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I planted Sunburst last spring and am struggling with weed control in the first year. Would you suggest that I burn it all this upcoming spring? Will that help or hurt its growth in the second year? Other suggestion for next spring?
I planted Sunburst last spring and am struggling with weed control in the first year. Would you suggest that I burn it all this upcoming spring? Will that help or hurt its growth in the second year? Other suggestion for next spring?

Weeds are rarely a problem the second year but burning is not recommended until at least the 2nd or 3rd year because roots are not deep enough yet and crowns can be destroyed with fire,

If for any reason you have any foxtail problems...spray in early to mid June with Paramount/Drive 75 if any broadleaves invade, spray with 2-4D after switch has 3-4 leaves....:way:
What's the scoop with "SUNBURST"? 1st I've heard of it???
I've always planted CIR & I'm sure sunburst is fine but curious of the ups and downs of it since I hadn't heard anything about it.

Also- I think it was OSENBAUGH'S that were talking about a new type of switchgrass available that is much taller than CIR & maybe had some more advantages??? Anyone hear anything on that or know if there's any truth or details to that?
I believe Sunburst is more common in northern areas while CIR is adapted to the hot humid midwest summers. There are many switchgrass cultivars that gave been developed for the ethanol industry so no doubt new ones will eventually show up, but how they stand up under heavy winter snow and ice remains to be seen since they normally get harvested in the fall...;)
Thanks for the reply regarding burning. I will wait until 2013 before doing that.

As for Sunburst - I did some research online and that seemed to be preferred for wisconsin because of the cold winters. The seed was very difficult to find, but I found a guy outside Minneapolis that has a supply. He shipped it in and I planted a couple acres. I am going to frost seed another 4 acres this upcoming spring, so I hope Sunburst is the right seed for Wisconsin!!
I toyed around with the idea of what to plant in my "back 40". It is the furthest field away on the farm therefore the hardest to get to without spooking deer. There are trees to the west trees to the north and a fenceline then crop field to the south the east is what I would be coming through to get to the stand and that is mostly crp. I want to plant something that would give me a screen to walk in but also give the deer a screen to feel comfortable enough to come out early and feed.

I decided to work the edges up out about 20 yards on the east south and west sides of the field. I will plant a 10 foot clover strip closest to the trees and then CIR switch the other 50 foot. That will give me a nice green firebreak and a spot to maybe kill a few deer along the edges. Inside the screen will be my beans and cereal grain mix. I just thought I would share the idea and see if there were any suggestions to make it better. I worked the ground up now so that I had dirt to frost seed into come february.
In that situation the CIR should work well but along roads and open areas a shrub/conifer screen works better. Keep us posted on how this works out! :way:
I have a couple more spots I need to fill in yet with switch grass I have always drilled or broadcasted in Feb. or March is there any reason a guy couldn't drill it in November or is there fear it would germinate or something would happen to the seed?
I have a couple more spots I need to fill in yet with switch grass I have always drilled or broadcasted in Feb. or March is there any reason a guy couldn't drill it in November or is there fear it would germinate or something would happen to the seed?

Just wait til roughly Thanksgiving or later Travis...that's the time frame considered safe to dormant seed NWSG and from then on to late march.
Thanks Paul I always risk for it being to wet for the tractor and drill in March. Gotta love mobile IW sitting in stand right now.

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You guys really know how to hurt a guy. I broadcast switchgrass on my area in Jan/Feb? Had a little snow on it, very little rain, lots of hot wind and high temps. Long story short, it never came up, i'm sure it was never moist enough at the right time to sprout it. Area was sprayed with banvil and 24d sometime this summer, maybe June? Here is the question. If adequate moisture is available at the right time next year, what are the chances that those switchgrass seeds will grow?
We seeded areas in April of 2010. Nothing grew that year that we knew of besides a massive amount of foxtail and weeds. This spring, out of no-where, switchgrass was popping up! So there's a very very good chance it grew and you didn't notice it... how was your weed control in that area?
LoessHillArcher, I don't know how to put it, other than after the spraying of banvil and 24d, there was no moisture anywhere to be found so there was no need for further weed control. Nothing grew, we are in an exceptional drought area in extreme southwest kansas. I don't think it germinated. I wonder if it still has a chance to germinate in the spring of 2012?
If it wasn't cost prohibitive I would replant. Seed is probably still there but who knows for sure. It would drive me nuts to go two years and still not have switch.
Hmm, I'm with Scott. Perhaps reseeding might be a safe idea. I don't have any experience with the drought conditions like you mention. One thing is for sure, seeding native grasses takes tons of patience and our first fields we'd have sworn were failures but they came through a couple years down the road. I can't say we had the drought like you did though.
LoessHillArcher, I don't know how to put it, other than after the spraying of banvil and 24d, there was no moisture anywhere to be found so there was no need for further weed control. Nothing grew, we are in an exceptional drought area in extreme southwest kansas. I don't think it germinated. I wonder if it still has a chance to germinate in the spring of 2012?

2-4D should not be applied until NWSG seedlings have 3-4 leaves so it's also possible you may have affected germination of the seed by applying herbicides too early. Hard to say but if nothing grew at all i might be inclined to add more seed although just for fun I would leave a marked area as is and see if anything comes up next year?

Sounds like a very difficult year in your area...;)
Need Help

Ok last year I broadcasted my CIR in April , nothing came up I just sprayed the field with Round Up 24d to get a fall kill, OK I am planning on broadcasting more CIR this November, My issue is I have some johnsongrass in the field, My thoughts are to Fire burn all the trash off in April and Spray the field again the first of May with GLY to Kill the Johnson grass before the switch germinates I also hear I could spray with fusilade II that will kill the johnsongrass and not the CIR, what would you guys do, I had a pile of Johnson Grass 17 acre field the whole filed edge was fo foot wide and 8ft tall with the stuff. How can I control the johnson grass if it comes up n my stand
Ok last year I broadcasted my CIR in April , nothing came up I just sprayed the field with Round Up 24d to get a fall kill, OK I am planning on broadcasting more CIR this November, My issue is I have some johnsongrass in the field, My thoughts are to Fire burn all the trash off in April and Spray the field again the first of May with GLY to Kill the Johnson grass before the switch germinates I also hear I could spray with fusilade II that will kill the johnsongrass and not the CIR, what would you guys do, I had a pile of Johnson Grass 17 acre field the whole filed edge was fo foot wide and 8ft tall with the stuff. How can I control the johnson grass if it comes up n my stand

April is too late to "frost seed"...best time frame is late January thru mid March but late November thru December will also work. Personally I would not bother seeding until I had the JG 100% killed off because it will be very difficult to kill while trying to establish switch at the same time.

Fulisade I think will kill all grasses including switch but I haven't tried that combination yet? Outrider can be used on JG but I would use glyphosate and Oust XP until the place was a desert and then frost seed switch the following winter. Another option is to plant RR soybeans the first year and keep spraying gly all summer long. JG is nasty stuff so concentrate on killing it first...;)
Pheasants Switch/Cedars/Spruce/Plum

In Minnesota the pheasant population is down 60%. Not on my farm. We have a great combination of switchgrass and tree rows along with restored wetlands and food plots.

The Switch and corn rows...along with rows of Cedar, Spruce, Plum, Chokecherry and other shrubs that border cattail sloughs and creeks, will help keep birds alive during the winter.

Photo of my youngest son on his first pheasant hunt, along with our new puppy on her fist hunt. It was priceless to see them both hunt together!!


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In Minnesota the pheasant population is down 60%. Not on my farm. We have a great combination of switchgrass and tree rows along with restored wetlands and food plots.

The Switch and corn rows...along with rows of Cedar, Spruce, Plum, Chokecherry and other shrubs that border cattail sloughs and creeks, will help keep birds alive during the winter.

Photo of my youngest son on his first pheasant hunt, along with our new puppy on her fist hunt. It was priceless to see them both hunt together!!

I am gonna post some switch pics that still to this day blow me away how thick and tall it is.
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