I didn't say you had to switch agent's. Just tell them your thoughts and that you are considering it! But if you say it you better be willing to back it up if they don't change their position! If enough people did that the word would get to the upper management people it needs to! If it looks like their position on an issue is going to hurt their bottom line they will change their stance. I don't jump to conclusions, just state facts. Reguardless of your agent's personal views, your premium's are paying for the lobby that affects the law's proposed and passed in this state. I am not trying to hurt your mom, or the agent's your talking about, we just need to get the word through to those that are "higher up" and through your agent's and farm bureau's pocketbook is the best way. When an agent stands to loose multiple policies over an issue like this they get on the phone to their superiors and pass the word on! Money (or the loss of it) is a great motivator.
I didn't say you had to switch agent's. Just tell them your thoughts and that you are considering it! But if you say it you better be willing to back it up if they don't change their position! If enough people did that the word would get to the upper management people it needs to! If it looks like their position on an issue is going to hurt their bottom line they will change their stance. I don't jump to conclusions, just state facts. Reguardless of your agent's personal views, your premium's are paying for the lobby that affects the law's proposed and passed in this state. I am not trying to hurt your mom, or the agent's your talking about, we just need to get the word through to those that are "higher up" and through your agent's and farm bureau's pocketbook is the best way. When an agent stands to loose multiple policies over an issue like this they get on the phone to their superiors and pass the word on! Money (or the loss of it) is a great motivator.