easily as with a .30-30.
Proper management of deer herd is achieved by tuning the following knobs:
1. The number of deer allowed to be harvested.
2. Which deer are allowed to be harvested.
3. Where those deer are allowed to be harvested.
4. When the harvest may occur.
The method the hunter uses to conduct the harvest is irrelevant to herd health.
IFC pulled “political garbage” at its finest with that last round of corrupt, special interest, intentionally vague worded garbage legislation.
Having more RIFLES in iowa is not going to help one thing. It’s not going to help: access, balanced deer herd, safety, etc. The dwindling access folks have (partially due to crazy regulations from SPECIAL INTERESTS) will further degrade with these foolish additions we DONT NEED.
More AR’s with more mags on gun drives- tempting further shots or groups with long range rifles (like a .375 h&h) helps no one & inherently creates some more safety issues. Why we haven’t had rifles in iowa until IFC got involved. More running deer, further shots, in parties - on smaller parcels (folks losing access) is definition of foolish.
With a state with 6% timber, 7 deer seasons, 7+ weapon choices & 4 month hunting season - IFC is way out of their lane & went against our state & sportsmen.
IFC is Shameful. No merits to the slimy lobbying they do other than their own self interests & disregard for sportsman. Organization is a shame based on all of this crap they pulled.
sorry im bit repetitive & harsh but im “saying it how it is” or how vast # of hunters feel. Shameful…. Slick dirty politics at its finest!!!!
the SLIME of IFC will be proven when they pull the BS they said they wouldn’t (we know they lied & this will prove it) when pressure comes out to legalize all rifles. Be ready - they don’t care if they lie & cheat & pull this garbage in broad daylight.
*apologize for being overly blunt. & not directed at Arec- directed at IFC & Politicians! I’m pissed. This group has me steaming. & that does not happen often. WE, most hunters & conservative sportsmen, have had it with this crap.
Sportsmen need to organize & fight this. Same type of groups & special interests will use the same playbook to get crossbows during archery. So predictable. Sad sell outs.