Central Iowa
Life Member
I also have heard the story first person. I was extremley fortunate to spend an evening at the Lovstuen houshold in October. When you have an entire evening to hear a story you get the true depth of effort, feelings, and trials that were envolved with hunting and harvesting this magnificent creature. An article can't capture in a few pages what I heard in an evening. As Winke stated he had to hit the hghlights and put years of experinces into 5600 words. Remember we have not read part two of the NAW version which comes next month. The story is not yet complete. This was a family farm hunted by family members. Why because Tony was 15 would he not be allowed to hunt him. This young man has seen the pictures and heard the stories. I don't know to many kids that wouldn't want to if they had a chance. Greed would be the only reason. Would it be right to not allow your son or daughter or daughter to hunt a particular animal and hunt it yourself? Not to me. My first child is due in a couple weeks. If he shares this passion with me I would never keep that from him. The opinions of where will he go from here. He will never see another creature like that. Who would????????????????? Not likley that Milo, Mike, or Raveling ever have or will. Why should that be diffrent because he is 15. Rembrant, are you serious about the flash issue? If so, better not use a flashlight to your stand anymore.
Congrats to Tony and his family!
Congrats to Tony and his family!