Great story of a true ghost buck! Did you ever find any more sheds off of him?
No, I have never found any other sheds off of him, which has led me to believe that he's wintering somewhere else. Just haven't figured out where that is yet
If you do not have any pics of him after October 20th on any season then he is either finding ladies somewhere else in another core area or going underground. He may move out then until late season and one else in the area has any trail cam pics of him during the rut??
No, not that I am aware of, and I am very good friends with the landowners in my area (we share our pics, encounters, etc.) That's not to say that he hasn't found a sanctuary that nobody is messing with and living in it. If so, I need to figure out where this is. I have an idea, and we'll see if its right when October rolls around. Got permission this evening to hunt a new piece. Hopefully this is where he's going once the rut gets near. As for the ladies part....does a buck this old even worry about breeding anymore, or is it like an old man who would rather hang out, eat, and sleep?
So, you should be really considering exactly what does this buck do for Oct, Nov, Dec? Where does he go, and are YOU the reason? Is it possible he moves to a less pressured area, like the farm next door? I cant believe that you cant catch him at a scrape if he was there.
Just my thoughts on it.
Obviously I can't say 100% if i'm the reason that this guy moves out. I don't think so. He is 'used' to my running cameras in this area all summer. To be honest with you I am there more in the summer months then the fall. I have other areas I bowhunt early season, and really don't touch my good spots until the hunting is getting good. I'll throw a camera up on a scrape, and the only time it gets checked is if I'm walking to or from a stand, so it may go without being checked for two or three plus weeks. I think he just moves to another area....where he feels comfortable and has lived his whole life during those months. I don't think I have anything to do with it, but then again I could be wrong. As for the scrapes....I throw cams up on scrapes along this farm and other farms close pretty much all in the same day (and check them going to and from stand). He doesn't hit them in this area, so obviously, he's moved. Here is the only pic I have gotten of him on a scrape in 2007 when he was 6.5 years old.
That is a great story and buck!! I have never been in those shoes before but if he walked by me it might be hard to let an arrow fly out of respect. I doubt it though

I would love to know how many times in that buck's lifetime he has busted a hunter. Goodluck!!!
I could pull the trigger, and it would for sure be a bittersweet moment. I could handle putting a great shot on him, if I made a poor shot though I would be sick to my stomach for the entire season. I dont' even want to know how many times he's busted me, but I bet it's more than I would guess.
Thanks for all of the feedback guys. I'll keep you all up to date on the story of Popcans throughout the season. Maybe i'll figure out where he's hanging out after the velvet comes off. If its not on the farm that I got permission to hunt tonight then I really have no idea where this guy is going too. I think i'm moving in on his 'hangout' though. Stay tuned :way: