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Opinions on the "Lovstuen" story....

I also have heard the story first person. I was extremley fortunate to spend an evening at the Lovstuen houshold in October. When you have an entire evening to hear a story you get the true depth of effort, feelings, and trials that were envolved with hunting and harvesting this magnificent creature. An article can't capture in a few pages what I heard in an evening. As Winke stated he had to hit the hghlights and put years of experinces into 5600 words. Remember we have not read part two of the NAW version which comes next month. The story is not yet complete. This was a family farm hunted by family members. Why because Tony was 15 would he not be allowed to hunt him. This young man has seen the pictures and heard the stories. I don't know to many kids that wouldn't want to if they had a chance. Greed would be the only reason. Would it be right to not allow your son or daughter or daughter to hunt a particular animal and hunt it yourself? Not to me. My first child is due in a couple weeks. If he shares this passion with me I would never keep that from him. The opinions of where will he go from here. He will never see another creature like that. Who would????????????????? Not likley that Milo, Mike, or Raveling ever have or will. Why should that be diffrent because he is 15. Rembrant, are you serious about the flash issue? If so, better not use a flashlight to your stand anymore.
Congrats to Tony and his family!
First off I'd like to CONGRATULATE TONY!! Thats one awesome buck. My question is with two adults in the blind and they supposedly knew or had a suspiscion he was going to show that night, why didn't they have a video cam along to tape the hunt? Heck both of them should have had video camera's. Anybody know why they didn't?
Hag's I'm sorry! I just want everyone to be able to express their opinion without getting shot out of the saddle! They are only commenting on what is writen. And for the record, "I don't have a problem with trail cameras", the more the better! And as for percieving ones difference in opinion as jealosy, that is rediculas. That would be like me accusing those that have formed a protective ring around the Lovstuens are only doing so because they stand to gain financially. That statement would also be as rediculas! The only one I'm jealos of is Bill Winke
, I've seen where some of his deer stands hang. Hay Bill, don't let Biship, Doyle and Rapp shoot all the big ones off the Wild Lands this weekend.

Hunt on All4s
It seems we have come full circle with the story and some great feedback/questions have naturally come up.

That's exactly what is so great about the site and the forum. We can discuss issues and topics with the best of them.

I do feel the need to further clarify my previous comments pertaining to "jealousy" - like others I have been following this story very carefully since before the buck was even harvested. The notoriety and exposure of this buck before the harvest created quite a stir and of course many rumors followed. After the harvest as you can image rumors were plentiful. So plentiful in fact I found myself spending quite a bit of my personal time seeking the truth and clarifying with/for everyone. I spent my time not because I have financial gain (and I can promise you I have 0 financial gain) but because I wanted to know and share the truth with everyone - especially everyone affiliated with the site.

The rumors were of course completely unfounded. Question is how/why did they start in the first place? Why do we always hear these same unfounded rumors almost every time a world class buck is harvested?? Well many say the root is Jealousy.

This is what I was referring to when I stated . . .

looking for/creating faults does the sport no good and will be perceived as jealousy

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope I didn't come off as
"barking" at anyone's opinions. My intentions were to detour any such unfounded Rumors that could be started via Iowawhitetail.com. I don't feel that would settle very well with any of us - especially myself.
Quote Team_Realtree_Xtreme: "how can anyone say that the use of a trailcam is in the same class as using a flash or light projection when hunting????"

Quote Central Iowa: "Rembrant, are you serious about the flash issue? If so, better not use a flashlight to your stand anymore."

In answer to your questions....Many people use trail cams and so far the DNR has not prosecuted or gone after this issue. Keep in mind this is a new phenomonen only recently added to deer hunting.

I believe a strong argument can be made that trail cams are similar to using artificial light and may also fall under guidelines for other electronic items.

This may difficult to explain, so I'll insert my comments next to the Iowa Hunting Regulations.

Deer-You may not use dogs, domestic animals, salt or bait, handguns except as previously described, rifles other than muzzleloaders, automobiles, aircraft, electronic calls or any mechanical conveyance or device (Trail cams?) to hunt deer.

Radios prohibited- It is illegal to use one or two way radios to communicate the location or direction of game (That's why you installed the camera and isn't that what they do? maybe not in real time, but they do communicate the location of the animal) or fur bearing animals or to coordinate the movement of other hunters, this includes cell phones.

Hunting by Artificial Light-Sights that project a light beam are not legal for hunting. You cannot cast the rays of a spotlight, headlamp, or other artificial light (trail cam flash is an artificial light) on a highway or in a field, woodland, or forest for the purpose of spotting, locating, (Locating is another word for patterning a deer) taking, or attempting to take ("attempting to take" is why you installed the cameras) or hunt a bird or animal while having in posession or control, either singly or as one of a group of persons any firearm, bow or other device capable of killing or taking a bird or animal. (If 6 trail cams are in use at "any time during the youth blackpowder season", is it a possible violation?...certainly raises some ethics questions.)

As I said before, the tactics used to take this deer are unprecidented...and certainly raise some ethics issues.
I hate to say it, but you are beating a dead horse and seem to be looking for reasons why this deer in illegitimate . They are legitimate with the way the deer was taken. If there was no such thing as work we would all have the time to survey the deer much closer, but unfortunately we have to work. I feel as if trail cam's help cut a little scouting time out, and helps to pick which deer to let walk and which deer to pursue. Congrats Tony Lovstuen.
I love the "Armchair Attorneys"

You are now comparing apples and oranges in the artificial light argument.
Having no weapon in hand, or not being PRESENT when the camera flashes COULD cause that argument some problem.
If you have no means of killing the deer you can shine all you want.Even instantanously!

The buck lived on their land. Who better to take it?

They could have patterned it and sold the hunt to the highest bidder. Happy now?
I think I will quit scouting altogether.

I don't think I could live with the guilt if I were to shoot a nice one.

I don't think I could live with the guilt if I were to shoot a nice one.

[/ QUOTE ]

What do you call 12 pak? Some people are never happy.

i know the story better than most. If I can help in any way to help clear your suspicions just PM me...
Eric - Good to hear from you. Didn't see as many good ones this year as other years. Don't know exactly why. Had to work a lot more than usual in November so didn't get to put in the days. That Albia buck cost me about two weeks and I had to make it up in November - ugh.

I'm not too worried about the crew you noted wiping the place out. I'm more worried about being talked to death - as you well know.
I had better move this back to the main forum before I start a

I probably got a little over protective with this one - sorry for that - the reason I moved the post is because we are in the public eye and as you have already read I want to avoid Iowawhitetail being the root of any more unfounded rumors of this buck.

Sorry guys
onecam, i don't mean any disrespect to you, the lovstuens, or anyone else involved with this story. i have spent alot of time on other boards shooting down all the rumors and bullcrap that a trophy harvest seems to bring out. i don't doubt the legality of this harvest. i have been breathlessly waiting for these articles to come out, and when they did...i didn't get the story i was expecting. i was expecting to hear about a father and son catching a lucky break and harvesting the buck of a lifetime. after reading the article in iowa game and fish, it seems that none of this is true. i don't fault those involved for the relentless scouting involved with the buck.
but some details just don't sound right. the fact that buck was delibetately kept away from other hunters, the fact that tony SEEMINGLY was only brought in to pull the trigger. the quote "i was about ready to start crying. two years of my life gone. we had put it in the hands of a young boy" this seems less and less like a hunt, and more like some guys trying to cash in. the statement that "it was over" and "i couldn't go back" to look for the deer. who leaves their deer after a less than perfect shot? from the way the story reads, tony wasn't even around the day they found the buck, wasn't it his hunt? what if the buck was found alive? tony wasn't there to fire the finishing shot.

i am not one of the people who have the inside tarck with the family. i haven't met them, and am basing everythin i have said, on the article from iowa game and fish. which the author himself has said was edited severly. it would be great if mr. winke could post the article as he originally wrote it for us all to see, but i'm sure that isn't possible. i looked forward to the story of this bucks harvest like a kid looks towards christmas. after reading the story, i had a bad feeling in my stomach. something just feels bad.
How could this not make anymore sence?

They did'nt want the deer harvested with only a one side rack! To take it then would only get the "How Dumb Was That" award!
Having Tony hunt it deer during youth season was obviously an attempt to get him on the ground before archery season and the rut swung in on them.

The reality of life provides very few Cinderella stories.

I think you did get what you expected in the story but for some reason your minds eye wont let you accept it.

To me this could'nt get much better. An average family of average hunting know- how have the luck of a record deer living on their property. Out of persistance get him before a pro hunter.

Chuck Adams flying in to swat him in the heart a 50 yards would'nt be very fitting. This event is a great thing for hunting! Average people doing an extraordinary thing.

Was it the perfect hunt? No
You can second guess there every move.
Hind sight is 20-20.
They pulled it off. It may not have been your Cinderella story, but it's straight up! Stop trying to find Rompolagate in an event that to me is like a big smear of salve on huntings sore ass!
i'm not trying to pull a rompola, i don't doubt the legality of the buck at all. and i am truly glad that a local family got this deer, instead of some rich outsiders. i was just expecting tony to have had more of a hand in the hunt. since it was a youth season hunt. FROM THE STORY, it seems like the only reason he was there, was because he was the only one who could legally pull the trigger. and after he made the shot, he was done with it. part 2 of the story may clear all that up. i hope so
I haven't read the story, but I get the gist of it from the posts here.

What I don't get is this - why does the general hunting public go bonkers over these deer? Thronging to deer shows (didn't 5,000 people go to the first showing of this buck?), buying product with the Beatty, Hanson, and soon to be Albia buck (if we truly were interested in honoring the animal it would still be called the Albia buck, but that wouldn't maximize marketing opportunities).

I remember my first few hunting seasons. Back then in Wisconsin it was buck-only. I went four gun seasons without seeing a deer. I finally picked up a bow and got a nice 7 pointer my first year. I can recall almost every hunt in the week leading up to taking my first buck - and that was 22 years ago.

I can't, nor don't want to say anything about the boy and his family. All I will say is that I hope he cherishes getting his first deer as much as I cherised that 7 pointer. For all I cared, it was the world record. Thats how much it meant to me.
There is a very good reason he is now the Lovstuen Buck and not the Albia Buck. I hope the second part of the story tells why. I truly would love to tell you but what I was told was in confidence. It is truly one of the more touching highlights of the whole story.
i said to myself that i wasn't gong to post on this topic but i think i have to at least voice my opinion once. some of you guys are thinking that tony needed to have more of a hand in the hunt.
now i remember my first deer like it was yesterday.
i fallowed my dad to a spot in the timber. i sat down next to him and he said for me to keep watching that trail cause that is probly gona be where a deer comes through. sure enough dad was right. a yearling doe come galloping through and i took aim and shot. and that moment started for me what is now an adiction, to whitetails.
now howmany of you guys's first hunts were similar. i think that tony's hunt is very similar. i for one am not going to discredit tony or the luvstuen's because this fortunate young man's first deer is the biggest deer to be harvested by a hunter.

congrats to tony, and congrats to his dad for introducing hunting to your son.
Sounds like a great new topic of discussion to me. My first deer harvest. I had hunted for my 5th year with the bow. We were very low on deer meat that year. My father said we needed meat and he was going to shoot the first buck he could. He shot a year and a half old 6-8 point. Opening day of pheasant season came and my uncle was combining corn and had it stripped. We did a little bird hunting that morning and that afternoon dad dropped me off to sit in my stand and he was going to talk to a landowner whose land we hunt on. I saw a nice buck cruize by and hit my grunt call. About 3 minutes later he came my way. Walked by my stand at about 8 yards and I couldn't stop him. I was drawn and grunted him about 3 different times. Right before he was by me I decided to shoot him on the walk. I put one right into the boiler room. He took off. I got down after about only 3 minutes and found a good blood trail, market it and walked out to the road. Dad had just gotten back and saw me from his stand. He knew something was up and got down and headed across the field to find me. I told him I hit a button buck a bit far back, but angled really good and had blood. He came to check it out and we started tracking - about a half hour later now. He stayed on the main trail and we found him about 140 yards out right on the edge of the field. He was a nice 9 pointer that was a 2 1/2 year old buck field dressed 176 pounds. Needless to say dad was probably more excited than me, well not quite. We have a framed pic of me with my buck and dad's rack inside of mine still hanging on the wall at home. MEMORIES!!!
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