Personally I see no problem with party hunting or sitting is a stand by your self. That is what is great about the Iowa deer season. I am not able to get out and hunt much with my father so the first shotgun season is a way for us to do that. I go with a group of guys who I have been close friends with for the better part of 20 years. We relax we stand hunt we do a little pushing and just have fun. That is what I think hunting should be about. Personally I do not think it is right to pass judgement on how others like to hunt. It is your tag and your season and you should spend it how you like. This is straight out of this years regulations. Hunters in the Youth/Disabled Hunter, Bow, Early Muzzleloader, and Late Muzzleloader season must shoot their own deer and tag only the deer they shoot. Hunters in both shotgun seasons and the November and January Anterless-only seasons may shoot deer for each other, provided that all tagging requirements are followed, and the deer will be considered in the possession of the hunter whose tag is affixed to it. A hunter may not carry a deer license or transportation tag issued to another hunter while deer hunting (page 22.)