Tough direction on some of these things. Think of iowa 20-25 years ago…. Could get permission on “lots of places”. Lots of deer. Not a ton of archery competition/pressure. The whole state had mature bucks in pretty many any average situation. The NR draw was every year to every other year. A lot of guys deer seasons were 3-4 days (usually gun season & done for many).
Fast forward 20-25 years…. Half the deer. Way more competition. Masses of people fleeing their broken states to come here … 5-6 year wait & growing for archery tag. Guys hunting 15-30 days a year & hunting far more seasons with far more lethal equipment & technology. Im not anti-technology at all…. At same time, a deer 25 years ago is the same as a deer today - they haven’t changed but our tools to kill them & outsmart them have. Right wrong or Indifferent.
25 years ago, “every Joe Schmo” could have access to quality hunting & mature bucks. Now, the good land is sold, tied up or the average guy is left hunting the scraps - which further degrades those tracts. One could argue that 25 years ago u could get on “lots of mature bucks” with a few permission farms. Now, the equivalent, if it’s your desire, owning a lot of acres or leasing or getting access to 15-20 farms like above says. & I do know dudes with no $ that spend the time & work to cast that wide net so they can get on a mature buck.
One thing u won’t change: desire & willingness to “do what it takes” for quality hunting & experiences. $ or not- it’s achievable but getting harder. We did it in young broke years by DRIVING. Going to where no people were. Didn’t cost much- just lot of time & work. Now, it’s even harder & fewer places. People flee whole states because they have been ruined.
The ONLY solution is the lift the whole system up. Much like iowa was 25 years ago. Make it so the average parcel has more quality deer & experiences. Without fixing the whole system & lifting the resource up- any debate or discussion is futile at improving anything except for the top tier wealthy or capable or willing….
Until some other states in Midwest change- iowa will still be a major target as it’s still so much better than its neighbors. MN, WI, MI, MO, NE, IL & a few others need to make a few changes. If they did- it would lift all the Midwest up…. It would make for a fire sale of NR iowa land as they would Say “oh, xyz state is better than iowa & has 2-5 times more habitat & deer” or “my home state is actually great, I don’t need to flee it”.
We cannot sustain having the few best farms being where the quality is. Guys that have to fight the regs to insulate so they can create a quality experience. Must come from REGULATION CHANGES, period, end of story. For IOWA: the first & “easiest” thing to fix is increasing our deer population. That’s #1. That tied Will lift all boats & needs to happen across state in regions that are hurting. Then we get to XYZ next issue.
other states, NOT iowa but with more premium habitat, deer, mix or ag/timber…. A couple have to wake up to moving gun out of the rut. Maybe putting crossguns in their own season. 1 buck. Remove bait. Put a limit on how many NR’s hunt their states (especially if those states have problems for residents getting access). A combo of some of these. Iowa & maybe a couple other states can’t be the only last “great places” that are currently hurting deeply. We can’t ruin the last great places. We need to fix the last great places & support our neighbors to fix their broken systems so they can be a high quality state as well…. The recipe is there, this is not complex. Iowa doesn’t have this patented. We’ll fix Iowa’s issues & there’s some folks in every state that need to keep pushing to bring common sense to their regulations. There’s no other option …. Easy to see the outcome of either path the people choose