We got pounded here in Harlan with rain last night!! The first rain here since mid JUNE.
3 1/2 miles northeast of K-Town? What's your name if you don't mind me asking, I grew up in Elk-Horn.Yeah and three miles northeast of Kimballton we got a 1/4 is all, Audubon School net says inch there.
Complaining old me again,,but last Sat,,only .28 on parched dust,,,then,,Wed morn,,.2, while rain was all over the map. Wed afternoon big complex riding along I-80,,another dropping twards KC-Mo. One on I-80 tried. Got down I-63 to Pella,then all died. -0-. Been early June since anymore than a 1/4 inch at one time!
Not really,,only dampens dust and perks up golden Rod. I need a good inch. Last time even up to 1/2" was back in begining of June. Wonder Where is the DRIEST SPOT IN IOWA? Bet my area is hard to beat. I heard on the radio yearly deficits,,sounded like Burlington was worst with 10 inch deficit for the year so far. So,,,,,who thinks they are the driest in IOWA? Send in your statistics.
1.5" saturday, .2" yesterday, .23" today.... i think we may be finally building up a little ground moisture in the Muscatine area.. tomorrow is suppose to be cool so should help what we got this evening soak in a little.
And it was raining like a bigdog there about a hour ago!! So If the crop ground along the bypass will substain all the Iowa
crops!! We are saved!!!!!:way:
1.4" Saturday, O.5" last night, 0.45" tonight! Looks like I might have a decent soybean yield this year. :way:1.5" saturday, .2" yesterday, .23" today.