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No issue at all 12” tall. Go get it done!!! Quinclorac with methylated seed oil has had good results. Depends on when sprayed. Being a little later & more mature foxtail.... please fire back on how well it does. Pics if possible!!! Read label on methylated seed oil & quinclrac. Last time I sprayed it- I did about 1 lbs to acre of quinclorac & labeled rate of meth seed oil.

**for the rest of u guys... if u are planting switch with atrazine in crop ground with known foxtail & crabgrass- I personally would spray in early summer before switch germinates..... quinclorac, methylated seed oil, atrazine, heavy Gly & any addition of like 2,4-d or possibly some light metolachlor.
****If I had my choice & control... I’d spray spray spray spray and spray!!!! (Post emergents to kill any weeds that come up before switch germinates). & add lil more pre emergents too if able. It’s crazy how many lil weeds can bust through & cause problems. If a guy can spray 2-3 times- sure is nice. Makes the battle much easier. One and done almost always will have some stuff bust through & how many times I looked at a “weedy” newly planted switch field with 30-45 days before germination with lil weeds coming in- so many times i said “dang it, I need to spray this new weeds!!!!” Sometimes the foxtail & crabgass starts as lil baby carpet and that’s when a guy needs to go in and spray again!!!!

I took a quick pic before I started spraying yesterday. I'l definitely post up some pics if I can figure out how to do it. I just looked at my "Farm Logs" app. From the time I frost seeded in March, we had a total of .45" of rain for the next 35 days. I sprayed with gly on May 10th, but I just think that it was so stinkin dry that nothing was up yet. I actually planted a couple small areas into switch on June 15th that came up like gangbusters! I'll try to get a pic of those areas also.

If the Quinclorac works, should I still mow or let it go?
Get tapatalk app. Type in Iowawhitetail. Pics super easy!!!! Attach from phone as medium size. So Simple even I could do it!! ;)
If it’s dead- leave it. If some or any is alive - I’d mow only if it crowds canopy.
The quinclorac appears to have worked really well. After 2 or 3 days the foxtail was turning brown and beginning to droop. These pics are of the day that I sprayed and 6 days later. It seemed like after the first few days, the switch just shot out the top of the wilting foxtail. It's not a great stand of switch, but looks a lot better than it did 1 week ago. I feel like if I had hit the foxtail around early to mid July, I would have had a better stand of switch. In case anyone is interested, we applied about 1 gallon of Drive 75 pere acre with crop oil added. Edit. Pics are pretty bad i guess. The brown areas are the foxtail.


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Wow! That’s actually really good!!! Next year you will have some really nice switch. Well done & u should be very impressed later on. That quinclorac DID accomplish goals there on one pic I saw. Well done- that’s a SUCCESS!
Wow! That’s actually really good!!! Next year you will have some really nice switch. Well done & u should be very impressed later on. That quinclorac DID accomplish goals there on one pic I saw. Well done- that’s a SUCCESS!
If I didn't know better, I'd swear that the switch feeds on quinclorac. It's really exploding.
The quinclorac appears to have worked really well. After 2 or 3 days the foxtail was turning brown and beginning to droop. These pics are of the day that I sprayed and 6 days later. It seemed like after the first few days, the switch just shot out the top of the wilting foxtail. It's not a great stand of switch, but looks a lot better than it did 1 week ago. I feel like if I had hit the foxtail around early to mid July, I would have had a better stand of switch. In case anyone is interested, we applied about 1 gallon of Drive 75 pere acre with crop oil added. Edit. Pics are pretty bad i guess. The brown areas are the foxtail.

1 Gallon or Quart ? Might try this..
1 Gallon or Quart ? Might try this..

Wow, sorry for the slow response. I hate being "that guy" who gets an answer to a question, then is never heard from again. I know it's too late now, but 1 gallon of Drive 75 per acre. (Quinclorac)
Most of quinclorac I’ve bought comes in granular. I can’t recall size I’ve got. I think I used one of those containers per acre. Maybe a lbs? Read label on whatever formulation u buy.

I put in about 6 acres of CIR and Kanlow last November. Followed some advice on here back around May. May have helped some but about half of my planting was taken over by Foxtail. I let all of the Foxtail go to seed out of fear of damaging the switch seedlings, not knowing what was switch or weeds, and just not knowing what I was looking for.

The switch that grew, grew really well. The Kanlow made it to 6’ the first year and I had about 4’ out of the CIR. I am not real sure where to go from here. I’d like to reseed the foxtail infested areas in the next month or so. Not sure if I should mow everything down after seeding. Any thoughts? I used Atrazine at the legal limit last year (sprayed by the elevator). I am not going that route again. That amount of Atrizine just didn’t seem to help.

If I spray in the spring it will be Simizine and maybe something else. Any advice on what I should do if I want to over seed again but will have established switch popping up in early Spring? If I can get switch to take over the foxtail it will be exactly how I wanted it. There a few other weeds in the switch but I suspect the Switch will take over next year. On a note the foxtail that died is all matted up and will probably need to be mowed so new switch can grow up.
You'll be fine. Give it a chance and it will surprise you. Sounds like you have a great stand coming. I wouldn't worry about the foxtail areas yet.
I'd mow it down this winter/early spring, before birds start nesting. That way you'll have a clean area to spray later on. Then this year when the foxtail starts to come on hit it with quinclorac. That's my plan this year for our stuff and we did the exact same thing you did. I was always under the impression Atrazine was the 'cure' all for weed control but it doesn't do much for foxtail if I remmeber correctly what Skip said a few post back. Quinclorac is the ticket for foxtail control in switch it sounds like, I'm excited to give it a try.
Foxtail most likely not an issue in year 2. But if it is.... It will come up before switch so if you see it coming you can spray with roundup. Lil cheaper option but timing is key to spray while switch still dormant.

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In the first year of switch I had the biggest stand of foxtail you could imagine. Very little switch. I kept it mowed throughout the summer at about 6-8”. I was worried about the following year. Paul told me not to worry about it, it won’t be a problem. He was exactly right. It’s now so thick with switch, it might be too thick for deer but the pheasants love it. Good luck
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