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OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

Yeah I’m not for a floating tag. I do like the floating tag for the LOT as they are only hunting their own ground. 2 buck max, floating LOT and fix the antlerless permits and shed buck season. Should make good improvements.
Is the floating LOT in your scenario included in the 2 buck max?
The 40 acre limit will continue to benefit the older generation of hunters forever. Right now 2/3rds of Iowa landowners are 65 or older. More than likely in 20 years that will still be the case. Those in their late 30’s or 40’s now will be in the same boat as the current landowners. If not we have bigger problems!! We have absolutely no idea how bad the younger generations could potentially screw things up yet!! My issue is the more exclusive the LOT tags are the less support for them there will be. This will lead to a few things. LOT tags will be eliminated completely or people will push to further liberalize other regs as LOT privileges seem more and more unattainable for future generations. Right now the carrot is dangling not too far in front of them for many so they support LOT tags since they see a clear path to get there. If the goal post is moved too far they will give up on that goal and push to “equalize” hunting in other ways. If you support your LOT privileges at all you should not support this bill. It will without a doubt lead to the elimination of LOT tags or the further liberalization of other regs that will render any changes from this bill meaningless
It’s going to be- well now non resident landowners with 40 acres get a tag, but everyone 39.9 and under don’t. It’s an opening due to-“you just got rid of x amount of tags and we need to keep deer numbers down”
Yep!! I just can’t ever support taking tags away from residents and allowing more to be open for non residents. Might not be the intent but unfortunately it is usually what happens
IMHO - there’s a miss on how impactful reducing a buck tags truly is. Probably warrants another thread. I’m not necessarily saying “we have to go to 1 buck now!” Maybe we never get there but if our trend on hunting access, quality, balanced age structure don’t get better & continue to get worse - there’s going to be more hunters across state that will ask for it & support it.
I’m gonna make an assumption here that’s not meant to offend or be divisive …. Those that think reducing a buck tag doesn’t make much difference or going to 1 buck wouldn’t make difference…. Have likely not been to 1 buck states. Or been on the borders of 1 buck vs 2 buck states. It’s a stark difference. I’ll give you a few examples….

Indiana was a 2 buck state. Access, age structure & folks wanting a better quality herd came to a boiling point (maybe 15-20 years ago). The argument AGAINST changing the rules said “most people don’t fill the 2nd buck tag anyways!!” They had a situation where they have the will to push it through knowing the other benefits & won …. 2 to 1 buck. What happened!!!!…. Hunters that often didn’t shoot 2 bucks anyways…. They got extremely picky & likely thought twice about pulling trigger on the 1 buck they did shoot. Likely passing who knows how many thousands of bucks statewide just because guys held off & passed more deer. That state, in 5 years, went from like 18th to 3rd or 4th in country for B&C bucks. Hunters against the change largely changed their minds & would not want to see it go back to 2 bucks. When guys tagged out on a buck, a portion were done & it freed up access. It took some pressure away as guys felt “well, the worse these other guys can do is only shoot 1 buck & there is more bucks now”.

Guys who think the doe #’s will get lower- actually not right. That is directly tied to the antlerless tags given out or access issues. Ohio is 1 buck & can’t get doe #’s under control because they allow unlimited NR tags & everything is leased up as an insane amount of NR pressure comes to that state. Much like MO - when you cross line into N MO- deer #’s are higher since everything is leased up or unlimited NR access. Like it or not (I’m a NR of KS & see it there) …. NR’s are not shooting does in any state. Generally <10% do. MO has a real problem with countless dudes locking up land & shooting bucks only & no does… it’s driven by a totally different dynamic though & in their example, 2 bucks where anyone can get those buck tags & lock up more land than iowa - it’s a complex $hit storm. I could explain but I’ll spare the novel.
Now….. you go to Kansas across from MO (or Nebraska) to KS’ 1 buck. & yes, a later gun season …. I see it with everyone “I’m gonna be fussy at what I shoot, I got one crack”.

MO to KS, 2 to 1 buck- night & day difference. MICHIGAN to IN & OH…. I’ve hunted the line at bottom of MI… you cross into both those states….. totally different. Immensely better. OH also has late gun but IN does not …. Both are a huge enhancement. If IN could move gun back - oh my gosh- would be insane & it’s already immensely better than S MI.

Bottom line: every state that made the change: the argument by opposition is always “but most people don’t fill the 2nd tag”. & in every case I’ve seen or recall- the results exploded the states potential & alleviated (not solved but helped) many of the problems all hunters face. Improved those states for EVERYONE!!! The average farms got way better. The states that always been that way- almost always better than neighbors. & i personally don’t believe states like OH, KS, IN, etc would now want to reverse course & go to 2 bucks. It changes the minds of hunters on what they shoot, immediately… “maybe I’ll hold off”. It doesn’t immediately impact the actual # of bucks shot. But it makes those states wildly better in a short time. There’s other issues of course: when is gun season, how many doe tags are given out, do we limit NR access, etc. But that issue, IMHO- is a winner in every state it’s been done in. & yes, I roll my eyes with a bit of a smile going “we really are debating some folks losing a 3rd buck tag going to 2?!?!?!?” 1 buck states…. Spend a bit of time thinking of why it’s so impactful …. & it is!!!! ….. while it doesn’t immediately wildly change the amount of bucks shot. Over the long term (3-5 years) - yes, there’s more bucks but the age class is far better & far more balanced. Who is the biggest beneficiary???? EVERYONE, but mainly the little guy- hunting average land. The “rich guy” probably limited things before. Now it lifts the whole system up and the little guy has an experience closer to that of the highly managed parcels. It’s a win for: new hunters/kids, average guys, Access, the RESOURCE & the overall quality of the herd & future.
This isn’t that complicated. If the “rich guy” wants things to be better for all he will sacrifice the same things as everyone. If not it will be seen as a rigged system to benefit the elite and will lead to the masses begging for liberalization of other regs to “catch up” or “make things fair”. Those of us that have it good right now have an awesome opportunity to make things across the board better for all and all this bill does on paper is give us another advantage that we do not need.
The regulations will have to change and reduce the Buck harvest and try to increase populations overall in areas in lower density areas. They will never allow the population to go back to the 2000-2010. That crazy population is what got this late rifle and the crazy high antlerless county quotas started. The bottom line is if the majority of the hunters dont support change in management larger landowners and other serious hunters will just buy,lease and in some situations high fence the neighbors they dont agree with and manage the way they feel is correct.
Very much agree. ^^ The only people happy about the deer populations then were...deer hunters!

I am more in the neutral territory here on what should be done, but there is no way on earth that we will ever see the very high overall deer populations that we had in the early 2000's, no way. Hans1 is correct, those high numbers are what led to all of the additional harvest "opportunities". The FB, insurance companies, general population, etc, just did not want that many deer on the landscape and they will flip if we approach anything like it again.

Now then, are there areas within the state that are well below where they "should" be...it sure seems like it, yes. But the "let's get the population back to the good ol' days" approach is a non-starter, it just will not be tolerated and would likely lead to more regulations than any of us would prefer to solve it.
Is the floating LOT in your scenario included in the 2 buck max?
Yes, two bucks max for everyone plus the urban tags. Floating LOT tag as a bone to RLO but if you fill two statewide tags with antlered deer then you are done and the floating LOT gets thrown in trash or used on antlerless deer on your farm unit (s).
The current system of 2 acres is abused. It needs fixed. How much property do you own, what do you do? You say life has treated you well. What’s that mean.

You refer to stats with no reference and speak in generalities . Of course older folks own more land. As one lives they tend to make more money with the ability to buy more in time. I worked as a LEO for 13 years before I could buy my first piece. At that time was the price considered expensive, absolutely.

Your entire argument reeks with equity based positions. There are some folks who own more, sacrifice more, provide more to the habitat than others etc. I believe the landowner who owns 300, 500, 1000 ac should be treated differently than the 20 ac owner. All day. They have larger issues and conservation responsibilities than others. There’s no catch all remedy here but it’s a start.

1983 asked you a bunch of posts ago for examples of who in the older generation wants to keep you down. Couldn’t provide any. You ramble and ramble.

Again, horse meet stick.
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Haha!! Just because you are ignorant of the facts does not mean that they are not facts!! Spend the time like I have and look them up!! There is no doubt what age class owns the majority of land. I really do not doubt that when I am that age I will be in the same boat and my current age class will own the most land too! The results of this bill are the same. It gives the older age class a huge advantage!! Compounding interest is awesome!! Those currently invested in land or nearly anything will without a doubt always have a financial advantage over the younger generations! Even I have a HUGE advantage over those younger than me! Long term what will that do for deer hunting?? History has proven that as the general population sees real wealth and large land ownership unattainable they beg for and eventually get liberalization of regulations. I don’t want to leave my kids that will probably own less than me(hopefully not, bust statistically likely) with less. I don’t want them competing in bow season with crossbows, or more non residents, or november gun seasons. This has happened in every other state. If we make it so obvious that we have a leg up on everybody here it will without a doubt happen here too! We already have a huge advantage!!! We don’t need to amplify it anymore and deal with the bs regs that will result from it.
If you want the facts and can’t look them up roughly 2/3rds of Iowa landowners are 65 or older even tho they represent only a little over 18% of the population.
Another ramble with zero facts, calling people ignorant and answering nobody’s questions.
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Haha. You can disregard facts all you want it does not change them. My opinions are based on fact. Go ahead and base yours on whatever you want them to be. When you get a chance let me let me know how many midwestern states have LOT tags for those that own over 40 acres or have no crossbows or no november gun seasons etc.. Very interested in this
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How many of those are farmers, not recreational landowners? You going to buy their thousand acres of holdings? Statistics can be presented in different ways to advance an agenda.
Totally agree!!!!! That is actually kind of my point. And i think the original intent of LOT tags should be looked into if that’s what we wan’t to do…. Does a rec ground owner deserve any??? Does your 20 acres of crp or 50 acres of crop out of the 500 you own really mean anything?? You are actually hitting on exactly what I am getting at!! Why do we have these tags???? Some say deer management… what does that really mean??? Trophy management or population??? Do the deer “habitat” owners deserve them or true “crop producers”?? So many opinions. How the heck do we ever sort it all out??? Even if you own 1000 acres but your income is not dependent on the crops you produce do you deserve anything??? I honestly do not have the answer and there seems to be a lot of differing opinions on who the tags are actually for.
You’re combining rec farm and ag ownership. Can’t do it. . The average age in Iowa of today’s farmer is 57 according to Farm Bureau. ISU has the age a bit higher.

But, ISU does not separate rec farm owners and ag farm ownership. Two different markets. Do you want to farm or hunt?

92% of Iowa land is ag. The average age of the rec farm owner is missing or not calculated; which is an important variable in this statistic. It’s apples and oranges.

Btw, the reason for the state wide age of Iowas farmers has nothing to do with land affordability. It’s mostly, according to ISU, older farmers not willing to retire and start up cost for new farmers. Yes, start up can include land, however equipment, structures etc also play in. Again, this pertains to ag ownership primarily.

Your numbers and reasoning are skewed
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Cherry pick more regs/stats while you are at it!!! Is saying this bill helps 57 year olds vs 65 year olds really any bettter?? The facts are the same. This bill without a doubt helps an older generation of landowners/producers. Who are LOT tags really for?? Do you want your non LOT elegible kids grandkids stuck with BS regs while you are isolated from them???
  • Deleted by booneriverbucks
  • Reason: Duplicate
92% of ground is ag!! Perfect!!! U are teaming up with pro farm bureau and the kill everything group now?? Am i right??? Your proposed regs affect all landowners. Not blaming you!! Just another problem with this bill. It totally helps big ag while crippling the habitat minded small landowners
Dude. You’re all over the place.. I mentioned ag ownership because the average age of Iowa’s farmers is based only on ag land; without calculating the avg age of the rec owner. That’s all.
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