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Sen Kerry Goose hunting in Ohio



Found this article on another website...thought i would leave the forum open for discussion on this one. Just thought it raised a few interesting points about someone who is a self proclaimed "hunter".

I think the average sportsman in Ohio is intelligent enough to see through that smoke screen
Easily the most lame attempt ever, a real mind boggler! For crying out loud I hope no one is silly enough to get snookered by that act.

Even if he was a genuine hunter, do you really think he would interrupt the presidential campaign process to hunt so close to the election of his lifetime?

Vote for who want to, but shame on anyone that would let themselves be influenced by that stunt! Unbelievable!
When he pheasant hunted hear last year, it was on a friend of mine's farm. He never shot anything, my friend shot the bird, then he held it for the picture
I think the average sportsman in Ohio is intelligent enough to see through that smoke screen

[/ QUOTE ] You gotta be talking about the republicans- right? Voting republican this year unless you are a high level corporate executive will be a vote against your politcal and economic interests. Republicans are trying to terrorize the country on one-issue sound bites. They have been in office for 4 years- are they any closer to banning abortion? Are they any closer to a balanced budget? Is the US place in the world any stronger? Are we more secure or are we just breeding the new wave of terrorists with a hate for the US? Why do we have fewer jobs? Why did Bush not support an immediate repeal of the assault weapon ban? Do we have prayer in school? All these are issues they are pushing and have done nothing. They just need to keep the scare going to get elected. Nothing is every going to happen on most of the hot button republican issues because each individual issue is harmful to the group as a whole and would be political suicide if they were to ever get their way. By keeping a single issue alive to rally each group is their only chance to survive. Think about it.
pharmer, you make some good points, i for one, am not opposed to voting democrat (if theycould find a "gun/hunter friendly one) but i CANNOT bring myself to vote for kerry. or hilliary, if the trot her out in 4 years. just my feelings
Pharmer I for one do not think or believe for one moment that the Republicans are trying to scare people into electing them back into office. You mention several hot issues. You are correct to say that nothing has been done, but why is that. Is it because of Bush or is it because of several decades of our society slowly drifting away from a democratic republic and more to a socialist state.
I think most Liberal Democrats do view what the Republicans are doing as scare tactics. But the only reason they do is because they are scared because the people in this country are tired of big government telling them how to best spend their money and how to live.

Regardless what your feelings are, this is by far the most important election in our times. The Conservatives have finally woke up and realized that judicial activism has taken our country by storm. Liberals long ago figured out the way to change society is not through legislation, but by law suits and making sure that the courts are liberal.

The next President will appoint possibly 3 Supreme Court Justices. And I pray that they will be people who interpret the constitution as it was written, not as the Liberals like to think, a living breathing document

I rambled, and Im done. Just get out and vote, your vote does count.

They just need to keep the scare going to get elected.

[/ QUOTE ] Quote from pharmer. I'm Tired of this "SCARE" thing . Senator Kerry keeps saying this also. I'M NOT SCARED! So why do poeple keep repeating this same statement over and over.
Although I am not going to get involved in this discussion I applaud you fellas for keeping it civil. Thank You.

Anybody wanna talk Hoyt vs. Mathews...
Thats what I am talking about Limb Chicken Hoyt ALL THE WAY (ask Firedog about his truck plates)
I'm a hoyt and Bush guy, besides i hear Kerry is thinking of shooting a matthews
Pharmer, even you and any American with one eye open knows that Kerry's hunt is an election stunt. Give us a break! And since you brought it up how does voting republican go against my political interests since I'm not a high level executive. HUH?? How does that even make sense? The Republican view is my political interest. My economic interests have not been effected one way or another accept I have recieved more tax credits and a couple of refunds in the mail that I wasn't counting on. Is our place in the world stronger? Were the most powerfull nation in the world!! Have we balanced the budget??? It hasn't been balanced since Vietnam or longer! I heard a Kerry add the other day that said Bush took over a surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in history. You can't tell me you believe we had a surplus four years ago. That was the big topic back then. "We have to balance the budget" both sides said they had a plan, remember. Bush takes over a deficit, leads through the biggest attack in the history of our home land, goes to war, endures what, 4 major hurricanes. And now you expect him to be the first one in how many years to balance the budget!!! Are we more secure?? When was the last time we were attacked?? How long had it been before 9-11? Oh yeah that was only a nuisance the first time at the trade center, and those soldiers on the U.S.S. Cole only 30 or so died there! Could it be that punching a bully in the nose will make him think twice? Do you think that if we hadn't attacked Iraq that we would not have been attacked or threatened again. How long should we have waited for them to comply with inspection teams? 10 years? Oh wait it had been longer then that! What if we wouldn't have gone to Afghanistan. Do you think maybe everyone would like Americans? Sorry to burst your bubble but it just aint so! And it hasn't been so since WW 2. I finished my second term of enlistment 6 years ago. Coming from small town Iowa I was shocked to find that not everyone liked us or wanted us around. We were given many briefings on groups who wanted to do us ill will. I remember one of these guys was named Osama something or other and this was under dear old Bill. I wonder if a pre-emptive strike then would of changed anything now?? This country has went through more in the last 4 years then at any 4 year period in the last 50. And NOW we are to think that one man is responsible for any of the problems we have. I paid a 1.85 for gas under Clinton and the economy was slipping I was sent into "conflicts" three times I watched thirteen friends leave one evening on a mission and only 5 came back. Why wasn't everyone on Clinton's case??
Now you are calling Republicans, sound bite terrorists. That's right I haven't heard one false, misleading or scare tactic add from the liberals.
The conservative side is not perfect and never will be. And maybe all of these so called "hot button topics" won't get changed. But as long as there's hope I will to. And as long as I can do my part to keep the liberal "hot button" issues from becoming reallity I will.
That may be OUR, only chance to survive!!!!!!!!!!!
Bush and Mathews all the way. Current plates "HOYT USA" ........coming soon
I already casted my vote for Bush I will be 20' off the ground all day on Nov. 2nd.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "Sportmen for Kerry". I can't believe they are making these stickers. Kerry sure pulled the wool over the guys eyes that put them on their trucks. What a freeking joke!
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