It is going to be a good fall!
I’m just gonna be a little devils advocate here. Your math 55,857 square miles in Iowa . How much of that is crop land, roads, cities, parking lots, windmills, bare pasture, lakes/ponds farm sites … etc .I can’t help but laugh at everyone saying I will give up my LOT anysex tag because I think it will help the herd. Many of which bought their land not to make a living off it but solely to deer hunt on it. Then others say you should have to have at least 40 acres to qualify. I really don’t care if it is 2,5,10,15, 20, 40, 80 acres. It won’t make a difference.
Just look in the above post. It said that 5036 bucks were taken in 22/23 with anysex LOT tags. Do you guys realize that Iowa has 55,857 square miles of land inside its borders. So that means less than one buck for every 10 square miles of land was tagged with anysex LOT tag. Just a reminder…a square mile is 640 acres. So less than one buck on every 6400 acres was tagged with an anysex LOT tag. Boy those anysex LOT are really destroying our herd. And those guys with just 2 acres are obviously the problem. If you think having one more buck wandering around on 6400 acres that more than likely you won’t ever get access to is really going to be a game changer! You’re crazy. Good thing you guys are really focused on the important things! Just drop the idea of getting rid of a buck tag. It won’t help you get a bigger buck.
The only way to improve your hunting is to increase the population and there will be plenty of resistance from FB and the other insurance companies. Everyone should be putting 100% of their efforts into decreasing doe tag allocations and educating people to not shoot does if your population is down. Even if the DNR doesn’t change the doe tag allocations. That doesn’t mean we have to buy them or fill them. Educate your fellow hunters.
Do you realize how many farmers look at the anysex and antlerless LOT tags as the one little bone the IDNR throws them for feeding the deer herd all year. I am not talking about the deer farmers on here either. I’m talking about regular farmers that hunt deer for fun and to control the population. Not as a lifestyle. Sure let’s take away their anysex LOT. Then tell them that the IDNR is going to decrease the doe tags so we can have even more deer running around eating their crops. Sounds like great idea…let’s piss off 75% of FB’s membership by telling them they shouldn’t be able to shoot a buck with their LOT tag and make them think they are going to see herds of deer all over their crop fields again and in front of their wife’s car. Just like they used to see in the mid 2000’s. Can’t wait to see FB reaction when their members are calling and messaging their leadership asking them what they are going to do about loosing their anysex LOT and the DNR’s big plans to increase the deer population.
You guys really need to stop pushing this nonsense. If a guy farms 5 acres or 160 acres or 1000 acres and looses two acres of production due to deer damage. Two acres of 200 bushel/acre corn x $5.00 = $2000. You don’t think they should get an anysex LOT tag? There is a lot more deer damage done than you think. I’ve seen deer nip the silk off corn and completely destroy a two acre food plot in two weeks. Just because you distribute that same number of deer and damage over 5 acres or 160 acres or 1000 acres doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Just means their yield monitor will read less. That was done in two weeks now calculate the amount of damage done to a producer’s corn and beans from April to October. Leave the anysex and antlerless LOT tags alone. They are not hurting the resource and are a nice gesture to the FB/farming community.
Pick the battles that will make a difference. Not battles that just burn political capital.
If it’s 90-92% then the math on the buck harvest would be about 1 buck per square mile of deer habitat. Which is not “nothing” or “minimal”.
—5036 bucks is quite a few, more than I would have ever guessed.