First off, thanks for the chance to voice our opinions on this. There are several good ones already that I agree with and others that I do not. This is a tough one since in my opinion, most of this subject is politically driven and has little to do with biology or Iowa's hunting heritage.
1. Lower prices I am all for, especially in the target areas. If it is about killing more does, this should help some. If it is about revenue, lower the prices later in the season. After Thanksgiving weekend, lower the price to $5. After January 1st, lower them to $1 to sell tags, cover costs, shoot some does.
2. Increased bag limit to one doe and one buck could devestate the population in the areas that are at or below the target populations. That, I am against unless the antlerless is county specific and part of the quotas.
3. Earn a buck I am stongly against. Again, some counties don't need this. How do you enforce? When you check me with my buck, all I do it tell you "yes sir, Mr. Game Warden, I already filled my doe tag."
4. Opening day of 1st season shotgun is doe only? No way! It was just a couple of years ago that the first season hunters couldn't even get a doe tag. They get 5 days and you want to take one of them away from them for doe only? And they educate all of the deer on day one with no chance to take Mr. Big on day one?
5. Kill a doe last year to earn a buck this year would be OK but for all counties or target counties? How do you enforce?
6. Deer season on Sept 1st? I might be the minority here but I don't like it. Save September for the youth season. We already have a very good and long season and I have my doubts as to this helping to accomplish the goal of killing more does.
7. Offer additional county specific either sex tags. Where do we go? Public ground? Wipe out the does AND the bucks at the places that access is allowed?
8. A reward for killing a doe is the same as #1. Just a different way for lowering the prices. If the goal is to kill more does, go for it, especially in the target areas.
9. Lottery for either sex? No way! Loss of revenue. Fewer bucks AND does killed. Remember the lottery from years past? That was for an either sex tag too but if you didn't get an either sex, your tag was BUCK ONLY!
Now more of my opinions.
1. Blake said it best. Land access, is the problem in many areas. You might give away the tags with a 365 day season and still never have your goal met.
2. Why is the hunter expected to thin the herd and pay for it too? Revenue driven is a big part of this whole thing. Let the insurance industry pay for HUSH or to help lower the cost of our tags. Let the Farm Bureau coordinate the efforts of lining up willing hunters with land owners wanting the herd thinned.
3. Resident antlerless tag = resident temptation tag. Same as the NR antlerless tag that so many of us hate.
4. Antlerless only tags good for all seasons? No way! Increases the risk of them being used as a temptation tag. Allows legal party hunting during both shotgun seasons (I can hunt with my doe tag but let my partner tag my buck with his either sex tag). You might as well just have one shotgun season. Let all shotgun hunters hunt both seasons. I think all antlerless tags should be season specific but I do think all unfilled antlerless tags should also be valid during the special late antlerless only season. That could increase the success rate of the doe harvest.
5. Like Limb Chicken mentioned, how about landowner incentives in turn for access?
6. Education!!!! The hunters, landowners, car drivers, non-hunting public, politicians all need it. Also, we need factual info such as the fact that the deer/car collisions per miles driven are NOT higher than in years past. More deer are hit by cars because there are more cars and miles driven.
7. Who says there are too many deer and how many it too many? Where is the majority of the road kills at? I-80? It isn't even in the targeted area.
8. Doe only in the bottom two tiers? No way! This would decrease not only the buck only harvest but also the doe harvest since some hunters will shoot a doe while buck hunting but won't go out if it is doe only.
9. Like teeroy says, quit trying to manage the herd, and run it as a business. If it is the herd that you are worried about, quit worrying about the revenue before it is too late.
10. I don't like the rifle use (safety issues that might haunt the DNR's decision before the end of the year and "can of worms" best left unopened), nor do I like the November shotgun season.