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Sen Kerry Goose hunting in Ohio

It is in my understanding that you really don't see what a president has done until after his first term. Clinton was living off of the Elder Bush and GW is trying to over come what Clinton did his last 4 years. With trying to over come the Clinton years and 9-11 it has been hard for the country. I am going to vote Bush this year and will feel good about it. As for your comments about Corp. tax cuts has a poor Man ever gave you a Job? If the Large Corp. don't make money they don't hire people. If people don't have a job they can't spend money, and with out money being spent there is no money to go to the worker. I am a middle class person with three kids. I am get along just fine and don't need Kerry trying to help me out. Thanks but no thanks.
What really chaps me about this election is the criticism Bush takes for mobilizing guard and reserve forces to Iraq. This wouldn't have happened if Hillary..er I mean Bill wouldn't have tried to downsize the Army and cut defense spending. I am to be commisioned as a 2LT on December active duty army (still waiting on a branch hopefully infantry) and i will be damned if i am going to vote Kerry in. Sure both candidates have their problems and neither one is perfect but i don't want some guy who claims companies who outsource to foriegn countries are going to end when Heinz outsources 75% of its business in foriegn countries. Not to mention that my dad and uncle served in Vietnam and both find Kerry to be an utter discgrace to the armed forces. Hey lets not forget Clinton had a chance to kill Bin Laden but told the CIA not to pull the trigger. I think I would like my future boss to have some balls and not some flip floppy attitude, nor a giddy attitude and a limp wrist when it came to carrying his birds out of the field. Sorry for re-opening the politicl debates but the good news is a record turnout is projected for the vote so more people will be voicing their opinion.
At this point no matter what's said in these threads, or what ads are viewed on TV, just about everyone has made up there mind on the presidential election... so I "vote" we put an end to any attempt at rational political debate on this site...and hunt hard

Good call, I am just pumped to hear people will actually show up to vote. Thats how Ventura won, i remember watching his election party and it looked like a frat party- there was more 20-30 yr old people there than crusty old political supporters. Then he wanted to legalize prostitution...that was the end of that political career...
I have already cast my absentee ballot and I guess my only hope is that people take a long hard look at both candidates and their history in politics.

Oh yeah my vote is for Hoyt. Maybe my qoute will tell you something about who I voted for.
I am going to vote for...Hoyt.


Onecam for President, Limb Chicken for VP, Muddy as chief advisor, pharmer as secretary of defense, Blake as advisor for Muddy, rudy as chairman for the gun control subcommittee. Who did I forget?

LOL, it looks like a few write-ins are in the works. They have my vote too.
I sure will be glad when the law suits that are sure to follow this election are over. Then we can get back to what ever it is that this site is all about.

Its a shame elections are decided by attorneys instead the folks who cast the ballots.

The 'Bonker
4 years of bush = higher local, state, property TAXES
4 years of bush = lowering community and state education budgets, higher tuition, cutting programs, tying the hands of administrators with ridiculous policy without adequate funding.
4 years of bush = higher unemployment and outsourcing
4 years of bush = higher health care costs while record profits are made by the major drug companies.
4 years of bush = higher energy costs
I could continue to write more and more things, but the point is, i don't see one good thing this man has done, he's screwed up his every opportunity. I don't think this is scare tactics, it's the truth, this is his what has happened and so seeing that he possibly could get re-elected, what will motivate him to do anything for us? He won't have anyone to answer to because he won't have to run for reelection, he'll just try and make his oil buddies happy, now that's a scare tactic, but at least it makes sense. When people say that kerry is using scare tactics by saying that the president has plans to do away with social security I can actually see that the president doesn't want to continue with social security the way it is, he's said so, and he's basically screwed up our treasury so bad that noone will be able to fix it, so let the haves and the have mores find security and everyone else can move to canada? Speaking of his policy... If his goal is to reduce or eliminate abortion in this country then why have abortions actually increased the past 4 years? Why is he so in favor of balancing a budget and yet while we are mounting our biggest debt he wants to fly to mars? that sounds cheap? As far as the issue of hunting/gun rights, Howard Dean was endorsed by the NRA many times yet he was disliked on this site, of course this is a deer hunting site, can't see why his other policy would be subject to complaint here
Kerry goes hunting, I believe it's political, but would you see joe lieberman, or hilary clinton do it? I mean when [censored] cheney went duck hunting with antonin scalia while the supreme court was preparing to hear a case involving improprieties and ethics violations between cheney's board of directors chair of haliburton and his position of head of the energy task force of the u.s. government I really didn't see much consternation on this site, nor did i hear much about the politics of the trip, though i'm sure that was an essential part of it. Every time one of these threads comes up on the site I roll my eyes, lets move on...
You make NO sense. What does Bush have to do with community, local and state taxes and outsourcing??? Nothing!!!

Companies are going elsewhere because taxes and regulation make it difficult to run a business or company. Kerry's voting record since the 70's has done nothing to help anyone. He's a liberal and big government guy. Government doesn't create jobs or spur the economy, people do. The government doesn't produce anything. Regulations control the economy as to whether it's going to grow or stiffle. 911 IS the reason for the loss of jobs and economy. Bush wasn't even in office a year when that happpened and we were coming out of a mild recession. The country is more conservative and the democratic party has fallen apart. They controlled everything for more than 40 years and now they don't have the power. Also, the media isn't there to persuade the people and shape the agenda's like they have in the past. Your points are not credible or accurate. Sorry.
teeroy and pharmer i do side with you iam a independent i feel thats the only true way to go i am not voting for someone that doesn't have substance you here the republicans say kerrys is doing scare tatics but iflisten to bush and chenney its them doing the scare tatics as for kerrys miltary at least he went ! also he spoke out agianst the war that was his right he fought for it and that was 30 years ago when i came home from the marine corps in 83' i had a bad taste in my mouth about lebanon and the politics over there,it was the politics that killed 230 marines not a truck full of dynamite and for kerry carring a gun going gooose hunting well thats a start. but for one i am sick and tired of high oil prices , young americans dying, are national debt getting higher and spending 200 billion on iraq we could put that in our schools. the price of food and allof our jobs going over seas prescription cost and doctors bills are outrageous maybe we need to over haul medical because it isnt working bushes way thank im done a vote for bush is a vote for the upper 1 precent of a america
Ill never understand how someone can put the economy (AKA their own pocketbook) before an issue like partial birth abortion.
p.s. I do see this as one of his greatest accomplishments
see this is what i mean...
You make NO sense. What does Bush have to do with community, local and state taxes and outsourcing??? Nothing!!!
actually when the federal government mandates regulation and programs and doesn't fund them where do you think the money comes from? eh?
Companies are going elsewhere because taxes and regulation make it difficult to run a business or company. Kerry's voting record since the 70's has done nothing to help anyone. He's a liberal and big government guy. Government doesn't create jobs or spur the economy, people do. The government doesn't produce anything.
ok, actually companies go elsewhere because economically it's cheaper... cheaper labor, cheaper tax burdens, other loopholes, etc, and most of the time these aren't small businesses that do so, once again if you look at history federal policy has a lot to do with trade and movement of jobs to other areas. Common sense would say that if a company moves it's jobs overseas because of those reasons then there should be some regulation on imports from other countries, doesn't that make sense? As far as the government not creating jobs, i'd have to say that you are half right, government does hire people and pay them money, that sounds like a job, but it's really not thier responsibility. Governmental policy shouldn't reward american companies that send jobs to other countries, that doesn't mean it's thier responsibility to give jobs to people... However I think if you look at the infrastructure of this country you'd see there are opportunities that the government creates the produces job growth. Kerry has a strong record, he's sponsored many bills, chaired or served on senate committees, and served his country on the battle field. What has bush done in 20 years? Cocaine, DUI, ok, that speaks for itself.
Regulations control the economy as to whether it's going to grow or stiffle.
I thought you said government didn't do that?
911 IS the reason for the loss of jobs and economy. Bush wasn't even in office a year when that happpened and we were coming out of a mild recession.
I think you mean the recession started before bush took office, ok, that's a fair shake. 911 did have a devastating effect on the economy, but why then if the war on terror is going so well has the economy crawled at turtle speed? I would guess that's because of the liberal policy of the last 40 years? That makes sense, that's why the 90s had some of the best economic growth in our nations history. Oh yes, i've heard the economy is coming along great, people are now making LESS money than they did before working at minimum wage jobs because thier job went to inda, their retirements are gone and they can't afford their prescriptions, that's all because of 911 right? :d
The country is more conservative and the democratic party has fallen apart. They controlled everything for more than 40 years and now they don't have the power.
Reagen? that was in the bast 40 years right? what about the gingrich revolution? I'd say bush could have decimated the dems if he just did his job, but really since he screwed everything up so bad the dems have become strongly united.
Also, the media isn't there to persuade the people and shape the agenda's like they have in the past. Your points are not credible or accurate. Sorry.
I have little faith in an opinion that doesn't question thier parties reasoning, or the governments reasoning or actions. The media is lopsided in many respects, both right and left, however who can argue with the facts? I won't list them cause this could get nasty, i'll just say, this thread shouldn't be here, and i'll take flak for stating my opinion so strongly, but that's it, i'm done with it, i'm not going to continue bantering about politics on a site where most people disagree with me, it's fruitless and it gets tempers flaring
2 QUESTIONS COME TO MY MIND......................



............................... GIVE US A BREAK KERRY!
Hey guys, everyone has a political opinion, including me. However, on this website, that isn't as important. I know when someone has the opposite view and puts in a few digs at your candidate, you just 'gotta' respond. Yes, politics can affect some or many hunting opportunities. But, just like with abortion, gay rights, and other hot topics, having a war of words isn't going to change the other person's mind.

When these debates get out of hand (and it's getting there fast), it changes the mood here. Please get involved politically, and please don't let it spill over into this site. This site is one of the best there is for a whitetail hunter. My vote is to put the deer back in the forefront, and talk hunting. KAT, might be time for the infamous 'group hug'. Thanks
Hey guys, everyone has a political opinion, including me. However, on this website, that isn't as important. I know when someone has the opposite view and puts in a few digs at your candidate, you just 'gotta' respond. Yes, politics can affect some or many hunting opportunities. But, just like with abortion, gay rights, and other hot topics, having a war of words isn't going to change the other person's mind.

When these debates get out of hand (and it's getting there fast), it changes the mood here. Please get involved politically, and please don't let it spill over into this site. This site is one of the best there is for a whitetail hunter. My vote is to put the deer back in the forefront, and talk hunting. KAT, might be time for the infamous 'group hug'. Thanks

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree 100%. Everyone has their views and opinions on politics. This whole thing is getting nasty and is preparing to get even worse before the actual election gets here. I, for one, would like to see the politics left off of these forums so that we can enjoy our true passion, which is hunting and whitetial deer. Come on folks, lets drop this political stuff and carry onm with our real purpose...hunting and fellowship.
I could have responded more thoroughly to your bullet points but I didn't think it was necessary. The liberal democrats are a minority, Reagen never had a majority in the House and Senate and Clinton tried to be a liberal (health care) but was defeated. He lost the majority in both houses and took his eye off terrorism and did little to respond because he (and Kerry) voted to cut spending on the military and the CIA, etc.

What great ideas did Clinton ever have that made the economy grow in the 90's. Nothing!! He had to come to the middle and act like a conservative (still searching for his legacy) much like Kerry is trying to do in the last few weeks. It's obvious. Kerry never ran on his record in the Senate and his military record is suspect. He was a "C" student in college. Bush graduated from Yale with probably similar grades but he also got his MBA from Harvard. They don't give those away. Kerry didn't.

I agree he's not the most dynamic speaker but at least he's honest and focused. I think he has dyslexia. Well, so did Einstein.

The economy (businesses, Wall Street, etc..) are nervous and they will continue until this terrorism is under control. Luckily we haven't been attacked again and who should take credit for that? Bush has not screwed up as you have said and the Democratic party has no new ideas or plans. I think the reason there is so much division between the parties is because it's been so long since the Democrats haven't had control. They have no new ideas and there anti-everything except more government programs and control. They feel we as citizens just aren't smart enough and we should leave it up to them. Not going to happen. Bush did try to reason and work with the Democrats but that was an obvious mistake (Ted Kennedy and education). Have you listened to his rhetoric about Bush? Cruel!!

The economy and jobs are changing and it's now becoming a more global economy. Why then don't we make minimum wage $20 an hour? The democrats run and pander on that every election.

Mandates at the Federal level (eg. 100,000 police officers) are affecting local and State governments. Exactly why things need to go back to the State level. We work until sometime in May to pay our taxes.

Social security should be partially privatized and perscription drugs are an example of why regulations (and trial lawyers) have been driving costs so high. The United States does all the research and development (costs are billions) doing so for the entire world.

Let's hear Kerry's record but we won't because it's terrible.

One last thing. OPEC controls the oil prices and Halliburton has been around forever. I'm in the commodities business and we will see lower costs when we can capture more of our domestic energy (oil and natural gas). Higher efficiency vehicles and equipment will help temporarily but the increased demand worldwide (Russia & China) requires more exploration at home. Technology and profits, not the government will find energy in the future. We can do it without destroying the environment.

I'm done.
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