Is it too late to spray a roundup/atrazine mix on a field of CIR I fost seeded this past January? I killed the sod with gly and oust last fall. There are a few spots I missed that definitely need the roundup now.
I burned off my first year CIR in March cause I was over run with Foxtail last year I did get it mowed twice. I also put down more atrazine at the rate of (4qts) per acre.
When I arrived at the farm this week end I was happy to see that there is a good rate of switch that establish last yearA few spots it didn't germinate.
Bad thing was with little to no rainfall in the last 3 weeks I don't think the atrazine worked in to the soillots of completion not sure if it's foxtail or fescue.
I hit it with Platuea at 6oz an acre I hope that cleans it up and kills the unwanted grasses. Should I have used more ? Label say's 12oz for fescue. I was kind of scarred to spray it, didn't want to hurt the switch that has emerged from last years planting.
Overall very happy with last year considering the foxtail mess.
I checked this years planting I prepped with oust last fall clean as a whistle.. Need some heat and it should get going..
Awesome series of pictures! Thanks for sharing! We've done what you're doing many times, it can work but definitely takes more effort to fight spring killing any cool season grass. Looks like you smoked it pretty good... for now. haha
Wow, I'd say in your case you had some amazing growth in year one. That switch got established real quick. Once switch becomes as established as yours was... regardless if it takes 1 or 3 years, burning isn't going to hurt it! Great stuff! That's some awesome cover. Crazy you were able to till in the winter! Thanks for sharing![]()
Wow, I'd say in your case you had some amazing growth in year one. That switch got established real quick. Once switch becomes as established as yours was... regardless if it takes 1 or 3 years, burning isn't going to hurt it! Great stuff! That's some awesome cover. Crazy you were able to till in the winter! Thanks for sharing![]()