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Outfitter Busted

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I read the "comments" from the Des Moines register article. I'm both angry and saddened that nearly all of the posts are anti-hunter/anti-dnr and most are ok with the "outfitter" (if that's what you wanna call him) having done the things he did.

If feel we have slipped even further into the minority. What can be done? What can we do that can get the word out that this is not ok? I'm not very linked into the political side of things but I'm asking because I'm willing to do whatever.

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I read the "comments" from the Des Moines register article. I'm both angry and saddened that nearly all of the posts are anti-hunter/anti-dnr and most are ok with the "outfitter" (if that's what you wanna call him) having done the things he did.

If feel we have slipped even further into the minority. What can be done? What can we do that can get the word out that this is not ok? I'm not very linked into the political side of things but I'm asking because I'm willing to do whatever.

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The 86th Iowa General Assembly opens January 12th. If you haven't already, contact your elected officials and let them know how you feel. Tell them you would like them to support any legislation that promotes hunting in general and deer hunting in particular. Tell them you are concerned about poaching or what ever keeps you awake at night. Be polite, be to the point and thank them for their service to your district.

On a side note, I have heard that actual snail mail gets more attention from some legislatures than a flood of emails. I may try this. I just hope I have some Forever Stamps around here.
Thanks. Will do. For me it just feels like when Obama got elected and re-elected. You can try to get through to people but the masses never see the light of day. Gotta voice your opinions though.

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One thing that gets me is when people do these drive hunts which is the most coward way of hunting it takes it out of enjoying the outdoors people that drive hunt really can't hunt they do the drive shoot the deer pick it up and are home within two hours of hunting what happend to the good ole days where you sit and get your deer and spend a day out in the woods and before you hunt what happend to scouting for deer it sounds like everyone likes these drive hunt just straight laziness
One thing that gets me is when people do these drive hunts which is the most coward way of hunting it takes it out of enjoying the outdoors people that drive hunt really can't hunt they do the drive shoot the deer pick it up and are home within two hours of hunting what happend to the good ole days where you sit and get your deer and spend a day out in the woods and before you hunt what happend to scouting for deer it sounds like everyone likes these drive hunt just straight laziness
This is funny. First off, what happened to the good ol' days of using punctuation to form a coherent thought? Some people enjoy deer meat and choose not to sit in the timber all day. Driving deer is the most efficient way of killing deer and filling tags. If you think climbing up and down hills trying to move deer is lazy compared to sitting your ass in a tree stand or blind waiting for a deer mozey in to a food plot, you couldn't be more wrong. Get off your high horse. I bow hunt from a tree stand and I shotgun hunt with a group. I know which one would be the "lazy" way in my mind. Not everyone has time to kill a month in a tree stand. If you want to call bowhunting more challenging I will agree with that, but not everyone loves hunting as much as a lot of us to commit that kind of time. Let them hunt their way. The arrogance of many bow hunters gets pretty annoying.
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This is funny. First off, what happened to the good ol' days of using punctuation to form a coherent thought? Some people enjoy deer meat and choose not to sit in the timber all day. Driving deer is the most efficient way of killing deer and filling tags. If you think climbing up and down hills trying to move deer is lazy compared to sitting your ass in a tree stand or blind waiting for a deer mozey in to a food plot, you couldn't be more wrong. Get off your high horse. I bow hunt from a tree stand and I shotgun hunt with a group. I know which one would be the "lazy" way in my mind. Not everyone has time to kill a month in a tree stand.

All I can say to that is YES!!!! ; and thanks for saying it first. Saved me a bunch of typing! :)
This is funny. First off, what happened to the good ol' days of using punctuation to form a coherent thought? Some people enjoy deer meat and choose not to sit in the timber all day. Driving deer is the most efficient way of killing deer and filling tags. If you think climbing up and down hills trying to move deer is lazy compared to sitting your ass in a tree stand or blind waiting for a deer mozey in to a food plot, you couldn't be more wrong. Get off your high horse. I bow hunt from a tree stand and I shotgun hunt with a group. I know which one would be the "lazy" way in my mind. Not everyone has time to kill a month in a tree stand. If you want to call bowhunting more challenging I will agree with that, but not everyone loves hunting as much as a lot of us to commit that kind of time. Let them hunt their way. The arrogance of many bow hunters gets pretty annoying.

This is correct... Man come on Ty.
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This is funny. First off, what happened to the good ol' days of using punctuation to form a coherent thought? Some people enjoy deer meat and choose not to sit in the timber all day. Driving deer is the most efficient way of killing deer and filling tags. If you think climbing up and down hills trying to move deer is lazy compared to sitting your ass in a tree stand or blind waiting for a deer mozey in to a food plot, you couldn't be more wrong. Get off your high horse. I bow hunt from a tree stand and I shotgun hunt with a group. I know which one would be the "lazy" way in my mind. Not everyone has time to kill a month in a tree stand. If you want to call bowhunting more challenging I will agree with that, but not everyone loves hunting as much as a lot of us to commit that kind of time. Let them hunt their way. The arrogance of many bow hunters gets pretty annoying.

It's lazy because they are looking for the easy way out. We should respect the animals more to not drive them. That's not hunting, it's killing! To your comment on killing a month in a tree, I've spent less than 7 days in the woods in last 3 years and had no problem putting my tag on a mature deer with a bow. Driving deer deer during shotgun season takes way lass of a mental or physical approach.
It bugs me too. I never hear one shot at a time. Its always 3 or a full clip. I see deer with legs blown off, feet blown off, deer hanging with 3 to 4 holes and the head blown away( not much good meat left if that's what you are after). Not sporting to me and no matter what there is no respect being shown to the animal flinging lead thru the woods at running deer then having a beer and laughing about it. And killing everything that's brown and goes by you. My lab is bigger than some of these fawns killed and for what? 25 to 30 lbs of meat?? Its not good for the herd and definitely not hunting as a whole and the image we all want to portray.
I shot 3 slugs this year in a row... 3 does piled up in a pile...not hard hitting them at 18 yards walking through :) first season I only shot 1 slug, heart shot on my droptine buck...
It's lazy because they are looking for the easy way out. We should respect the animals more to not drive them. That's not hunting, it's killing! To your comment on killing a month in a tree, I've spent less than 7 days in the woods in last 3 years and had no problem putting my tag on a mature deer with a bow. Driving deer deer during shotgun season takes way lass of a mental or physical approach.

Hope you've never pheasant hunted with a dog, raccoon hunted with a dog, coyote hunted with a dog or cb, rabbit hunted with a dog, used a rifle when you could have used a shotgun too kill an animal. Get my jist? That's all the easy way out.

People need to get off their high horse and not worry so much about how others hunt. It's all about being outdoors and having fun in whatever way they seem fit to do so
Seriously- this debate has been done over and over and over. You think driving deer isn't hunting- great- don't do it. Some people think bow hunting and food plots aren't sporting- don't do it. I will continue to do both and I assure you we haven't done all the stuff some of you keep saying goes on- and I definately assure you 9 out of 10 big bucks get by un shot at- it's definitely not just killing and off to beer drinking.

I can't wait to get back in the stand Monday afternoon with my bow- I have a really nice food plot baiting them big bucks in unfairly that is calling my name;)
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Hope you've never pheasant hunted with a dog, raccoon hunted with a dog, coyote hunted with a dog or cb, rabbit hunted with a dog, used a rifle when you could have used a shotgun too kill an animal. Get my jist? That's all the easy way out. People need to get off their high horse and not worry so much about how others hunt. It's all about being outdoors and having fun in whatever way they seem fit to do so
The animals you listed other than the coyote cannot be compared to a deer.
I have seen a guy empty his gun and have a deer to show for each shot. But for every sharpshooter there are plenty that don't even shoot their gun prior to hunting. I know some personally. I have also seen guys take some piss poor shots on bow drives as well. When done well with some thought and planning I imagine its safe and effective. But I will bet you they are in the minority. I hunted all week with very few chances at safe shots and I was sitting alone. I can go out tomorrow and have a reasonably decent chance at shooting a few does with my bow. It doesn't take a month of sitting all day to get some meat on the table. That is a poor excuse. Some people just don't have what it takes to sit and get cold and wait and they want to shoot a lot. Why can't they admit that instead of getting angry at bow hunters. I don't get a multitude of time to hunt but if you prepare its not to tough
Guys, here is a painting from artist Jack Paluh called "Whitetail Drive" showing Indians driving deer using bows. Pretty cool. It shows just how old the practice of driving deer really is. In reality gun hunting and driving is the most effective tool used by hunters and the DNR regarding herd maintenance. After all maintaining a healthy deer herd and habitat is the first priority of any game agency; with trophy management a distant second. Keep in mind I love bow hunting but understand the need for firearms seasons.

Please explain how? Why is the deer different?

Coons are ran with dogs to be tree'd... Pheasants/waterfowl/rabbits are small and you shoot with multiple bbs that if you show any respect to the animals you shoot your guns and know how they pattern.

Coyotes and deer however are different larger animals that have more will to live.. When slinging a single slug at a running deer/coyote is it really ethical?!? How can you tell where the slug is going to hit on the deer?!? I treat coyotes the same.. I won't take a running shot. Who am I to take unethical shots that cause an animal to suffer? I am not against pushing if you are only shooting at slowly walking or stopped deer. It's the hunters that just blast away at anything that moves that are what gives the shotgunners bad names and there is more tree blasters than people who go out and do it ethically.. Every animal deserves the quickest death we can provide them.
How many bow hunters started deer hunting during a shotgun season? I did, shotgun hunted for six years. All those hunts were solo with obviously no pushing involved. Had a friend who bow hunted suggest I try bow hunting. I did and have enjoyed it the last ten years. I continued shotgun hunting up until a few years ago and then started hunting late muzzy, again all solo hunts. A couple years ago a another friend invited me to shotgun hunt in southern Iowa with a group of a dozen or so guys, posting and driving, and I enjoyed that just as much as my previous solo shotgun, bow and late muzzy hunting. Hunt how you like to hunt it's all still called "hunting" in the end. I'll bet most started out gun hunting.
Coons are ran with dogs to be tree'd... Pheasants/waterfowl/rabbits are small and you shoot with multiple bbs that if you show any respect to the animals you shoot your guns and know how they pattern. Coyotes and deer however are different larger animals that have more will to live.. When slinging a single slug at a running deer/coyote is it really ethical?!? How can you tell where the slug is going to hit on the deer?!? I treat coyotes the same.. I won't take a running shot. Who am I to take unethical shots that cause an animal to suffer? I am not against pushing if you are only shooting at slowly walking or stopped deer. It's the hunters that just blast away at anything that moves that are what gives the shotgunners bad names and there is more tree blasters than people who go out and do it ethically.. Every animal deserves the quickest death we can provide them.

So you know the will to live is far superior for deer and coyotes then let's say a pheasant? Interesting. And is shooting at flying pheasants unethical? Ducks? Running rabbits? Sure you have bbs but that's what is designed too kill the animal just like a slug is designed too kill a deer.

Sure there are bad hunters that shoot too blast away. However how many times this year did we have to read about somebody hitting one with a bow and not finding it? Hey but that's bow hunting right? Bad shots happen. Period they always will during any season.
Please explain how? Why is the deer different?

Because some people on this forum are mesmerized by a buck and believe them to be really smart. They worship them! They respect them by taking their life, cutting their heads off and then hanging them on the wall. Duh, don't you know how to show respect towards anything? If you shoot a deer once and it dies - respectful. If you shoot a deer 3 times and it dies - you savage! If you sit in a tree over a food plot and wait for a deer to come eat - sporting. If you sit on the ground and wait for the deer to run by you while being pushed - not sporting. If you shoot a mature deer - bragging rights. If you shoot a 3 year old - well your stupid. If you are a bow hunter/late muzzy guy - greatest hunter to step foot on iowa soil. If you are a shotgun hunter - you are a trespassing alcoholic that uses trucks and radios to kill deer. That's what I've learned the last few weeks on this forum. To some a stupid deer doesn't control every aspect of their lives but for others it does. Thankfully there's shotgun season for all of those that don't let it control them. It upsets the people that put all the effort into it that a guy can pick up a gun one weekend a year and still kill a big deer with little effort. Fact is that guys that choose to put the effort in make that choice themselves. They say it's much more rewarding. That effort is where the I'm better than you feeling comes in. A guy can spend all kinds of time and money in order to get that big buck or could simply buy a tag and a 5 dollar box of slugs and still have a chance. At the end of the day it is still just a deer. Doesn't matter if it's a spike or a 200 incher, they are still just deer. Doesn't matter if they have a hole from a rage or 50 slug holes, they are still just deer. If your a guy that puts the time and money into it good for you. If your the guy that dust the shotgun off one weekend a year, well............ good for you too. As long as you are doing what makes you happy keep doing it.
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