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Partition Fence/Possible Hunter Harassment Issue


PMA Member
I know this subject pops up every now and then, but I have a potential problem escalating with one of my neighbors.
It all started in 2010 when I bought my house and 10 acres. The neighbor and I share a fence approximately 2100 ft long and I bought this property off of his daughter and son-in-law.
The very first time I ever met him, which was a couple weeks after I bought the place, he walks up to me in my yard while I was outside. I expected a nice greeting as I gave him, but the first words out of his mouth were "I've been meaning to come over and talk to you about the fence. It's old and in bad shape and needs re-built." Notice how he convieniently waited for ownership from his daughter and son-in-law to transfer before he 'all of sudden' had a problem with it, as if the fence just went to crap since the two weeks I bought it.
Anyway, that was a couple years ago and he has since mentioned a couple times about the fence. It's really not even in that bad of shape but I do plan on re-building "my" half anyway. He has about 20 head of cattle that his other daughter owns that run on his property, but he does all the work because she lives a couple hours away. Since I've lived here, not one cow has gotten onto my property, except through his front yard and into my front yard through a non-partition fence, of which I went over and fixed myself for them because they were on vacation.
Late last winter, he started re-building "his" share of "our" fence and is using cattle/hog panels that come up to eye level on me (Everything I've found says that a lawful fence can't be more than 54" high) A few weeks ago, I took some bolt cutters and cut one of the panels down to about lower rib level between two posts that are up by my foodplot because his panels stretch a little over 200 feet so far blocking deer from getting directly to my plot. I then welded up some nice brackets and ran a nice post across the top of what I cut to make the fence stronger and it is still almost chest high. Yesterday, I was showing my dad where I had made a crossing for the deer and then the neighbor pulls up on his 4-wheeler and gets off and says "What are you doing?!" " This is MY fence and you didn't have permission to cut it down like that!" I said " I lowered the fence a little to help deer get across so they can get to my foodplot without going all the way around." He said, "I don't want deer crossing my fence and that's why I put it that high and I'm going to run pipe all the way down the fence up even higher than that so deer wont cross." I then said, "I bought this property for $231000 so I could deer hunt and I don't agree to this type of fence because It's keeping the deer out." He says, " I don't care and you know how I feel about bowhunters." (He has expressed to me and others many times that he pretty much hates bowhunters because he thinks they wound all the deer and just leave them lay. He says "I'm a deer hunter too, but Im in my 60's and I cant keep fixing fence all the time that the deer are wrecking." It's woven wire fence ,by the way, with a strand or two of barbed wire above it. He's also the same person that walks out twice a year during shotgun season with a beaded bird barrel to blast at deer and calls himself a hunter)

At first, I didn't really have a problem with his "high fence", until he told my dad and I specifically it is to keep deer from crossing our fence. All that being said, half of the fence is still mine to do what ever I want, which will most likely become a 5 strand barbed wire fence. I don't know if I will try to bring the law into this or not. Part of me wants to wait it out just to see how much it really affects the deer because it could actually help funnel them toward my stands. Also, if I piss him off, I know he will most likely be in that timber ALL THE TIME messing around even more than he already does (he cut wood back there almost everyday during the prime of the rut (didn't really matter because I tagged out anyway) He has three piles of wood that have been sitting by his shed for two years... I cant prove it, but I guarantee he was back in the timber everyday to try to alter the deer movement. He knows I was out there because I told him I would be and he can see if my truck is home or not from his house. On the other hand, if I wait it out and come next season, the deer don't move through there like they should be I don't want the DNR or whomever to say tough luck because I didn't act on it sooner before it all got put up.

Also, one thing I forgot to mention, he said " I just wish you would have asked my permission first before you cut my fence. I would have still said no anyway." In the laws that I read, it doesn't say which part of the fence is his or mine. It pretty much just says that landowners usually agree to the 'right hand rule'.

What are your thoughts? When highfence operations put up their highfence, couldn't that be considered hunter harassment to neighboring landowners because they are altering the fence to constrict the natural travel of wildlife? Or do they have to have a special permit to put a fence up that high?

(Does the below message mean that I had the right to cut the fence down as if it were wholly mine?)

A person building a fence may lay the same upon the line between
the person and the adjacent owners, so that it may be partly on one
side and partly on the other, and the owner shall have the same right
to remove it as if it were wholly on the owner's own land.
Reads both ways I think! You can and he can!! Boils down to getting along!! You won't!!!!!! Good Luck!!!!
Seek legal council. He may still be able to outspend you in court so I think Crockett is right in saying what it boils down to is getting along. Those kind of a-holes are everywhere.
Total BS man, the right half is yours to adjust if you need to.Some people you can not get along with. As for a highfence, I dont know.
About 7-8 yrs ago We had the same problem with our neighbors to the north.. got into it with him, because he thought that a deer I shot wasn't "big" enough for the area!! Next spring there was a 8ft fence along the north property line, we were pissed!! MAGICALLY a couple dead trees fell on it n smashed it down to the ground, very near a heavy trail!!!
Over the years the high fence actually helped us out, instead of the majority of dear using the north corner of our land they go right through the middle now..
Best thing would be to get along with him, but if not, the fence prob won't hurt too much.. seems like if u have the food, the deer will find their way to it!!
Find out who your township trustees are and run it by a few of them. They'd be the next step in the process for resolving a fence dispute.
Ive never understood these huge disputes...they are just deer. Seems like if the guy just worked with you....you'd both see more deer!
Ive never understood these huge disputes...they are just deer. Seems like if the guy just worked with you....you'd both see more deer!
Some people don't get it. The neighbor is definitely being a jackwagon. If he wants the deer so bad he should be putting in as much effort as AIRASSAULT is. This neighbor is just taking his actions a step farther than most neighbors who try to ruin hunts.
I would first try and get along with him. But if that doesnt work. Build your half of the fence at the minimal height requirements.

Good fences make good neighbors.

Mobile Cooter using IW
I would first try and get along with him. But if that doesnt work. Build your half of the fence at the minimal height requirements.

Good fences make good neighbors.

Mobile Cooter using IW

X2 :way:

Fix your part and dont worry about them.
If half the fence is yours and half is your jackass neighbors tell him you claim the top half and ge can claim the bottom half and make it high as you want. Haha naw but the article does read both ways. I dont know about there in iowa but here in western ky the CO wouldnt do nothing here. And the law goes by whoever has the most popular name in the county. If your not really known then its whoever has the most money. Hope you'll get it resolved and come to a compromise before you are forced to take legal actions. Those kind of DumbA$$es are everywher
The best advice if you're going to try to pursue anything is to get an attorney because this is a civil issue. The Sheriff or a CO isn't going to be able to do a thing for you. Someone brought up bringing it to the attention of the township trustees which is a good idea also.

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Since you share the fence I would say he could probably do what he wants with his half and you with yours as long as its maintained. As far as cutting the upper portion of a few spots you might be ok but you also might be liable for damages too...either way good luck to you ! I have seen situations where the neighbor high fenced and offset it all on his own property and still maintained the line fence too...I know there was nothing the township, county, or state could do about that.
If his animals came in to my yard like you said i would shoot them in the head, and he couldnt do a thing about it, ok i wouldnt shoot the dog but the cows would bite the silver pill.
Unless you are 8 feet tall, I wouldn't worry about it. Deer will cross it with no issue. It is bothering you more than it is bothering them. And they will come to the food....
arrowheadoutdoors said:
If his animals came in to my yard like you said i would shoot them in the head, and he couldnt do a thing about it, ok i wouldnt shoot the dog but the cows would bite the silver pill.

Yeah, try that and see how far it gets you.

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i wouldn't worry about a high fence we put up 2 rows of woven wire and 2 strands of barded wire on top which was about 8 feet tall around about 10 acres of young trees to try to get them to grow for a few years. I was sitting in my stand by one of the edges of this patch once and seen 2 does get up out of the switch grass on the north side take 2 steps and cleared that fence. I don't think high fences bother them if they want whats on the other side.
If its who I'm thinking of I would fo your best to get along with him. observe deer movement and see where it goes, who knows it might help in the long run....
Build that 5 strand barb wire and nice section of it where the top 2 wires are wrapped together making it quite easy to jump over, the deer will adjust accordingly. Throw a mineral lick right there for several months to get the deer nice and used to the new trail and fill it in next August and bingo, problem solved.
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