4 years of bush = higher local, state, property TAXES
4 years of bush = lowering community and state education budgets, higher tuition, cutting programs, tying the hands of administrators with ridiculous policy without adequate funding.
4 years of bush = higher unemployment and outsourcing
4 years of bush = higher health care costs while record profits are made by the major drug companies.
4 years of bush = higher energy costs
I could continue to write more and more things, but the point is, i don't see one good thing this man has done, he's screwed up his every opportunity. I don't think this is scare tactics, it's the truth, this is his what has happened and so seeing that he possibly could get re-elected, what will motivate him to do anything for us? He won't have anyone to answer to because he won't have to run for reelection, he'll just try and make his oil buddies happy, now that's a scare tactic, but at least it makes sense. When people say that kerry is using scare tactics by saying that the president has plans to do away with social security I can actually see that the president doesn't want to continue with social security the way it is, he's said so, and he's basically screwed up our treasury so bad that noone will be able to fix it, so let the haves and the have mores find security and everyone else can move to canada? Speaking of his policy... If his goal is to reduce or eliminate abortion in this country then why have abortions actually increased the past 4 years? Why is he so in favor of balancing a budget and yet while we are mounting our biggest debt he wants to fly to mars? that sounds cheap? As far as the issue of hunting/gun rights, Howard Dean was endorsed by the NRA many times yet he was disliked on this site, of course this is a deer hunting site, can't see why his other policy would be subject to complaint here
Kerry goes hunting, I believe it's political, but would you see joe lieberman, or hilary clinton do it? I mean when [censored] cheney went duck hunting with antonin scalia while the supreme court was preparing to hear a case involving improprieties and ethics violations between cheney's board of directors chair of haliburton and his position of head of the energy task force of the u.s. government I really didn't see much consternation on this site, nor did i hear much about the politics of the trip, though i'm sure that was an essential part of it. Every time one of these threads comes up on the site I roll my eyes, lets move on...