Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Something new...


I noticed the flash goes off ALL the time so I need to investigate that...must be a setting wrong?

I'm sure the batteries would last even longer if I can get it flashing only at night...

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Glad you liked the enhancing software DT! It makes a huge difference, especially for the night shots. Remember that the flash settings are made on the camera itself and has nothing to do with the board. To change this, turn on the cam and look for a symbol in the LCD that looks like a lightning bolt. That is the flash setting. Use the upper arrow button (of the 4 on the back of the cam) and push it until the lightening bolt goes away altogether. That will give you auto flash. Also, if you're not already doing so, deactivate the LCD backlight when you set it up in the woods. That will make for significant battery savings. Sorry to be long winded if you are already doing this, but if not, with the cam powered on, use the round botton on the back of the cam that is located by the upper right hand corner of the LCD screen. Push that button until the screen goes black. It'll still take pics like normal but saves a lot of juice in the process. When you go to check your pics later, you'll just have to remember to push that button again to bring the LCD back to life.
Thanks for the flash tip. I just noticed one of my P41's flashing during the day. Too darn cold to care at the time, but now I can venture out tomorrow after work to change the flash options.
Thanks again
Have heard a few horror stories of deer getting hung up and die in antler traps. Have seen some manufactured with break away bungies.
stories of deer getting hung up and die in antler traps

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I put pretty soft spongy cords on this one...NP so far but it is something to be concerned about in any antler trap setup.

I got tired of the BIRDS....


so I set my homebrew to night only


Still no "one horned" bucks or any evidence of any that have dropped although surely some have.


Notice the white in the upper right corner?

Is that "flash bleed" ...thought I had all the branches etc. out of the way...just curious what I'm seeing there?
I'd bet that is flash bleed Paul.

This is unrelated, but I notice that your time/date stamp is hard to read sometimes, just like my p41. I downloaded Gena Photostamper and it is MUCH easier to read. You can put the stamp in any corner, make the font any size or color, the background color is optional, different date styles, and it also adds seconds to the time stamp. It is also removeable if you want to print the pic out, tons of options. You can buy it but so far the free trial is working fine. Here is an example off my s600...


This example doesnt look so great because the IW logo gets posted over the top of it, but you get the idea.

After I look at that pile of fawns again, I think I'd title it "Orphan Party".
That does appear to be flash bleed, particularly because I've noticed it in a few other of your night shots in about the same spots. It's showing up more now too since you're using the photo enhancing software. You may have applied some foam to cover up the lenses but if you can get that off, you can likely eliminate the issue by running a bead of black caulking on the narrow bridge of case between the flash hole and the shutter hole. Those lenses are real close to one another and the flash can bleed across them particularly if there's any Goop that "connects" the two lenses. Goop being clear really transmits the light from the flash so if you can remove any adhesive between the two lenses before you apply the caulking, you'd be even better off yet. Bottom line...sometimes flash gaskets and/or foam aren't enough to eliminate every bit of flash bleed but this can be fixed. Personally speaking, if it were me, and even if I could NOT get the foam off without tearing it, I'd go ahead and tear it in that small area and do the work required to get rid of the flash bleed. It won't look quite as pretty as before but I'd rather have the pic quality. Good luck.
You may have applied some foam to cover up the lenses but if you can get that off, you can likely eliminate the issue by running a bead of black caulking on the narrow bridge of case between the flash hole and the shutter hole.

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No Goop...I used the PT tape and then put the case foam back in, after cutting the holes in it.

Guess I need something more...I ordered the black "rubber washers" for flash bleed but didn't use them...maybe I ought to

You right on the enhancer...makes it show up even more

No Goop...I used the PT tape and then put the case foam back in, after cutting the holes in it.

Guess I need something more...I ordered the black "rubber washers" for flash bleed but didn't use them...maybe I ought to

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Yeah, give the washers a chance and if you still have the problem, consider the caulking trick. That seems to be as close to a guarantee as possible to get rid of it.
Another easy thing you might try is blackening the edge of both glass circles using a sharpe marker. I go around each circle twice and then put a thin slice of 2mm neoprene sticky foam in between them also just to make sure. Even using clear cases, I havent had any flash bleed yet.
Yep; white in the upper right hand corner will almost always be flash bleed. Make sure the lense and flash glass don't touch each other. Also use a black marker on the edges of glass that almost touch. Finally a flash gasket should do the trick.
Yep; white in the upper right hand corner will almost always be flash bleed. Make sure the lense and flash glass don't touch each other. Also use a black marker on the edges of glass that almost touch. Finally a flash gasket should do the trick.

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Thanks for the advice guys

I still have "several" to assemble

I'll try to get it right the first time on the rest
let us know how it pans out.

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Hope I have some "before and after pics" preferably the "after" will be better then the "before"

Hope I have some "before and after pics" preferably the "after" will be better then the "before"

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Just stay away from these when making the repairs and you'll be fine.

let us know how it pans out.

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Hope I have some "before and after pics" preferably the "after" will be better then the "before"

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I finally got around to bringing my homebrew in and scoping out the flash bleed problem



Opened up the case and I noticed I had ripped the foam between the flash enhancer and the lens glass...which are touching BTW.


I peeled back the foam and inserted a flash bleed gasket:




This dude was always coming in around 4:00 a.m....to avoid the crowds I suspect


Now...same time same place...new look


I think it's time to go "stompin"...
These are last nights pics...kind of interesting comparing the doe groups and what I believe are shed bucks.

The does almost always come in as a group:


and the almost always have thier ears "perked up"...


While the bucks come in alone and almost always seem to have thier ears "splayed" back...as though horns were still there.


Not sure on this one but awful dark hair between his ears and again...ears laid back:


Same thing here...looks like a notch in his ear??




Interesting to watch them that's for sure

A few weeks ago antlered bucks were coming in nightly...now not a single antlered deer have I seen.

I'm thinking that last severe cold snap and snow may have caused some shedding...but that's just my very "uneducated" guess
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