Have you ever run cattle through cedars? Seems like after cattle bust through and make lanes, the deer like them more(after the cattle are gone). The cedars you have don't look like a rabbit could get through.
Now you have to have a bonfire party, how else to get rid of those tops?
I have not done the cattle but that does make sense. The fire is gonna be INSANE!!!!!! As of now- I’ll have so many that I will need to burn some. No rush & not a big deal.
I’m running 1/2 to 1 acre an hour. That really isn’t too bad. The first part I really hacked an acre super hard. The rest - I’ll probably leave trees about 20-30’ between them.
For larger cedars, I’ve tried mulchers, chainsaws, dozers, tree pullers & now tree shear with grapple. IMO- tree shear with grapple is the ideal tool. Everything has its +/-
Tree shear w/grapple..
-fast cut on any cedar about 14” or smaller as long as not too top heavy. instantly opens the area up
-not hard on machine like mulcher & with so much top material - way faster. No residue on ground to choke out new growth.
-control tree with grapple to put in pile out of the way & burn later.
-no top soil loss like dozers can do.
-impressively fast. To me, 1/2 to 1 acre an hour on over run cedars is pretty darn fast.
-trees 4-8”….. u can usually figure out a way to grab several at a time by pressing tree u cut into next tree & bundling them.
- giant trees (u will understand the size for a low small machine like skid steer) are a no go.
-does leave a stump. Would be a “no-go” if u wanted to farm this area. Need an excavator, dozer, stump remover, etc if stumps will be an issue & don’t use shear in that case.
- a bit of extra time to move the tree to a pile. Will probably have several piles. Which likely mean u will burn them later or have fantastic rabbit hunting.
-really small cedars…. Probably need to mow or snip them somehow. Shears would take too long.
COST: chainsaw the cheapest of course. Then tree puller. Then shears. Mulcher next. finally dozer & excavator.
*side note for shears with grapple…. This one came with a built in sprayer. U press button & herbicide like garlon would go on the stump. Not needed for cedars but the sprayer would be a dream for black or honey locust, multiflora rose, bush honey suckle, ironwood, etc.