Thought about this for a bit. On this post I’m gonna play the “neutral, no position guy. Someone who is trying to understand how/why happened”… NEUTRAL view where “this is why it happened” without any evidence. I’ll preface it with 2 other examples in government that have happened/happening in history in slightly different proportion & completely unrelated!!

1) the Government killed Kennedy. The military industrial complex hated him & he pushed back against the wars & establishment- so they took care of him.
2) same things that killed Kennedy are trying to do the same to Trump.
What likely happened here with Government & this bill (again- I have no clue about this & heard about it yesterday like anyone)….
I believe they looked at: the large migration data of people moving to iowa. It’s staggeringly high. There’s huge pressure for more recreation, access & public land. It’s discussed often. The residents (general public) are blowing up their legilsators & DNR on losing access & no where to hunt. My guess is- many feel like the party hunting tag was a loop hole that created problems. (And with that said- my close friends have party hunted and I’ve transferred tags - again, I’m not voicing opinion for MYSELF)….. I think they weighed out the problem of resident/voter access against pissing off NR’s. I’d suspect they felt things have been going in “wrong direction” on too many issues so found a way to get this changed.
One thing I heard this am …. Not saying correct or not…. The deep dive into the law, apparently there’s some fine print that is was supposed to be for R only. For whatever reason- the regs never spelled that out. According to this source - they cleaned up the language which was actually always on the books. Who knows if thats true or not but possible.
Dudes are gonna be pissed. I get it. I really do. I empathize with resident sentiment as well.
The LO laws for land will not get changed because of growing pressure. Won’t happen….
Which leads me to next: ….. some land is gonna get sold. Pressure to buy in KS & few other states is gonna grow big time. Already is for KS. Will get more guys buying there & maybe some in MO, IL, etc. Guys will say “screw it, I’ll go buy in XYZ state”.
Again- just trying to read between the lines & try to understand this. I don’t know if this is actually true or a done deal but if it is…. Above is my best explanation I can think of as of yet.