That does appear to be flash bleed, particularly because I've noticed it in a few other of your night shots in about the same spots. It's showing up more now too since you're using the photo enhancing software. You may have applied some foam to cover up the lenses but if you can get that off, you can likely eliminate the issue by running a bead of black caulking on the narrow bridge of case between the flash hole and the shutter hole. Those lenses are real close to one another and the flash can bleed across them particularly if there's any Goop that "connects" the two lenses. Goop being clear really transmits the light from the flash so if you can remove any adhesive between the two lenses before you apply the caulking, you'd be even better off yet. Bottom line...sometimes flash gaskets and/or foam aren't enough to eliminate every bit of flash bleed but this can be fixed. Personally speaking, if it were me, and even if I could NOT get the foam off without tearing it, I'd go ahead and tear it in that small area and do the work required to get rid of the flash bleed. It won't look quite as pretty as before but I'd rather have the pic quality. Good luck.