Was going to keep quiet but since you brought up education. Who do you think created the "No Child Left Behind"? It was a bipartisan venture headed by Ted Kennedy. Bush has kind of made it his own, and if you think his has funded it fully, your kidding yourself. All that it's paying for right now is testing kids and for classes on how to test kids. My class of 28, (23 max by Bush's standards) sits here without soc. studies text books as we speak. Unfortunately just like businesses, schools need money to run. Even more so then before. Supplies and "quality" teacher training costs money. Public education has been a foundation of our country since the beginning. If the parties would stop bickering and work together, something might be accomplished. Look at the joke of an education leader in his cabinet. Somebody who skewed the success of his programs in Houston as superintendant of schools. Students were dropping out left and right and not reported. As far as students being afraid of teachers. That's the worst thing I've ever heard. Especially from a teacher? I teach in an inner city school and have very few problems with students behavior. My students respect me, not fear me. The world is scary enough for my students, they don't need more of that in their life. I take the time to know where they come from. The problems that public schools face are problems that students bring with them to school, at least here. There's more single parent homes, drug problems, homeless, abuse. Probably not what most of us on this web site grew up with. N.C.L.B. was good in theory, but it's lack of funding and the changes made to it made it inefficient. I hate to say it on here, but Bush is not holding up to his bargain with education.
Who says democrats can't be sportsman? Who says they can't be patriotic? Both sides want what they think is best for the country. That is patriotic. I'm an independent but look at both sides to see what our country needs. I look at what's going on now and it sure has made me take a good look at both candidates. That's what we all should do.