Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Trail Cam contest April - June 2018

Plenty of ducks around here this year. I haven't been happy with a lot of pics from this set so I did a little something to try to make it better. Well see how it works out in a few days.

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Holy woodduck flocks...when are we going duck hunting? Nice pics, love seeing them. The coyote crossing the beaver dam is a good one.
Sometimes it is as simple as cutting 3 foot out of a log. Some days the deer won't cross through. Jumping the log 3 feet away. I will delete down to three pics before this is over
otter hill.jpg


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Funny story.... I was out checking fruit trees over the weekend. One of the plantings is by an elevated tower blind. The window was left open for some reason.... anyway.... I get close to the blind and I hear a ruckus. Next thing I know a big very light colored owl comes out of it.... then another. Scared the s*** out of me. So I go up there and they had apparently moved in. Dead critters and lots of doo doo. I shut the window and said damn as I thought about cleaning up the mess.... then I thought of this thread. So, I went and mounted a trail camera in there and opened the window back up. I wonder if they will come back? I looked up "owls in Iowa" and they didn't look like any of the pictures. (I am sure they are). Hopefully I get some cool pics.

Oh, and my "beaver dam cam" got wiped out by 3" of rain..... along with the damn itself. I should have known. New meaning to "Money down the drain" !!!!
Those are awesome pics, do they have a nest in there? Those are normal ol barn owls I believe
Barn owls are pretty rare around here. I’ve only seen one ever. Great pics

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dagnabit....now I feel bad. Maybe ill put up a barn owl nesting box next to the blind. They are obviously doing some good cleaning up the mice and voles.
Love the owl cam, really neat pics. They would make a cool video, if you decide to do that please share!
You can’t kick them out now with a egg in there. The blind is there’s until deer season plus a colored pic would be awesome:cool:
I left the door open so they not locked out. Ill build a box tomorrow per the DNR website dimensions and attach it to the blind. Hopefully they go in there.
They'l be outta there in a couple months, let em do their thing. That's just really really cool. I had a pair of saw wheet owls nest in my wood duck box for several years back in the day.
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  • Deleted by IowaBowHunter1983
  • Deleted by IowaBowHunter1983
  • Deleted by IowaBowHunter1983
  • Deleted by IowaBowHunter1983
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