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NR party hunting to be eliminated

Maybe they'll let you sit in their heated blind and even give you some corn to use since NR seem to do this all the time?

I hope so, that would be luxurious compared to sitting on the ground like I do now.

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  • Deleted by Ishi
If other NR’s are like me, they may have about 5 days to hunt in Iowa, and show up wanting to harvest a buck. They may spend a day getting a deer processed, or at least ready to transport home, There is little time to hunt a doe, despite their good intentions.
I figured out it’s a good idea to allow trusted resident friends to harvest a couple of does on my property each year.
Oh ya, I get it. I did same thing when I traveled out of state. I usually didn’t shoot does. Residents of any state are the ones that generally control what doe or harvest #’s look like.
I do see land values dropping a bit as the new demand will slow down in certain zones.
Before this happened - I’ve seen a slide in prices JUST A BIT. I know TONS of NR’s (friends, folks I know, etc) that were going to sell anyways …. “There’s not near as many giants as I thought there should be or expected”. “Way more work & headaches than realized” & “I am not gonna wait 5-6 years for a bow tag”.
Iowa land in last 2 years is OVERVALUED IMO. Makes no sense. IMO - it needs to shed 15% off the average price for health of market & value for what a person is buying. Doesn’t matter what I think should happen though as market likely fixes itself. If inflation keeps up + interest rates & we have slowdown in economy- we will see a bigger dip. Dip & dump of ground was happening before this event & this will for sure add to it.
I hope so, that would be luxurious compared to sitting on the ground like I do now.

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Yup, I set on the ground or stood in the rain, snow and freezing temps for 45 years and decided there might just be a better way. Lucky enough to have a permanent place to hunt now, so built myself a nice dry, warm blind to hunt out of. Yes it's heated and very water and airtight which makes staying out for 10 hours very comfortable. Nice having a hot lunch while hunting and have shot several deer during the mid day when some people stop hunting to find lunch somewhere.
For those simply wanting the facts or the reply from someone with connections- this will likely be as concrete as I can give for the moment. Like it or hate it- not the point….. here’s the best most reliable info I’ve got so far.
For those simply wanting the facts or the reply from someone with connections- this will likely be as concrete as I can give for the moment. Like it or hate it- not the point….. here’s the best most reliable info I’ve got so far.
View attachment 127448
In summary, previously it was allowed because it was never explicitly forbidden. Now, it is forbidden on the decision made by the committee that combined the two chapters when they saw party hunting in the resident section
Who pushed EO10? I’m sure Governor Reynolds always wanted to clean that up. Are the celebrity tags being looked at? I heard they were. Some video celebs are on edge they’ll have to find a new archery rut hunt to fit between the early season elk hunt and gun hunting. It’s rough.
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Who pushed EO10? I’m sure Governor Reynolds always wanted to clean that up. Are the celebrity tags being looked at? I heard they were.
100% they are being looked at. They need to go. There’s zero merit to that program. Wrong on infinite levels with absolutely zero merits. Even those getting the tags know it’s a joke & caused a wide array of problems. It’s time!!!!
  • Deleted by Windlooker
  • Reason: Answered
100% they are being looked at. They need to go. There’s zero merit to that program. Wrong on infinite levels with absolutely zero merits. Even those getting the tags know it’s a joke & caused a wide array of problems. It’s time!!!!
How many are given out?

I would be in favor of giving that number of tags to worthy organizations (IBA, Pheasant Forever, etc) for additional auction tags.

(As most know, those dollars go to GREAT causes and are currently fetching $20k+/ea)
I’ve heard several numbers being 50, 25, and as many as decided by the DNR on a case by case basis. I wish I knew more about it.
Maybe I am wrong. I'm sure this group will let me know. Back in the day when we all had to apply for tags through the mail and it was tough to get an any sex tag it was a little more challenging to get meat.

I could be wrong about this too, but back then it seems like there were a lot more groups pushing deer in groups and very little focus on getting a big buck and almost no focus on a specific buck.

All of this being said if you couldn't party hunt then once you shot a deer you had to quit for the season. This makes it a lot harder to get deer meat for a good sized group and made it really hard to cover large areas since your groups get smaller as tags get filled.

Since those times hunting has changed and it seems now that this "loophole" is getting utilized more to allow people to focus on trophy deer when they did not draw a tag for a racked deer. If I was a NR land owner I would be upset and disappointed too, but you have to admit that you have been taking advantage of a rule that was really not the intention.

Hunting in the 80's was more about fun with friends and family. Over the years it has turned into competition, social media pressure and in my opinion a lot of bad attitudes. Heck a young guy can't start out bowhunting and be proud of his first 75inch buck without being criticized by someone for ruining the age structure of our herd or something.

I don't think there is a right answer anymore. Someone always finds a way to ruin it for everyone.
Maybe I am wrong. I'm sure this group will let me know. Back in the day when we all had to apply for tags through the mail and it was tough to get an any sex tag it was a little more challenging to get meat.

I could be wrong about this too, but back then it seems like there were a lot more groups pushing deer in groups and very little focus on getting a big buck and almost no focus on a specific buck.

All of this being said if you couldn't party hunt then once you shot a deer you had to quit for the season. This makes it a lot harder to get deer meat for a good sized group and made it really hard to cover large areas since your groups get smaller as tags get filled.

Since those times hunting has changed and it seems now that this "loophole" is getting utilized more to allow people to focus on trophy deer when they did not draw a tag for a racked deer. If I was a NR land owner I would be upset and disappointed too, but you have to admit that you have been taking advantage of a rule that was really not the intention.

Hunting in the 80's was more about fun with friends and family. Over the years it has turned into competition, social media pressure and in my opinion a lot of bad attitudes. Heck a young guy can't start out bowhunting and be proud of his first 75inch buck without being criticized by someone for ruining the age structure of our herd or something.

I don't think there is a right answer anymore. Someone always finds a way to ruin it for everyone.
Everyone says this but they try to shoot a good sized buck instead of shooting the first spike they see. They rely on other hunters to manage for large racks so they can shoot one..Iowa's draw is not to shoot small bucks, everyone all over the country wants to come here and shoot a trophy
Maybe I am wrong. I'm sure this group will let me know. Back in the day when we all had to apply for tags through the mail and it was tough to get an any sex tag it was a little more challenging to get meat.

I could be wrong about this too, but back then it seems like there were a lot more groups pushing deer in groups and very little focus on getting a big buck and almost no focus on a specific buck.

All of this being said if you couldn't party hunt then once you shot a deer you had to quit for the season. This makes it a lot harder to get deer meat for a good sized group and made it really hard to cover large areas since your groups get smaller as tags get filled.

Since those times hunting has changed and it seems now that this "loophole" is getting utilized more to allow people to focus on trophy deer when they did not draw a tag for a racked deer. If I was a NR land owner I would be upset and disappointed too, but you have to admit that you have been taking advantage of a rule that was really not the intention.

Hunting in the 80's was more about fun with friends and family. Over the years it has turned into competition, social media pressure and in my opinion a lot of bad attitudes. Heck a young guy can't start out bowhunting and be proud of his first 75inch buck without being criticized by someone for ruining the age structure of our herd or something.

I don't think there is a right answer anymore. Someone always finds a way to ruin it for everyone.

I first started deer hunting in the late '70's, so that is my frame of reference, FWIW. My recollection is that basically everyone got a buck only tag when we submitted our tag applications via mail. Only a few lucky souls got any sex tags, allowing them to shoot a doe. That tag was gold and basically assured the lucky holder of venison in the freezer that year. I seem to recall that maybe one in ten got an any sex tag, but don't quote me.

I don't recall people sitting out once they filled their tag though...now then, maybe they were supposed to, I really don't know. I went shotgun hunting a few times in those early days, but my recollection is fuzzy. We were more bird hunters then...so our "deer hunting" usually consisted of sitting for an hour or two in the morning and then going after any roosters that we heard crowing once 8:00A arrived. :) The first shell, or two, in the trusty scattergun was a pheasant load...with a couple of slugs behind them. If we jumped ANY buck, there were shells being shucked and then blammo, blammo, blammo, etc, at the fleeing scraghorn...well, you get the idea. :)

We had no concept about older deer, it was about filling tags, by just about any means available. I still remember the first big buck that I saw, I truly was confused by all of that "stuff" on his head.
To be fair I would grandfather current NRLOs as party hunting was legal as told to them by CO s and the DNR for more than 20 years. Before I was a RLO I was told countless times by my CO it was legal. That’s not NRLOs fault. New NRLOs and NR hunters would have to draw to hunt. No party hunting.

For the “players” in this scheme it satisfies two parties with interest. It’s fair to the NRLO and it stymies future NR purchasing that lowers land demand and prices for the resident.
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To be fair I would grandfather current NRLOs as party hunting was legal as told to them by CO s and the DNR for more than 20 years. Before I was a RLO I was told countless times by my CO it was legal. That’s not NRLOs fault. New NRLOs and NR hunters would have to draw to hunt. No party hunting.

For the “players” in this scheme it satisfies two parties with interest. It’s fair to the NRLO and it stymies future NR purchasing that lowers land demand and prices for the resident.
Your post probably makes too much sense to be approved. At least you’re thinking out of the box a bit. This new decision causes some issues for a couple of friends in Iowa, one a R and the other a NR. Neither had any warning of the new rules.
Yep Pops common sense is gone. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard and comes with a bit of humble pie. Too much of I gots mine here! Basic premise in life is you have to give to get. I know I’m preaching to the choir.
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Everyone says this but they try to shoot a good sized buck instead of shooting the first spike they see. They rely on other hunters to manage for large racks so they can shoot one..Iowa's draw is not to shoot small bucks, everyone all over the country wants to come here and shoot a trophy
I prefer steak, but still eat burgers too.

I prefer wall hangers, but stiI still shoot sub trophy bucks too.

I rely on God to grow them big Iowa racks.

If other hunters were responsible for it, they may be considered deer farmers, not hunters.
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