Supporter of Landowners
I also don't think it's right that NR's can come shoot bucks because of the party hunting rule if they didn't draw an any sex tag. It's bu!!$hit I'm not "anti-NR", I'm more like "protect our resource". It's not about "us", it's about the state. We have the best deer hunting in the world. It's a valuable resource that we want to protect.
If we have the "worst state ever", as your avatar suggests, then don't come here!!
I think party hunting does have it's place. It is rich in tradition and can be done ethically. Some groups just take it a little too far for my taste and the regulations behind it leave too many loopholes. Just my opinion. Good luck in the coming weekends to those of you who are participating.
What resource isn't being protected? if you don't sell the tags, the does arent going to get shot. It is an "us" versus "them" issue, as it always is in Iowa. It's the hostility towards non-residents perpetuated by sticks in the mud. I especially don't understand it towards non-resident landowners. they're paying taxes, does that not count for anything?
Iowa as the best deer state is debatable. Wisconsin, Kansas, Illinois are all equal, if not better, and that's not even counting Saskatchewan and Alberta. that's an opinion, not fact.
What's your suggestion, ban non-residents from party hunting? Whoever said above fill the tag you're issued, are you going to hold resident hunters to those lofty standards as you would the typical land buying, rich, snobbish, resource destroying non-resident?
This video sums up this entire argument, hell, it describes what i see everytime i come home to SW Wisconsin/NE Iowa: